Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

There is a lot of people wanting to get rid of Hamas. Including many people pretending to care about the plight of the Palestinian people in Gaza. Goal is to transition the region into a new order. Where each camp gets their slice of the cake, and status quo is maintained for coming decades. Hamas disrupts that for each camp. And each camp wants Hamas gone. And will allow the war to go on despite pretending to care about Gaza. Hoping with more time Hamas falls and they can move forward with this.

It's a plan everyone is on board with and it's why all these atrocities and genocide were allowed to happen. They tried to achieve this through other means before. Including through the so called 'deal of century' which was doing extra favors for Israel.

If these people fail, its gonna disrupt the whole satanic order in the region. And it's gonna embarrass many people in the region. That's why some people hope Sinwar gets killed, and many others. Because he and Hamas will have a lot to say once war is over. Hamas is struggling for Islam and disrupting the satanic order. That's why we ask God to support them in their struggle. Otherwise, we are entering a satanic age across the whole world. Until God wills otherwise.
War is big business here! Job creations!! I live in the Deep South and it seems every 3rd house has a 'veteran'. I dated a US Navy officer years ago. She never saw combat even remotely or was ever in danger. But enjoying a cushy retirement. A few days ago, a WASP friend came to my town and boasted about 'never having to pay a dime for healthcare'; he too is a 'veteran' but in reality more like a couch-potato-veteran. And then there is a relative WASP veteran who got priority liver transplant otherwise he'd die of alcohol liver cirrhosis.
America has become a very sick society, addicted to wars, something which Eisenhower had warned about in his farewell speech. Mass Killing people in remote lands is a favored way to enrich the few in this country.
yes war is big business, but is it GOOD business for and in the US?

Ultimately, the US doesn't seem to produce enough volume of weapons, partly because those weapons are expensive by nature, and its weapons are not as effective as they were claimed to be by the US military and US military news/think tanks etc. OR even in real war- look at Ukraine. US is also experiencing shortages in labor and raw materials- it won orders for Australia's 6 submarines, but its struggling already to keep their production on schedule. Finally, the US govt damages the country ALOT by posting huge billion dollar debts on the US govt's balance sheet just to provide lucrative deals to companies in the US's MIC. That hurts the US's economy, which as you can see today is not actually doing that well.

US military weapons today do not have a clear advantage over several Non-EU world powers today.
I've been seriously wondering about this since yesterday morning and the news of the 4 hostages. Why were they rescued alive? There's a lot to dissect in that regards, especially at the cost of 200 slaughtered & butchered women & children. Doesn't make sense. I thought Hamas would be prepared for such a scenario, and never allow a rescue of hostages that are not only alive, but well. A bit strange, to say the least.

It is possible Israelis went in large numbers and kept killing children and women and threatening to kill more unless the four hostages were released. The 'Intelligence' for the four hostages was provided by the Americans, by an Israeli source.
But, of course, Israelis are going to paint this is as yet another 'Raid on Entebbe' like brilliant, clean Special Ops.
Now I call on Hezbollah to start killing the civilians--they may not be able to match the Israeli count of killing the civilians--but kill as much as possible. This is an all out war and Gazans can't afford to lose!
PS. Apparently, Syria can't do much due to the militias against Assad--some of them are backed by Turkey! How low and shameful!!
Hamas is here to stay. Gaza is here to stay. The evil bastards hoping Hamas falls in name of 'fighting Muslim Brotherhood', even though we have little connection to whatever Muslim brotherhood is, are going to be disappointed. Hamas was left for last. To try to topple it for good. And no one came to Hamas's help, to actually help Hamas and Gaza survive.

This was a attempt to try bring about a satanic world order for good. Hamas pre-empted it. Which it was wise in doing so. For reasons people don't understand.
And once again, Israeli soldiers driving around trying to get to other places, the car is going to be stopped. If you don't respond to orders to stop your car, you're gonna get shot.

You support it and justify it when Israel kills Palestinian children driving into a surprise checkpoint:
You're disgusting. There's footage of what happened in 7th October and you filter it into an imaginary version of events. You're in denial. Just like those far-right Jews who deny there's a genocide in Gaza right now,you are denying everything evil Hamas has done.

