Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Here we go again....what am I? Indian? Pakistani? Shia from Iran? American? Jew from Greece? Jew from Israel?
You tell us and stop being afraid.
Every sane person should despise Hamas as a terrorist organisation.
Every sane and moral person should support Hamas, a moral organization fighting for a just cause.

Let's look at facts and reality. Arrogance and hatred, and Jewish supremacy, is not a way to build our perspectives. So far you've given us no reason to hate Hamas, besides your arrogant and hateful tantrums.

Then you probably missed a lot of posts here and some 10-15 years of my life talking against them.
No we didn't. You never were outraged about Israel doing anything.
Why? To impress YOU? Why don't you denounce Hamas and their despicable crimes of more than 25 years?
Ha, I'm not like you. I'm just pointing out your fake outrage. We can tell where your heart lies. You oppose Palestinian self determination. You oppose Hamas striking back at Israeli forces. Literally. And make it out to he a horrendous crime.
Because I don't have to. The Admins can see my IP and if @Waz or @RescueRanger have an e-mail or telegram I wouldn't have a problem showing them my passport.
I have telegram give me yours and we'll do a video call.
You tell us and stop being afraid.

Every sane and moral person should support Hamas, a moral organization fighting for a just cause.

Let's look at facts and reality. Arrogance and hatred, and Jewish supremacy, is not a way to build our perspectives. So far you've given us no reason to hate Hamas, besides your arrogant and hateful tantrums.

No we didn't. You never were outraged about Israel doing anything.

Ha, I'm not like you. I'm just pointing out your fake outrage. We can tell where your heart lies. You oppose Palestinian self determination. You oppose Hamas striking back at Israeli forces. Literally. And make it out to he a horrendous crime.

I have telegram give me yours and we'll do a video call.
Please can you both kindly mind the request I made!
Very advanced Israeli experienced state of art forces. When they're engaged in face to face combat. They're turned into innocent little babies. According to Israel all these innocent babies were massacred. Their only crime was to rape and murder Palestinian women and children.

LOOK! They're like fatter than before 😂 Unless the pics are photoshopped.
My bad. I thought you were saying their weight was because they were force fed. I will delete my other post.
Here's the October 7 'massacre' folks. Innocent little babies of Israel that kill and rape Palestinian women and children, and are the most well trained forces, consistently lost every gunfight in every face to face combat with Hamas soldiers that are lightly equipped. Over 900 Israeli soldiers innocent babies were 'massacred' on October 7. Israel was humiliated and embarrassed and told these were babies that were beheaded , put into ovens, or women that were raped. And in order to behead actual babies in Gaza and massace 30,000 women and children by bombing them from the air.

Hamas soldiers, the most moral soldiers, on the planet, will always have the truth with them. Hamas soldiers defeated the 'superior' most advanced forces in the region that Jew lovers told us about, in every single combat incident on October 7.

This is 'terrorism' to people like Fonikas, lol. Striking back at Israeli army which is genociding your people is 'terrorism'. Israeli soldiers that kill and rape Palestinians, suddenly turn into innocent civilians and 40 dead babies. Sorry Fonikia, lying doesn't make it true.
Ah yes,keep going on about the "40 dead babies" and making fun of the whole situation. You ignore the the 7th October footage still. Tell me,have you seen Hamas attacking houses? Throwing grenades in shelters full of people and the aftermath of it? Have you seen the charred babies and the passer-by shootings?

And you show me dead IDF soldiers and going like "oooh this is terrorism?"

You have a selective memory. Or basically,you only take into consideration what suits you.

Hamas starts a bloody war and you cheer about it. The Israelis start pounding the entire Gaza Strip and you still cheer for Hamas.

One big claim that neither the US nor Israeli side has acknowledged is that the Israelis transported an elite counter-terror troops into central Gaza by using a humanitarian aid truck from the US-constructed pier as a decoy. Some videos have circulated which purport to show this, but there's yet to be substantial evidence proving it. But there is some video evidence that the Pentagon's humanitarian pier location was used by Israel forces, at least as a staging ground area...

This forum deserves the credit for this article coming out today on Zio Hedge. Last night, I hammered away with several X posts from this thread in the comment section over there. Hat tip to many of you here.
Ah yes,keep going on about the "40 dead babies" and making fun of the whole situation.
Wow, great defense for atrocity propaganda that was used to make the world indifferent to the genocide Israel planned to commit in Gaza. There were zero babie casualties in Israel. But you and Israel were making up stories up about 40 dead babies. That's disturbing.
You ignore the the 7th October footage still. Tell me,have you seen Hamas attacking houses?
Walking into houses = attacking them

But Israeli forces going into Gaza civilians homes and burning them down is normal and permitted.
Throwing grenades in shelters full of people and the aftermath of it?
Israeli soldiers were told to show themselves. If you don't respond to calls to put behind your arms behind your back and walk out, then you have a weapon and are trying to use it.

For some reason you think our soldiers should be killed while apprehending Israeli soldiers. But you're totally okay with Israel soldiers executing a Palestinian girl with a pencil in her hand despite her being fully visible to them.
Have you seen the charred babies and the passer-by shootings?
There is no charred babies. And once again, Israeli soldiers driving around trying to get to other places, the car is going to be stopped. If you don't respond to orders to stop your car, you're gonna get shot.

You support it and justify it when Israel kills Palestinian children driving into a surprise checkpoint:

Amr’s father was taken by surprise to find Israeli soldiers present. One soldier fired shots towards the vehicle from a distance of approximately 20 meters (66 feet), penetrating the front windshield with two bullets, at least one of which struck Amr in the head. Amr was transported to Rafidia Hospital in Nablus where he was pronounced dead.

And you show me dead IDF soldiers and going like "oooh this is terrorism?"

You have a selective memory. Or basically,you only take into consideration what suits you.

Hamas starts a bloody war and you cheer about it. The Israelis start pounding the entire Gaza Strip and you still cheer for Hamas.

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As usual you have no arguments just gibberish and arrogant and hate filled rants.

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