Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

No body denies Israeli is working under Satan lead, but they have much greater power to Hamas. The way Hamas do their strategy will lead to destruction of Palestinians and we all have seen it for decades and currently we see the the greatest destruction happening in Gaza
So what’s your strategy?

I am Palestinian, we have tried the peaceful route. Oslo was signed, weapons were given up yet what has happened to the West Bank?

More occupation, oppression, illegal settlements, killings with impunity, etc

Palestinians in West Bank are corner in little enclaves, you don’t see a problem with that?

You can’t expect Palestinians not to resist when this is happening.

Why is there no change in the conditions of West Bank? Hamas does not control it. Why does Israel still murder people daily and imprison them?
They both believe that the campaign in Gaza has gone too far and too long. And has no end in sight. It won't impact Netanyahu and the Israeli war machine. But it shows they're worried about Israel's long term vision that Netanyahu has blurred.

Only Israelis could truly grasp what these resignations have done the harm to Israel: They have essentially nullified the hostage rescue operation euphoria in barely 24 hours!!!
Well done Israeli politicians!!
Foinikas has valid argument. He is not like Antonius stone head. Foinikas care with Palestinian women, kids, babies more than Hamas lover in here
What’s his valid argument? See the whole conflict through the eyes of the Israeli side? Think it all started on 7th Oct?
Clearly you have not registering his posts where he simply sees the Israeli as saints and all the emphasis on Hamas.
Let’s forget why Hamas exist - let’s forget the genocide and collective punishment?
Come on

Noa is free! Israel rescues Noa Argamani who was kidnapped by Hamas motorbikers along with three other hostages seven months after they were snatched in deadly October 7 attack






She doesn't matter any more than any Palestinian. Remember that. She chose to be on stolen land.
So what’s your strategy?

I am Palestinian, we have tried the peaceful route. Oslo was signed, weapons were given up yet what has happened to the West Bank?

More occupation, oppression, illegal settlements, killings with impunity, etc

Palestinians in West Bank are corner in little enclaves, you don’t see a problem with that?

You can’t expect Palestinians not to resist when this is happening.

Why is there no change in the conditions of West Bank? Hamas does not control it. Why does Israel still murder people daily and imprison them?
Dude, be patience. How long have you been under Israeli occupation ? Do you think you are the sole nation who ever experience colonization ?

Be realistic, pragmatic.
Fatah were fooled and double crossed, it was always about land grab by genocide. It is too late , the Palestinians were divided and now will be exterminated in the final Nazi style solution. Abbas will be quietly given asylum in a third country after finishing his dirty deed of helping destroy Palestine.

Palestinians made a huge strategic mistake . They should have aligned with Hezbos and Syria and taken Amman first. The Jordanian people would have been more than happy to topple the unpopular Zionist King.
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No body with clear mind and just heart denies Israeli is working under Satan lead, but they have much greater power to Hamas. The way Hamas do their strategy will lead to destruction of Palestinians and we all have seen it for decades and currently we see the the greatest destruction happening in Gaza
Palestinian Authority gave up all their weapons. Israel in return:

-Refused to end the occupation of the West Bank
-Increased number of forces deployed in Occupied West Bank
-Revoked residency permits for tens of thousands of Palestinians in Jerusalem and other cities
-Tripled settler population
-Stole Palestinian taxpayer money and resources

And then went on to declare Jerusalem as their capital and lobby world to do so. So what's needed is real pressure on Israel to end it's occupation and withdraw the settlers. Show us Palestinian autonomy in the West Bank. Hamas is not the obstacle here. Israel is simply not a partner for peace.

To all those who are constantly attacking Hamas here.

Where is your condemnation of Israeli occupation?

Where is your condemnation of continued theft of land and illegal settlement activity?

Where is your condemnation of settler violence backed by the IDF?

Where is your condemnation of the oppression Israel has been committing on Palestinians for the past 76 years?

Where is your condemnation of Palestinians being imprisoned in little enclaves in the West Bank?

Where is your condemnation of the apartheid in West Bank where Palestinians are restricted movement and cannot use same roads as Jews?

Where is your condemnations of constant humiliations and checkpoints used to enforce that on Palestinians?

Where is your condemnations for CHILDREN being imprisoned under military law?

Where is your condemnation of Palestinians kidnapped and imprisoned with no charges?

Where is your condemnation of Israel treating Palestinians as animals and third class citizens in their own homeland?

Where is your condemnation on theft of Palestinian water sources and controlling what they can consume?

