Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Resistance is righteous.

Resistance does not abduct unarmed civillians as hostages, to be used as bargain chips. That is what terrorists do.
Israel is detaining children both in the West bank and Gaza as bargain chips to find their parents or family according to your logic Israel also should be called a terrorist state..
The dirty little secret is that the Arab leaders in countries such as the UAE with still over a 100 flights a week to Tel Aviv, Egypt with their Sissy Peace Treaty, the Jordanian king with his British bloodline, the Saudi MBS with his dreams of Neom and belly dancers ALL want this genocide so they can be Zionist slaves and secure their thrones.

The truth is ... Palestinian Genocide is being facilitated by the so-called Muslims. But God will destroy them for their evil alliance and treason against the Nation of the Nabi.

Their followers in the western world are giving fatwas on having peace with Israel, recognising it, and blaming Hamas and Iran for the genocide. Hamas was anti Iran during Syrian war as they aligned with Muslim Brotherhood, only recently they mended relations with Iran. The Saudi mullahs are using Shia card, just because Iran gives moral support to Palestinians so it must mean its wrong. Muslim ummah must recognise the double standards.
Hamas should go a step farther and kill them all. Let it backfire on Netanyahu. And on Israel. Israel wants them alive to try to reduce the political fallout from the genocide they're commiting. And justify prolonging the campaign on Gaza.

While also make them a headline once every six months. There's no so called 'hostage' rescue operation that goes on for years. It's a occupy and destroy Gaza 'operation'. And they'll continue it for as long as American taxpayers foot the bill of resupplying Israel and giving them free money to boost their economy.

Hamas should thus kill all captives. Take excuse away. Backfire on Israeli government. And this forces Israel to have to make a stronger case to justify its continuation of the terrorist campaign on Gaza. Which it wants to continue for years. Without this card, they're gonna be seen as just trying to increase Palestinian death count.

I can't wait for India Pakistan showdown. Surely with Modi back something should happen soon.
Nan Pakistan has backed out to contest for IOK with India however India may try to retake Kashmir and Pak army may hand it on the plate this time as they are disoriented presently.
The U.S is complicit, so are the surrounding Arab states they always were

Send the dead hostages back to them, that's what the Israeli wants, so give it to them
This war now needs to be in context of blood for blood nothing short - we have seen enough of ummah may Allah destroy these monarchs and governments who have watched these cold blooded massacres of innocent people of Palestine..
In fact, I do not know where democracy is in Israel. Is it killing as many Arabs and Muslims as possible? Or stealing the largest amount of land and property in Jerusalem, the interior, and the West Bank? Or is it the policy of demolishing Arab homes? Or is it democratization?

As a political system, it is a "democracy', but every political system in the world has ideological backgrounds, and in the case of the entity it is a historical religious and racist background, in addition to the fact that this entity is an occupation that uses all possible force tools for control and expansion.

For example: The essence of Zionism for them is settlement in the Promised Land
It's all of what you have listed, a brutal colonial expansion by a Zion US proxy to murder, pillage , torture, genocide, rape and destroy until they are defeated. Yes they will be defeated it is a question of time now.
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