Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


To all those who are constantly attacking Hamas here.

Where is your condemnation of Israeli occupation?

Where is your condemnation of continued theft of land and illegal settlement activity?

Where is your condemnation of settler violence backed by the IDF?

Where is your condemnation of the oppression Israel has been committing on Palestinians for the past 76 years?

Where is your condemnation of Palestinians being imprisoned in little enclaves in the West Bank?

Where is your condemnation of the apartheid in West Bank where Palestinians are restricted movement and cannot use same roads as Jews?

Where is your condemnations of constant humiliations and checkpoints used to enforce that on Palestinians?

Where is your condemnations for CHILDREN being imprisoned under military law?

Where is your condemnation of Palestinians kidnapped and imprisoned with no charges?

Where is your condemnation of Israel treating Palestinians as animals and third class citizens in their own homeland?

Where is your condemnation on theft of Palestinian water sources and controlling what they can consume?

Where is your condemnation of the apartheid state of Israel?

You are only here to attack the resistance that were themselves victims of Israeli terrorism who stole their homes and made them refugees in their own country. You have no right to attack a people who live under constant oppression by an illegal settler state and choose to resist it.

You want Hamas gone?

How about you stop treating Palestinians like animals and give them the rights to live in their own homeland you stole from them?

You think people are sacrificing their lives for no reason? They are giving up everything to be free from this illegal settler state who has done nothing but oppress, kill, demolish their homes, and steal their land from them.

How can Palestinians resist? They try the peaceful route and they are rewarded with more illegal settlements and killings with impunity. They go to the UN and U.S. Vetoes every resolution against Israel. They use the peace process to steal more and more land by buying themselves time to gobble as much as they can.
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Falcon29, disregard this scumbag larper, for him only good muslim is humiliated and enslaved one if not dead, i know this ortodox extremists well.if it is his true identity.
Another lie and slander by you,mulj? Aren't you tired of saying all kinds of nonsense about me with no substance at all? Really? You support Hamas too and dare to call me an "extremist"? Aren't you even ashamed a bit? Just a bit? For lying your ass all day about everyone who has a different opinion than you?
Guys please focus on topic. Very serious and sensitive thread. Stop the name calling etc and personal attacks - just report if you’re offended
"Scenes broadcast by the Al-Quds Brigades of what they said was a combined operation carried out by the artillery and sniper corps in Tal Al-Hawa"

اللهم انصر أهل فلسطين وثبت أقدامهم. اللهم احرس أهل فلسطين بعينك التي لا تنام. اللهُم كُن لأهل فلسطين عونًا ونصيرًا، وبدّل خوفهم أمنًا. اللهم اجعل لأهلفلسطين النصرة والعزة والغلبة والقوة والهيبة

آمين يا رب العالمين
Another lie and slander by you,mulj? Aren't you tired of saying all kinds of nonsense about me with no substance at all? Really? You support Hamas too and dare to call me an "extremist"? Aren't you even ashamed a bit? Just a bit? For lying your ass all day about everyone who has a different opinion than you?
It is not slander, i know it from the way how you insult me in balkan slavic language, only hardcore muslim haters use that kind of vocabulary, maybe you can fool others but me not.
Guys please focus on topic. Very serious and sensitive thread. Stop the name calling etc and personal attacks - just report if you’re offended
I asked this question in another discussion thread, and I am asking it again. This is a Pakistani defence forum for Pakistanis. Why is the tolerance level so high for non-muslims coming here and spreading their hate, resentment, animosity, propaganda and BS against Muslims, Muslim countries and especially Palestinians? This has to stop.
Check out the West Bank. Were they bombed to fucking pieces like in Gaza? It's not Dubai,but sure isn't Gaza. And you know why? Because they kicked out Hamas from their part.
How many Palestinians were killed in the in the West bank before October 7? Do you have any idea why the the Operation on Oct 7 was called "Al Aqsa Flood"?
Where is your condemnation of Israeli occupation?

Where is your condemnation of continued theft of land and illegal settlement activity?

Where is your condemnation of settler violence backed by the IDF?

Where is your condemnation of the oppression Israel has been committing on Palestinians for the past 76 years?

Where is your condemnation of Palestinians being imprisoned in little enclaves in the West Bank?