I'm done with you. Enough. Yala khalas.
Are you retarded? How many times have I mentioned in the old PDF that I'm Greek? You don't believe it,that's your problem.
You say something we must believe you, lol. I know your identity that you're afraid to show.
Blame Israel for putting civilians in a military bus on a military road. Hamas already explained at the time they suspected it was a military bus. Which generally they are. Which is why Israel didn't escalate the situation more.
The Shaar HaNegev school bus attack was a missile attack on 7 April 2011, in which Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip fired a Kornet laser-guided anti-tank missile over the border at an Israeli school bus, killing a schoolboy.[1]

Tell me,Abu Falcon,who targets a SCHOOL BUS?

This isn't terrorism?

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In your words "every sane and moral person should support Hamas"???

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No, it is not terrorism to target Israeli soldiers and settlers. Now go get names of the lieutenants and sergeants killed in these retaliatory attacks. So we can cry more about your occupier forces.
You know,God sees all this too. God sees the crimes of Israelis,but God sees the crimes of such evil people as well.
Don't forget that. Because you seem to think that killing the other side is ok,because they are "not human",but when they do the same to your side,you don't like it.
Nope. Israeli's view Palestinians to not be human. Palestinians hosted these Jews when they were persecuted. And we allowed them to seek asylum in our land. Then they killed us and went on a terrorist rampage to colonize our country:

Let's see you say something:

List of Irgun attacks​

List of Irgun attacks 1937-1948​

1937, March2 Arabs killed on Bat-Yam beach.[12]
1937, November 1410 Arabs killed by Irgun units launching attacks around Jerusalem, ("Black Sunday")[13][14]
1938, April 122 Arabs and 2 British policemen were killed by a bomb in a train in Haifa.[14]
1938, April 171 Arab was killed by a bomb detonated in a cafe in Haifa[14]
1938, May 171 Arab policeman was killed in an attack on a bus in the Jerusalem-Hebron road.[14]
1938, May 243 Arabs were shot and killed in Haifa.[14]
1938, June 232 Arabs were killed near Tel-Aviv.[14]
1938, June 267 Arabs were killed by a bomb in Jaffa.[14]
1938, June 271 Arab was killed in the yard of a hospital in Haifa.[14]
1938, June (late)Unspecified number of Arabs killed by a bomb that was thrown into a crowded Arab market place in Jerusalem.[15]
1938, July 57 Arabs were killed in several shooting attacks in Tel-Aviv.[14]
1938, July 53 Arabs were killed by a bomb detonated in a bus in Jerusalem.[14]
1938, July 51 Arab was killed in another attack in Jerusalem.[14]
1938, July 618 Arabs and 5 Jews were killed by two simultaneous bombs in the Arab melon market in Haifa. More than 60 people were wounded.[14][16

Tell me something,why is Hizbollah quite popular among Lebanese Christians(not all of course,but generally)and even some Sunnis? Why hasn't Hizbollah been despised and attacked by media around the world so much?
Yeah you don't know anything about Lebanon. They definitely don't get along.
Because Hizbollah stopped being involved in such things more than 20 years ago. They target only military and are far easier to communicate with. They know what and where to hit. They know the rules of war.
Because Hezbollah is not engaged in a all out conflict with Israel. Not because reasons you state.
You're lying your ass. Or you're too ignorant.

"We" who? You and yourself? My "fake" outrage? You Amrikee Falastini radical? Yala khalas. Khalas and go back to watching your NFL.

Listen here you little shit,you pathetic brainless tantrum baby with your 10,000 "tweeter" posts per day...

When I was supporting a free Palestinian State you weren't even a toddler. When I was wearing a kuffiyah you were learning english as your first language in Amrika.

Striking back by butchering and massacring civilians isn't "striking back". It's a fucking warcrime. And if you knew the difference of resistance to warcrime,you would probably have also known the difference between a dictatorial radical MB branch and the Palestinian cause.
Wow. So we show endless footage of raids on military bases and you say it's 'massacring civilians'. Didn't I say you come from position of arrogance and hate.
Last time I checked,throwing grenades in a bomb shelter filled with people,is a horrendous crime. Shooting at passing cars,is a horrendous crime. Getting inside houses and shooting anyone you find,is a horrendous crime. Kidnapping 80 year-old people and 2 year-old babies and 12 a dishonorable crime.
Nope. Stop your car when you're apprehended in a military zone. You support it when Israel does it to Palestinians. Since you clearly ignored one of the many examples I gave you.
So don't try to portray those evil people as "knights in shining armor".

Yes, because you're a fake. I know your identity well so your attempt at ambiguity is not for me but for this audience here I see.
If Hamas is there to stay,the people of Gaza will keep suffering. But of course,you're in America enjoying.

