Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

You have no connection to these people whatsoever. It's that you want to gloat and are happy to see 300 Palestinain civilians killed. You can't 'rescue' people that are detained for months. If these were 'hostages', they would be dead.

Netanyahu chose to do it today so Gantz doesn't make his resignation speech. And Israeli radicals like you are happy to see Palestinian babies and children killed. Netanyahu wants to prolong the conflict. Using excuse of Israeli detainees. While he killed a 100 before by bombarding them.

This will have a adverse effect on the remaining detainees and captives. And on Israel for being a ruthless baby killer state.
Hamas was to human in efforts to treat captives of war decently and best they could on expense of safety of their own force and people.
Now they need to move all remaining ones into deepest tunnels and let them live under conditions like all other palestinians until war is going.
Enemy does not have any principles and humanity in their conducts, so at least they should remove threat from the civilians in this small extension, not like they need excuse for their depravity but Hamas should not provide any potential for their diabolic twists.
I don’t know why he’s still a member of this forum considering he’s out here whitewashing Israel’s crimes/genocide. Also ignoring the crimes of this criminal state for the past 76 years.

I would have to take a shower if I were ever in the same room as something so sleazy and filthy.
He's messed up in the heart. Not like normal people. Zionists only believe in violence and rule of iron fist. They think they can kill their way into having what they want. By targeting a defenseless besieged small territory. Moment they fight a country they're gonna start begging for outside help for simply not appearing to have a edge. Their deranged ego will try to draw US into any war to appear all powerful because a equally balanced war is embarrassing for them and they're too afraid to fight one.

Here they did nothing. US gave them intelligence. They carpet bombed civilians and a entire block. US forces were on the ground, not Israeli. And it's Hamas who intentionally kept these detainees alive. Apparently we're supposed to be impressed that Israel will commit dozens of war crimes in one instance to try appearing successful.
It's incredible they can't see how this will play out for the Jews and even the U.S
Unfortunately the Arab and Muslim world is in a coma. No telling when they will wake up. Worst part is that many Arab leaders are complicit in this. The only thing that makes me happy is their fate in judgment day when they answer for this.

God bless our martyrs, we have failed you.
No, it's not about value of life. Israeli population is clearly psychopathic and even towards their own people. What it is deep seeded hatred of a entire people, and dehumanisation of them, and wish to kill them all.

When someone says 1 Israeli life is worth 1 million Palestinians. What it should be understood as, is I want one million Palestinians murdered and exterminated, but want to make it sound less controversial. It's plain obvious.

Hamas was to human in efforts to treat captives of war decently and best they could on expense of safety of their own force and people.
Now they need to move all remaining ones into deepest tunnels and let them live under conditions like all other palestinians until war is going.
Enemy does not have any principles and humanity in their conducts, so at least they should remove threat from the civilians in this small extension, not like they need excuse for their depravity but Hamas should not provide any potential for their diabolic twists.
Hamas should go a step farther and kill them all. Let it backfire on Netanyahu. And on Israel. Israel wants them alive to try to reduce the political fallout from the genocide they're commiting. And justify prolonging the campaign on Gaza.

While also make them a headline once every six months. There's no so called 'hostage' rescue operation that goes on for years. It's a occupy and destroy Gaza 'operation'. And they'll continue it for as long as American taxpayers foot the bill of resupplying Israel and giving them free money to boost their economy.

Hamas should thus kill all captives. Take excuse away. Backfire on Israeli government. And this forces Israel to have to make a stronger case to justify its continuation of the terrorist campaign on Gaza. Which it wants to continue for years. Without this card, they're gonna be seen as just trying to increase Palestinian death count.
Hamas should go a step farther and kill them all. Let it backfire on Netanyahu. And on Israel. Israel wants them alive to try to reduce the political fallout from the genocide they're commiting. And justify prolonging the campaign on Gaza.

While also make them a headline once every six months. There's no so called 'hostage' rescue operation that goes on for years. It's a occupy and destroy Gaza 'operation'. And they'll continue it for as long as American taxpayers foot the bill of resupplying Israel and giving them free money to boost their economy.