Where is your condemnation of the apartheid in West Bank where Palestinians are restricted movement and cannot use same roads as Jews?

Where is your condemnations of constant humiliations and checkpoints used to enforce that on Palestinians?

Where is your condemnations for CHILDREN being imprisoned under military law?

Where is your condemnation of Palestinians kidnapped and imprisoned with no charges?

Where is your condemnation of Israel treating Palestinians as animals and third class citizens in their own homeland?

Where is your condemnation on theft of Palestinian water sources and controlling what they can consume?

Where is your condemnation of the apartheid state of Israel?
I don't know about the others,but I'll tell you about myself.

Where is my condemnation you said? I've been condemning it for more than 20 years,online and in chats with friends in real life. Ever since I started watching the first documentaries about the Palestinian issue back in the early 2000s. Where is my condemnation? It was in various other forums many years ago. Where is my condemnation of all that you mentioned? In my discussions with fellow Greeks,but also Palestinians.

Where is my condemnation? On my kuffiyah which I've had since the early 2000s. Where is my condemnation? In my discussions with other friends on FB.

Every person knows that far-right Israeli policies have made life difficult for Palestinians. Everybody knows of Israeli crimes throughout the years and of settler arrogance and violence. The stealing of land,the discrimination at the checkpoints,the refusal to go back to the pre-1967 borders,the ghettos of Hebron,the demolition of houses,the beating of kids for throwing stones.

But if you want to be fair and sound like a logical person tell me:

Where is your condemnation of Hamas atrocities? Where is your condemnation of everything evil done in the name of this "so-called" resistance? Where is your condemnation of Hamas doing evil things,when you condemn Israel of doing the exact same evil things?

How about you stop treating Palestinians like animals and give them the rights to live in their own homeland you stole from them?
Tell that to the Netanyahu,although I doubt he will listen.

They try the peaceful route

They go to the UN and U.S. Vetoes every resolution against Israel.
Then put more pressure to Russia and China to do something. Because the Americans will always veto. They are ruled by freemasons.
I asked this question in another discussion thread, and I am asking it again. This is a Pakistani defence forum for Pakistanis. Why is the tolerance level so high for non-muslims coming here and spreading their hate, resentment, animosity, propaganda and BS against Muslims, Muslim countries and especially Palestinians? This has to stop.
This forum is well moderated - use the report button and it will be dealt with.
We are also not an echo chamber and will allow freedom of expression as long as it doesn’t break forum rules.
Gantz resigns from war cabinet for two reasons:

1.) He says Netanyahu is preventing a prisoner swap deal that can end the war in Gaza and prolonging the campaign in Gaza

2.) He says Netanyahu won't commit to a military operation in Lebanon and is preventing it

Truly insane and diabolical society, they essentially compete who will be bigger villain, hezbolah literally said multiply times, stop genocide in Gaza we will stop attacks.
Guys please focus on topic. Very serious and sensitive thread. Stop the name calling etc and personal attacks - just report if you’re offended
Musings,I report but nothing happens. I have Falcon29 and meengla calling me hypocrites because I don't support a radical org? Please,give me a break. And I have Falcon29 and mulj provoke me every day going like "he fake lose he fake loser". What do I have to do? Post my ID here? Full documents? I mean come on. I report and report,I can't,in the end I start trash-talking to them too.
I have respectfully ask you all to post on topic. Please don’t post any grievance on here.
If Hamas is there to stay,the people of Gaza will keep suffering. But of course,you're in America enjoying.

Israel has been killing palestines since 30/40's years, as in massacre sabra e shatila , nakba and others. As we can see bellow, a children with without arm and leg because "israel" destroyed her in april 5 , 1956. Hamas was created(by "israel") only in 1988 to destroy Arafat movement.


How can it be that in 2024, someone still believes in the official Zionist version. Hamas is the current pretext for the extermination of the Palestinian people, as were the weapons of mass destruction (which never existed) used to justify the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the Gulf of Tonkin attack to justify the invasion of Vietnam, "bin Laden in the cave" to justify the invansion of Afghanistan... If Hamas closes, in the following week they will say that the war is against the Palestinian jihad, if it closes they will say that the war is against Hezbollah's influence on the Palestinians, if Hezbollah closes they will say that the war is because some ayatollah of the Iran is hidden in some Palestinian tunnel and so on.

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