If Palestinians don't leave their land. Palestinians will keep suffering.


Very noble of Israel and Israel supporters. Shows what kind of peace loving people they are.

Hamas will not give in to Jews and Satan. Hamas is the only true representative of 'Abrahamic monotheism in the region. And all camps want it to fall in name of fighting Muslim brotherhood or whatever.

It's not gonna happen. Hamas is not Morsi or Egyptian Muslim brotherhood. Hamas will not go down. And it's going to keep you satanists frustrated forever. Neither will we give in to the Jewish antichrist. It will not happen.

وبشر الصابرين
I know your identity that you're afraid to show.
Oh yeah? Care to share it with everyone?

Yeah you don't know anything about Lebanon. They definitely don't get along.
I know that a lot of Christians,especially Orthodox BOTH in Lebanon AND Syria,have a lot of respect for Hizbollah.

I'm not talking about the Maronites.

Because Hezbollah is not engaged in a all out conflict with Israel. Not because reasons you state.
BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT INVOLVED IN TERROR ACTS,their extreme actions are few and rare. Their ideology is also different from Hamas. Hamas is a radical sunni islamist organisation derived from the Egyptian MB. Hizbollah on the other hand has its roots in Shia Islam and the IRGC.

Wow. So we show endless footage of raids on military bases and you say it's 'massacring civilians'. Didn't I say you come from position of arrogance and hate.
Oh yeah,fucking kibbutz is a military base,you Wiseman? Shmuel Wiseman? The fucking Rave party was a military base,you Einstein?

Kids snatched from their parents by brave warrior Hamas were soldiers? Grandma who can't walk is a soldier? Asian workers are paid mercenaries of the IDF? Southeast Asian nurses for elderly people are spies?

Nope. Stop your car when you're apprehended in a military zone. You support it when Israel does it to Palestinians. Since you clearly ignored one of the many examples I gave you.
1.I don't support the checkpoints,but then again,when you got fucked up people like Hamas,doing what they do,that's gonna raise even more checkpoints,ain't that right Abu Falcon?
2. "Stop your car in a military zone",what's the military zone? I'll tell you what,next time you see an armed gang over there,telling you to stop and point guns at you,sure go ahead and stop. Imagine driving back to your home and you see like...I don't know,the boyz from da hood with armed to the teeth. You stop? They start firing. You stop? What a genius!

Yes, because you're a fake. I know your identity well so your attempt at ambiguity is not for me but for this audience here I see.
Ok,how about a bet?

You say here right now and I show where I'm from in a video to either @Waz or @RescueRanger because these guys I trust more than others here(and Legend too). And they will tell everyone here in a seperate thread. When you are proven wrong,you will chew your words,apologize publically and never again even dare to doubt me on the Palestinian issue. How's that?

1937, March2 Arabs killed on Bat-Yam beach.[12]
1937, November 1410 Arabs killed by Irgun units launching attacks around Jerusalem, ("Black Sunday")[13][14]
1938, April 122 Arabs and 2 British policemen were killed by a bomb in a train in Haifa.[14]
1938, April 171 Arab was killed by a bomb detonated in a cafe in Haifa[14]
1938, May 171 Arab policeman was killed in an attack on a bus in the Jerusalem-Hebron road.[14]
1938, May 243 Arabs were shot and killed in Haifa.[14]
1938, June 232 Arabs were killed near Tel-Aviv.[14]
1938, June 267 Arabs were killed by a bomb in Jaffa.[14]
1938, June 271 Arab was killed in the yard of a hospital in Haifa.[14]
1938, June (late)Unspecified number of Arabs killed by a bomb that was thrown into a crowded Arab market place in Jerusalem.[15]
1938, July 57 Arabs were killed in several shooting attacks in Tel-Aviv.[14]
1938, July 53 Arabs were killed by a bomb detonated in a bus in Jerusalem.[14]
1938, July 51 Arab was killed in another attack in Jerusalem.[14]
1938, July 618 Arabs and 5 Jews were killed by two simultaneous bombs in the Arab melon market in Haifa. More than 60 people were wounded.[14][16
Wow,you went back pre-WWII to dig about Yahood terror,when I showed you lists of Hamas crimes. That's how desperate you are.
If Palestinians don't leave their land. Palestinians will keep suffering.
Check out the West Bank. Were they bombed to fucking pieces like in Gaza? It's not Dubai,but sure isn't Gaza. And you know why? Because they kicked out Hamas from their part.

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