Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Israel is detaining children both in the West bank and Gaza as bargain chips to find their parents or family according to your logic Israel also should be called a terrorist state..
By all means call them terrorist, if you can present independent proof of your assertions.
Err, that is the way it works for freedom fighting movements throughout history.

Just because the occupier is a cruel beast that does not mean that occupied populations just give up and accept their fate.

Who exactly are you to tell an occupied people how they should resist?

If you say you are a fair person, then what do you say about India shipping weapons and ammunition to the entity to commit genocide?
"Resist" all you want. kill, abduct as many Israeli men, women children as you can!!

But then don't play a victim and cry, when Isreal visits 100 fold casualties on your people in return and beg the world to stop Israel.
Because no body is going to pay heed.

Freedom movements don't play the victim card.
By all means call them terrorist, if you can present independent proof of your assertions.
They're worse than terrorists. They're Nazis trying to kill off every Palestinian. Apparently the tens of thousands of atrocities and terrorist attacks committed by Israel over the last 8 months aren't 'independent proof' for you.

MADRID, June 6 (Reuters) - Spain has requested to intervene in South Africa's genocide case against Israel's actions in Gaza at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares said on Thursday.

"Resist" all you want. kill, abduct as many Israeli men, women children as you can!!

But then don't play a victim and cry, when Isreal visits 100 fold casualties on your people in return and beg the world to stop Israel.

Why not???? Israel is a occupying state

If a occupied people cannot appeal to the world to help them against their oppressor then who can they appeal to

The Palestinians are already suffering, so fighting for their freedom and independence just creates a situation where they may suffer faster but Israel turns into a hated monster with a large Palestinian population that has a average age of 19 compared to the Jew age of 43

Once again, freedom and independence isn't free and cost is blood for the Palestinian people, but giving up is not a option

Acting like a worm is a Hindus option, not a Palestinians
"Resist" all you want. kill, abduct as many Israeli men, women children as you can!!

But then don't play a victim and cry, when Isreal visits 100 fold casualties on your people in return and beg the world to stop Israel.
Because no body is going to pay heed.

Freedom movements don't play the victim card.
Israeli's were killing, abducting, and raping Palestinians before October 7. Not to mention implementing a 20 year siege on Gaza. Longest siege in history. Which is an act of war.

Why did Israel play victim on October 7 and beg the world to force Palestinians out of Palestine and put them in Egypt/elsewhere ?
How many of you "people" did the British kill before they left? You "People" didn't even have the balls to fight back!!! Weak cowards!!!
It’s so embarrassing when an Indian tries to be more Jewish than the Jewish. Their natural hatred for Muslims and their desire to be white makes them give phulll shapporrrt
"Resist" all you want. kill, abduct as many Israeli men, women children as you can!!

But then don't play a victim and cry, when Isreal visits 100 fold casualties on your people in return and beg the world to stop Israel.
Because no body is going to pay heed.

Freedom movements don't play the victim card.
You're not white, or a member of the so called chosen race.

You're defending a nation that thinks you're subhuman scum.

Re-evaluate your priorities and touch grass, my guy.
Why not???? Israel is a occupying state

If a occupied people cannot appeal to the world to help them against their oppressor then who can they appeal to

The Palestinians are already suffering, so fighting for their freedom and independence just creates a situation where they may suffer faster but Israel turns into a hated monster with a large Palestinian population that has a average age of 19 compared to the Jew age of 43

Once again, freedom and independence isn't free and cost is blood for the Palestinian people, but giving up is not a option

Acting like a worm is a Hindus option, not a Palestinians
So you want to play the victim and keep on killing/abducting Israelis at the same time.

No wonder you losing so badly and no one helping you guys out.
You're not white, or a member of the so called chosen race.

You're defending a nation that thinks you're subhuman scum.

Re-evaluate your priorities and touch grass, my guy.
I am not defending them. I am pointing out the obvious.

Any sensible person, with an ounce of brain, would have been to tell.
What was on store for Palestinians, once they carried October 7 terrorist attacks.
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So you want to play the victim and keep on killing/abducting Israelis at the same time.

No wonder you losing so badly and no one helping you guys out.

They are the victim, they are a occupied people how much more victim do you want

Jews are absolutely hated in the middle east, so why come, why create a state on a inhabited land where you are despised

The Muslim world is massive, waking it up is a priority for our future

Resistance is not a option, it's a duty

The lives of the Palestinians are already difficult and ruined, so the Israeli can't have any peace, they can become monsters but pay the costs for that

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