Hamas should thus kill all captives. Take excuse away. Backfire on Israeli government. And this forces Israel to have to make a stronger case to justify its continuation of the terrorist campaign on Gaza. Which it wants to continue for years. Without this card, they're gonna be seen as just trying to increase Palestinian death count.
I really hope Hamas goes through with this. This is not a regular war but attempt to exterminate the Palestinian people. Israel is using this prisoners argument to engage in a prolonged genocide in Gaza. It's not going to agree to a ceasefire if no Arabs or Muslims put pressure on Israel to stop the genocide. It might release a few hundred people and rearrest them days later. Might as well execute them all, let it backfire on Netanyahu and the Jewish terrorists.

Most importantly, this will force negotiations to take place around the basis of ending the war, and not a prisoner exchange. This will show US and Israel have no actual will to stop this genocide on Gaza. And no intent to come to the table. And they won't be able to negotiate around basis of a 'pause' for prisoner exchange. They would then have to negotiate around ending the war and the day after.

If these captives remain, Netanyahu and the Jewish terrorist government and the US will use it as excuse to keep waging war on Gaza for years to come in their extermination plan.
Hamas should go a step farther and kill them all. Let it backfire on Netanyahu. And on Israel. Israel wants them alive to try to reduce the political fallout from the genocide they're commiting. And justify prolonging the campaign on Gaza.

While also make them a headline once every six months. There's no so called 'hostage' rescue operation that goes on for years. It's a occupy and destroy Gaza 'operation'. And they'll continue it for as long as American taxpayers foot the bill of resupplying Israel and giving them free money to boost their economy.

Hamas should thus kill all captives. Take excuse away. Backfire on Israeli government. And this forces Israel to have to make a stronger case to justify its continuation of the terrorist campaign on Gaza. Which it wants to continue for years. Without this card, they're gonna be seen as just trying to increase Palestinian death count.
I understand emotions are high and mind is infuriated by the endless enemy crimes and me personally would probably do the same but Hamas leadership has bigger responsibilities and war to lead until victory.
Why were 4 Israeli Hostages being held in a Palestinian refugee camp, and by whom.

Isn't Hamas/Palestinians as responsible for these 200 Hamas/Palestinians deaths as Israeli themselves?
I understand emotions are high and mind is infuriated by the endless enemy crimes and me personally would probably do the same but Hamas leadership has bigger responsibilities and war to lead until victory.
It's not about emotions. It's about survival of Palestinians. None of us has right to suggest they can change the world on their own, even after a genocide was inflicted on them. Arabs and Muslims are welcome to step in if they want to seek a victory which can be done if they actually contribute in any way. Since they do not and will not. Than you have to take away Israel's card that it uses to justify prolonging the slaughter in Gaza. In my next post I explained it here:

Most importantly, this will force negotiations to take place around the basis of ending the war, and not a prisoner exchange. This will show US and Israel have no actual will to stop this genocide on Gaza. And no intent to come to the table. And they won't be able to negotiate around basis of a 'pause' for prisoner exchange. They would then have to negotiate around ending the war and the day after.

If these captives remain, Netanyahu and the Jewish terrorist government and the US will use it as excuse to keep waging war on Gaza for years to come in their extermination plan.
Why were 4 Israeli Hostages being held in a Palestinian refugee camp, and by whom.

Isn't Hamas/Palestinians as responsible for these 200 Hamas/Palestinians deaths as Israeli themselves?

All.of Gaza is a refugee camp, where do you want to hold them? On a mountain top prison or something
It's not about emotions. It's about survival of Palestinians. None of us has right to suggest they can change the world on their own, even after a genocide was inflicted on them. Arabs and Muslims are welcome to step in if they want to seek a victory which can be done if they actually contribute in any way. Since they do not and will not. Than you have to take away Israel's card that it uses to justify prolonging the slaughter in Gaza. In my next post I explained it here:
Strong points and probably you are right, maybe then Hamas should be wiser and deceitful as enemy, keep the prisoners alive but start declaring them dead, missed or killed by air strikes and after favorable outcome then pull that card again. It is really hard to make correct move when enemy has no limits in their inhumanity.

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