Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Why post a video of a cocaine raged individual who prides himself on getting paid to be a traitor by 3 different entities?

You think this will excuse the genocide or the occupation and oppression for the last 75 years?

How do countries deal with traitors ?
He definitely looks to be on hard drugs. Buts it's funny how pro-Israel trolls want to make him out to be a important figure. He's irrelevant to Palestinians.
Only 1 terrorist regime is continuously stealing more and more land while oppressing and killing a people with impunity for the last 75 years. A people who resist this will never be the aggressor and Israel will never be the victim as a colonial settler state.

He has debunked this claim easily. Watch the video.
He has debunked this claim easily. Watch the video.
So there is no occupation of Palestine? Whose land was it built on? How many Palestinian villages were destroyed and people evicted from their homes who are not even allowed to return back ?

So illegal settlements in west bank are not being built either?

Please disprove it
He was an Israeli informant along with 2 other entities. Informants get paid lol.

Just your assumption due to denial. He already said that He was sick with hatred and false teaching/indoctrination in Hamas.
Just your assumption due to denial. He already said that He was sick with hatred and false teaching/indoctrination in Hamas.
You want us to believe a traitor and not the Palestinians themselves? lol

Even his own family disowned that cocaine enraged scum.

What does the U.S. do with traitors? Does it give them flowers? You still haven’t answered it.

There is a difference between a whistleblower and a traitor. Even whistleblowers in the U.S. are sent to prison and prosecuted.

Indoctrination by Hamas?

Hamas existed since the 1980s due to Israeli occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people. This did not magically exist when Hamas came to being.
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People cowering how Israel was "losing" in the north, will see Israels ability to push out all lebanese people upto the river and this time they will occuppy south lebanon aswell once they have "encouraged" people to move out of those lands. Beirut will be wiped out totally aswell ...

PS - dont be suprised if they decide to invade Lebanon directly head on - but go through the Golan Heights and then Syrian terrority in an Arc to trap the lebanenese resistence in a vice .... I suspect they may do that, as the resistence has to much extent prepared for a frontal assault, but not a pincer move via Syria ...

Thoughtful post. And I also think it is never good to underestimate your opponents. But in this case you have a too good opinion of Israel capabilities and resilience. For one: If you and I can talk about a 'Pincer Movement' through the Golan Heights, then surely the militias present on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights and Hezbollah would be aware of such scenario.

We shall see what happens. But what is apparent to me is that Americans don't want an expanded war despite Israel's strong wishes from day one. Will Israel finally succeed in getting the Americans to join by expanding the conflict into Lebanon? Possibility but the consequences for Israel as well as for the thousands of American troops stationed in the Middle East would be truly horrible and that, in an election year, is a big big risk for Biden. He will still have to answer for the 13 Marines killed at the Kabul Airport during the US pullout in August 2021.

But, yes, the mobilization you are talking about is a credit to Israel. They are willing to bet it all to get back to the 'deterrence' before October 7, 2023. They can't ignore the northern front anymore with the horrific images of the fires in last 2-3 days and seem willing to take the big risk--and they are going to FAIL in their objectives and you will see that!
You want us to believe a traitor and not the Palestinians themselves? lol

Even his own family disowned that cocaine enraged scum.

What does the U.S. do with traitors? Does it give them flowers? You still haven’t answered it.

There is a difference between a whistleblower and a traitor. Even whistleblowers in the U.S. are sent to prison and prosecuted.

Indoctrination by Hamas?

Hamas existed since the 1980s due to Israeli occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people. This did not magically exist when Hamas came to being.

No we dont want you to believe it.

But many people doesnt believe anymore with Hamas claim.
No we dont want you to believe it.

But many people doesnt believe anymore with Hamas claim.
Complete opposite, even with Zionist control of media and buying of politicians , people are now waking up to the crimes of the terrorist occupation entity called Israel. This is why you try to censor and ban social media sites like tik tok.
They are increasing number of reserves by 50,000. They haven't started a mobilization of 350,000 reserves. Or any for that matter as far as I'm aware.
I saw later reports which clarified it as you explained, i think this the max cap of troops that could be mobilized which is increased, so it is not clear yet for which purposes.
Complete opposite, even with Zionist control of media and buying of politicians , people are now waking up to the crimes of the terrorist occupation entity called Israel. This is why you try to censor and ban social media sites like tik tok.

Oh, it is not even debatable that Israel PR has miserably failed across the globe and that Israel's 'image' is tarnished for many years to come, if not forever. Even Israelis know that but they don't care much because they can count on the material support from their vassals in Washington, which is more important than a tarnished image, at least in short term.
Oh, it is not even debatable that Israel PR has miserably failed across the globe and that Israel's 'image' is tarnished for many years to come, if not forever. Even Israelis know that but they don't care much because they can count on the material support from their vassals in Washington, which is more important than a tarnished image, at least in short term.

Israel has taken a almighty battering on all fronts

They are relying on the U.S goyims and all the Christian simps worldwide to cover them

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