Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Try to counter my argument with logic, if you can. Nonsensesical threats have no effect on me.

Neither am I with Israel(because of their atrocities), nor am I with Palestinians (as they have brought this war up on themselves).

However I will keep pointing out the "obvious" to either side.
The Palestinians did not bring it “on themselves”. Palestinians did not ask to be colonized, their homes demolished, villages destroyed, killed with impunity, oppressed, treated as animals, restricting of movement, destruction of their economy, etc

With occupation and oppression comes resistance against this illegal colonizer entity.
That is a non sensical argument not based on facts.
Regardless I will further argument, take it to its logical conclusion.

If you claim, entire Gaza is a refugees camp and terrorists are allowed to keep hostages anywhere in Gaza.

By that logic entire Gaza is a terrorist camp too. And Israeli should be allowed to treat it as such?
All occupied people have the right to resistance, they have the right to fight their occupier

Fighting the occupier can never be declared as terrorism
Israel is a monstrous state, a state enforcing occupation and apartheid, it's war crimes eclipse anything the Palestinians can do to defend themselves

Resistance is costly, you don't give up because your occupier is cruel and evil
Some people who think Hamas are "freedom fighters" and the "resistance of the Palestinian people",should stop with their delusions. Hamas are a selfish,dictatorship-loving,radical,hardcore islamist group. They don't care about the Palestinian people. The more dead,the more "martyrs" they will have to portray for their cause. You see some losing 3-4 kids and they use that as propaganda. They want to free Palestine their own way and if they have to take the entire Gaza with them,they will do it.

Anyone who had a different opinion or didn't like Hamas,was swiftly dealt with even before the war.

Take a look at Sinwar,you'll see an evil person. Read about his life,you'll see the guy is fanatic.

Check the long list of Hamas attacks from the '80s to the late 2000s. Attacks against buses,cafes,restaurants,discos, markets,train stations. I evil and dishonorable can someone be to attack a school bus? A SCHOOL BUS?

You've got people here going like "OOOH evil Jews oooh Zionists you kill children,you bomb the children,look at those white settler occupiers how they kill Palestinian children!" and at the same time,if you tell them "back in the 80s and 2000s Hamas killed children,teenagers,babies and random people",they will go like "so what,they are settlers,they are not people,they are occupiers,they are not human,they are...." etc. etc.

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Sorry but you deserve this

Israel was included alongside ISIS on the United Nations blacklist because it committed massacres against children and women in the Gaza Strip, and Netanyahu responds. The United Nations joined Hamas.

Israel is becoming increasingly isolated in the West.

Israel is the original ISIS. A religious extremist state born out of Terrorism!!!
Some people who think Hamas are "freedom fighters" and the "resistance of the Palestinian people",should stop with their delusions. Hamas are a selfish,dictatorship-loving,radical,hardcore islamist group. They don't care about the Palestinian people. The more dead,the more "martyrs" they will have to portray for their cause. You see some losing 3-4 kids and they use that as propaganda. They want to free Palestine their own way and if they have to take the entire Gaza with them,they will do it.

Anyone who had a different opinion or didn't like Hamas,was swiftly dealt with even before the war.

Take a look at Sinwar,you'll see an evil person. Read about his life,you'll see the guy is fanatic.

Check the long list of Hamas attacks from the '80s to the late 2000s. Attacks against buses,cafes,restaurants,discos, markets,train stations. I evil and dishonorable can someone be to attack a school bus? A SCHOOL BUS?

You've got people here going like "OOOH evil Jews oooh Zionists you kill children,you bomb the children,look at those white settler occupiers how they kill Palestinian children!" and at the same time,if you tell them "back in the 80s and 2000s Hamas killed children,teenagers,babies and random people",they will go like "so what,they are settlers,they are not people,they are occupiers,they are not human,they are...." etc. etc.

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They are freedom fighters, they are resisting a occupation

A occupier cannot claim to have civilians in a land they have taken from .force from the people they subjugate

Why bring these people to the middle east where they are hated
The name of the joint IDF, Shin Bet, and police operation to rescue the four hostages from the Gaza Strip is "Seeds of Summer."

At 11:00 a.m. the order was given to the Yamam and Shin Bet officers to raid two multi-story buildings in central Gaza's Nuseirat, where Hamas was holding hostages Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv.

The buildings were about 200 meters apart, and the decision to go for both simultaneously, and not just one of the sites, was due to the possibility that Hamas may murder the hostages after identifying the rescue operation.

Argamani was held by Hamas guards alone in the home of a Palestinian family, while the other three hostages were held at a separate home. According to the IDF, Hamas pays such families to hold the hostages in their homes.