Where is your condemnation of the apartheid state of Israel?

You are only here to attack the resistance that were themselves victims of Israeli terrorism who stole their homes and made them refugees in their own country. You have no right to attack a people who live under constant oppression by an illegal settler state and choose to resist it.

You want Hamas gone?

How about you stop treating Palestinians like animals and give them the rights to live in their own homeland you stole from them?

You think people are sacrificing their lives for no reason? They are giving up everything to be free from this illegal settler state who has done nothing but oppress, kill, demolish their homes, and steal their land from them.

How can Palestinians resist? They try the peaceful route and they are rewarded with more illegal settlements and killings with impunity. They go to the UN and U.S. Vetoes every resolution against Israel. They use the peace process to steal more and more land by buying themselves time to gobble as much as they can.

Those who condemn Hamas are either Munafiq (if they identify as Muslims) or they are terrorists (if they identify as Zionists) or the are Liars (if they identify themselves as Peacemakers)....

Palestine genocide has exposed the liars, two faced, and the traitors!
Dude, be patience. How long have you been under Israeli occupation ? Do you think you are the sole nation who ever experience colonization ?

Be realistic, pragmatic.
Be patient while my people are being slaughtered and ethnically cleansed off their land?

Be patient when Palestinians get no justice when they are murdered?

Let’s be real
Dude, be patience. How long have you been under Israeli occupation ? Do you think you are the sole nation who ever experience colonization ?

Be realistic, pragmatic.
This is not colonization. It's occupation and annexation. The longest occupation in human history. By people who believe Palestine is their God given land and are actively taking it and trying to force Palestinians out. There's no other comparison.
And you're proud of the way Hamas handled it? Or are you saying Hamas cares for Palestinians in the West Bank?
Look,you have to understand,Hamas wants one thing: Popularity and to rule Palestine themselves. No sharing of power. They want a Palestine under their control. They keep attacking the yahood because they want to stay relevant. They tremble that some other group might pop up and take their popularity or maybe Fatah and others on the secular side will find a deal with the Israelis. Then what will happen to them? No money,no cashflow from Qatar,from Iran,from other countries,no Hamastan. Remember what they did to Fatah in 2007-2008?

Buddy, Hamas EXISTS because of the occupation, the occupation does not exist because of Hamas

If Hamas ended tomorrow the occupation would go on

There is no Hamas in the west bank, yet their is still occupation and suffering and even worse more racist right wing settlers have moved in SINCE Hamas was removed and the P.A idiotically unarmed their own people

What have the Palestinians gotten for unarming in the west bank?
How has oslo accords helped them?

They continue to suffer and their are more settlers then ever

And the world does nothing, but you are first in line to try and blame Hamas

No, it's too much, this sort of Extremism is unacceptable,, the Palestinians and the people of the middle east need to be free of the Jews, they can't remain, they are a scourge of a people
Palestinian Authority gave up all their weapons. Israel in return:

-Refused to end the occupation of the West Bank
-Increased number of forces deployed in Occupied West Bank
-Revoked residency permits for tens of thousands of Palestinians in Jerusalem and other cities
-Tripled settler population
-Stole Palestinian taxpayer money and resources

And then went on to declare Jerusalem as their capital and lobby world to do so. So what's needed is real pressure on Israel to end it's occupation and withdraw the settlers. Show us Palestinian autonomy in the West Bank. Hamas is not the obstacle here. Israel is simply not a partner for peace.

Unlike the Greek guy engaged with above, @Indos means well for the Palestinians, except Indos is too thick headed to understand the situation despite almost 4000 PAGES of discussion on this topic, counting from the old PDF!!
Unlike the Greek guy engaged with above, @Indos means well for the Palestinians, except Indos is too thick headed to understand the situation despite almost 4000 PAGES of discussion on this topic, counting from the old PDF!!
He doesn’t have to support Hamas but he should understand why resistance is needed by Palestinians.
He doesn’t have to support Hamas but he should understand why resistance is needed by Palestinians.

Thick heads don't understand that Israelis just don't want to 'occupy': They also want to 'displace' the Palestinians. The British were colonizers in the Indo-Pak Subcontinent but they exploited resources--they didn't want to or couldn't displace the locals. That's just one example but IMO most colonial powers, over the last few centuries at least have been like that: Exploitation of resources. But Israel is different because it actually wants to displace the locals and has been able to do so if you look into the large Palestinian diaspora outside of the historic Palestine.
So, even 'colonization' is a mild term to describe what Israel has done, is doing, and wants to do!!

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