Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Hebrew newspaper "Maariv": assessment of conflict with Hezbollah

After eight months of war, the picture on the northern border is the launching of missiles every hour, one hundred thousand Israeli refugees, the destruction of neighborhoods, streets and settlements along the border, the collapse of the economy in the north and the establishment of a combat zone inside the territory of "Israel". This is the opposite of the Israeli security concept.
Good stuff. God bless them, man. Hamas, Qassam Brigades, PIJ the population joining how can you defeat such resilience.

And how about lasting 8 months? Something really that hasn't been discussed. We were all saying exactly what that chick was saying, will Hamas be prepared? How long will they last and all that and let's be honest, they've surpassed all expectations and way beyond. @j_hungary , you should watch this video for the perspective you seem to be missing, bro. This is what resistance is all about.

And speaking of the cowardly demon military and their despicable behavior; I tell you what, the minute I EVER hear ANYONE compliment those demonic buffoons with all their hocus pocus high tech BS and phantom prowess that never existed, I will jump UGLY on that. We've seen NOTHING but a demoralized bunch of diaper-wearing, goon Wanna-Be demons that are the most pathetically inexperienced and undisciplined cowards crying behind their failing technology. You should hear real soldiers like some of my buddies here that have served with the US Army & Marine Corps laugh at these clowns and point out some of the most ridiculous things they're doing. Especially the disciplinary aspects.

And speaking of real soldiers, we always say "imagine if Hamas had all the weapons and gear and sophisticated" weapons hell I bet you if you gave those Tracksuit Mujahideen all the gear those demons have and tried training them on conventional military tactics, they'll probably diss that stuff and only use what they could the way they fight.
To be completely honest with you, I don't think I will ever get it.

I don't live on the region, I don't have any cultural affinity to either side, I wouldn't feel the same way you felt, so for me to comment on this is probably borderline irresponsible.

On the other hand, I am a realist, I tried to see thing as black and white as possible, most of the time (it actually never) things are going to clear cut. Which mean there are always going to be some deviation between what I think and what eventually happened.

I already have made my opinion of this war. What I really think about the Israeli goal here, and I wouldn't pursuit this war like they do, I really hope this war wouldn't turn into this, but the best I can do here is to send them the best wishes. That's probably all I can do at this point.
To be honest I am shocked absolutely shocked !

Hezbollah just used a Top attack Almas ATGM to hit the launcher of the Iron Dome

We can see the iron dome is protected by high concrete walls on three sides and yet Hezbollah still managed to hit it

This is really unbelievable and it just shows the if Israel goes to war in Lebanon Hezbollah can take down the iron dome system and turn Tel Aviv into a parking lot.

What’s even more impressive is all of this is recorded by the missile warhead
To be honest I am shocked absolutely shocked !

Hezbollah just used a Top attack Almas ATGM to hit the launcher of the Iron Dome

We can see the iron dome is protected by high concrete walls on three sides and yet Hezbollah still managed to hit it

This is really unbelievable and it just shows the if Israel goes to war in Lebanon Hezbollah can take down the iron dome system and turn Tel Aviv into a parking lot.

What’s even more impressive is all of this is recorded by the missile warhead
this is the Iranian Almas ATGM with 8-10km range

this Iron Dome launcher was c. 3km from the Lebanese border

any launcher within 8km of the Lebanese border is toast, but those in central Israel are much harder to reach. helpfully, it seems that most of Israel's 10-12 Iron Dome batteries are in the south near Gaza (thus cannot help intercept rockets from Lebanon headed to Tel Aviv/Haifa/Akka) or in the north near Lebanese borders, meaning they are more likely to be within 8-10km range.
Another 10,000,000 more of these my lovely people, PLEASE PLEASE.......:love::love::love::love:
Morocco Tangier
Every day every hour of your prayers, O Muslims, together, our brothers in beloved Palestine, victory is coming, God willing, our hearts are burning

To be honest I am shocked absolutely shocked !

Hezbollah just used a Top attack Almas ATGM to hit the launcher of the Iron Dome

We can see the iron dome is protected by high concrete walls on three sides and yet Hezbollah still managed to hit it

This is really unbelievable and it just shows the if Israel goes to war in Lebanon Hezbollah can take down the iron dome system and turn Tel Aviv into a parking lot.

What’s even more impressive is all of this is recorded by the missile warhead
Hezbollah started smartly by destroying the long range radars almost a week ago..Which made this easier..

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