At the home where Meir Jan, Kozlov, and Ziv were held, a major gun battle erupted, during which Yamam officer Chief Inspector Arnon Zamora, the commander of the rescue team at the second building, was critically wounded by Hamas fire.

As the three hostages and Zamora were being extracted, their vehicle came under fire, leading it to get stuck. Other forces quickly reached the scene to rescue them, bringing them to a makeshift helipad in Gaza.

There was a large amount of gunfire and RPG fire on the rescue forces amid the operation, leading the ground troops and the Air Force to carry out major strikes in the area to protect themselves and the rescued hostages. The IDF acknowledges that it killed many Palestinian civilians amid the fighting, although it places the blame on Hamas for holding hostages in a civilian environment.

Hamas operatives also fired anti-aircraft missiles at Israeli helicopters over the area amid the operation, without success.
Amazing work by IDF. I hope the IDF succeeds in rescuing the remaining hostages and that we can finally bring this to a close.
All occupied people have the right to resistance, they have the right to fight their occupier

Fighting the occupier can never be declared as terrorism
Israel is a monstrous state, a state enforcing occupation and apartheid, it's war crimes eclipse anything the Palestinians can do to defend themselves

Resistance is costly, you don't give up because your occupier is cruel and evil
Resistance is righteous.

Resistance does not abduct unarmed civillians as hostages, to be used as bargain chips. That is what terrorists do.
I don't give two hoots about your religion or for that matter mine.

Don't sing a song about ICJ and UN, nothing is going to happen in ICJ.

And if you believe Isreal gonna be chastised by ICJ or UN.

You have become even thicker than, what you were 8 months back, when you were celebrating those terrorists attacks in Isreal, not knowing what fate awaited you.

Resistance is costly, often the cost is in pain and blood, doesn't mean it's not worth fighting for

You keep projecting this Hindu cowardice upon Muslims, as if Muslims should act like Hindus and accept subjugation for a thousand years and hopefully get lucky and get freedom whilst suffering through hundreds of years of humiliation and destruction of their people

The Jews won't win the demographic battle, the advantage the Palestinians have is massive
Thus disallowing peace between the Jews and the people of the middle east is vital to ensuring freedom for the people of Palestine

Israel is a small state, the conflict with the Palestinians, the harassment from the north
The use of international law and confronting and hounding it across the world is all a act of resistance and pressure upon the Zionists

If they act like monsters, then they will be monsters, but their are consequences for that

Palestinians don't have to act like gutless Hindus to get freedom and independence
Resistance is righteous.

Resistance does not abduct unarmed civillians as hostages, to be used as bargain chips. That is what terrorists do.

An occupation population cannot be civilian, they have purposely bought these people into a region that absolutely detests them, what for?

They are hated in this part of the world, they come and squat on a occupied peoples land, most go through military service, they cannot be civilians
Resistance is costly, often the cost is in pain and blood, doesn't mean it's not worth fighting for

You keep projecting this Hindu cowardice upon Muslims, as if Muslims should act like Hindus and accept subjugation for a thousand years and hopefully get lucky and get freedom whilst suffering through hundreds of years of humiliation and destruction of their people

The Jews won't win the demographic battle, the advantage the Palestinians have is massive
Thus disallowing peace between the Jews and the people of the middle east is vital to ensuring freedom for the people of Palestine

Israel is a small state, the conflict with the Palestinians, the harassment from the north
The use of international law and confronting and hounding it across the world is all a act of resistance and pressure upon the Zionists

If they act like monsters, then they will be monsters, but their are consequences for that

Palestinians don't have to act like gutless Hindus to get freedom and independence
Isreal has already killed more than 30 Palestinians for every one of theirs you killed.
And there is no end in sight yet.

How many more Palestinians need to die before you realize, this is not a war you are going to win ever!

You people are just too stupid!!
Isreal has already killed more than 30 Palestinians for every one of theirs you killed.
And there is no end in sight yet.

How many more Palestinians need to die before you realize, this is not a war you are going to win ever!

You people are just too stupid!!

Err, that is the way it works for freedom fighting movements throughout history.

Just because the occupier is a cruel beast that does not mean that occupied populations just give up and accept their fate.

Who exactly are you to tell an occupied people how they should resist?

If you say you are a fair person, then what do you say about India shipping weapons and ammunition to the entity to commit genocide?
Isreal has already killed more than 30 Palestinians for every one of theirs you killed.
And there is no end in sight yet.

How many more Palestinians need to die before you realize, this is not a war you are going to win ever!

You people are just too stupid!!

The Israeli are monstrous, and they think that if they murder enough, it will end the resistance

The resistance will only get stronger, the hatred of the Jews more intense and the resistance will spread across the world with consequences for multiple nations.

The clock is ticking the Jews will not be able to remain in a region they are hated this muçh

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