Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Oh yeah? Care to share it with everyone?
Lol, everyone knows my background here. I'm a Palestinian American. I don't pretend to be a Italian.

Just be a man and put your real flag up.
I know that a lot of Christians,especially Orthodox BOTH in Lebanon AND Syria,have a lot of respect for Hizbollah.
Cool 😀
I'm not talking about the Maronites.

BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT INVOLVED IN TERROR ACTS,their extreme actions are few and rare. Their ideology is also different from Hamas. Hamas is a radical sunni islamist organisation derived from the Egyptian MB. Hizbollah on the other hand has its roots in Shia Islam and the IRGC.
You hate Sunni's, cool. Don't attack my religion and I won't attack yours. I'm a proud Sunni Muslim. And I love my religion and monotheistic message of my religion, orthodox Islam, that preaches to not associate any partners to God. And do not seek any mediums on his behalf.

If you think it's a insult to call Hamas Sunni, think again. I'd love you to try to shame me for being a orthodox Muslim. You will not do it. Just tough on internet with sectarian hatred pretending to be a Greek. 😀
Oh yeah,fucking kibbutz is a military base,you Wiseman? Shmuel Wiseman? The fucking Rave party was a military base,you Einstein?
Nobody was at a rave but the Israeli Apaches that shot everywhere trying to stop Hamas from reaching the Re'eim military base.

There is no issue with going into a 'kibbutz' and apprehending Israeli terrorist targets. Just like you have no issue with Israeli forces raiding Palestinian cities in the West Bank. So no problem.
Kids snatched from their parents by brave warrior Hamas were soldiers?
Did not happen.
Grandma who can't walk is a soldier?
By Islamic Jihad which you like a lot. Although not a issue either. It's calling detaining Israeli's. Israel does it all the time to Palestinian children, women and elders. Where was your outrage ?
Asian workers are paid mercenaries of the IDF? Southeast Asian nurses for elderly people are spies?
Not a thing either.
1.I don't support the checkpoints,but then again,when you got fucked up people like Hamas,doing what they do,that's gonna raise even more checkpoints,ain't that right Abu Falcon?
Yeah I don't believe you. You do support it. If Israeli soldiers yell to stop at a car and shoot at the car. It's tough luck. Hamas does it . It must be evil according to you, ha ha ha. Scumbag.
2. "Stop your car in a military zone",what's the military zone? I'll tell you what,next time you see an armed gang over there,telling you to stop and point guns at you,sure go ahead and stop. Imagine driving back to your home and you see like...I don't know,the boyz from da hood with armed to the teeth. You stop? They start firing. You stop? What a genius!

Ok,how about a bet?

You say here right now and I show where I'm from in a video to either @Waz or @RescueRanger because these guys I trust more than others here(and Legend too). And they will tell everyone here in a seperate thread. When you are proven wrong,you will chew your words,apologize publically and never again even dare to doubt me on the Palestinian issue. How's that?

Wow,you went back pre-WWII to dig about Yahood terror,when I showed you lists of Hamas crimes. That's how desperate you are.
You went back 25 years to show Hamas 'crimes' of killing of occupying forces. Apparently Jewish terrorist attacks and butchrring of civilians is 'wow'.

Get lost fake loser. 😀
Check out the West Bank. Were they bombed to fucking pieces like in Gaza? It's not Dubai,but sure isn't Gaza. And you know why? Because they kicked out Hamas from their part.
West Bank is bombarded all the time. And invaded. Occupied, and having it's land annexed. Nice try though, fake.
West Bank is bombarded all the time. And invaded. Occupied, and having it's land annexed. Nice try though, fake.
Your point is what?

Palestinians in West Bank are killed with impunity daily, their homes demolished, children imprisoned, land stolen, movement restricted, settler attacks, economy hindered, etc

You think that is ok what Israel is doing there? There is a reason people are resisting, not everyone is willing to live as a slave in their own homeland.
Gaza is being bombed because it has weapons to fend off attempts to annex Gaza. West Bank has none. So land gets annexed. It's 'peaceful annexation' vs. violent annexation. You're really insulting our intelligence, meat head.
yes war is big business, but is it GOOD business for and in the US?

Ultimately, the US doesn't seem to produce enough volume of weapons, partly because those weapons are expensive by nature, and its weapons are not as effective as they were claimed to be by the US military and US military news/think tanks etc. OR even in real war- look at Ukraine. US is also experiencing shortages in labor and raw materials-

I didn't say the MIC is good for most ordinary Americans, who, as anyone lives here know, are laying paycheck to paycheck despite America is an immensely blessed country.
But, yes, the long last war economy does feed a LOT of people--who are in a minority--but they are sizable number. Shutting down or even slowing down the hyper war industry would mean tens of thousands of unemployed, along with more indirect unemployment. I still remember when Bill Clinton in early 90s shut down some bases/facilities in America and there was a huge outcry against it.
As for your last sentence: There is STILL a lot of war industry in America and also, generally speaking, there is still a lot of non-war industry in America. I know that within just 10 miles of my house here there are large plants for tire manufacturing, medical equipment, chemical factories and so and so forth--and I am glad they exist here.
Just be a man and put your real flag up.
You said you know my "real identity". Cut the crap and just go on with your BS and share it with everyone.

You hate Sunni's, cool.
I never said I hate Sunnis. How do you come back with such assumptions?

If you think it's a insult to call Hamas Sunni, think again.
Insult? I said Hamas is a radical hardcore Sunni organisation. Stop cutting the previous words and saying "Oh you say Hamas is Sunni,oh you think Sunni is an insult,oh you must hate Sunnis".

Either your dumb or you're trying to put words in my mouth that I never said.

Nobody was at a rave but the Israeli Apaches that shot everywhere trying to stop Hamas from reaching the Re'eim military base.
Footage and survivors themselves prove you wrong.

There is no issue with going into a 'kibbutz' and apprehending Israeli terrorist targets.
Apprehending meaning....kidnapping and...I'll bet you yourself don't see anything wrong in Hamas terrorists executing people in the kibbutz,right? You know,a few grenades,firing inside houses,shooting here and there etc.

Israel does it all the time to Palestinian children, women and elders. Where was your outrage ?
My outrage was on the internet in the 2000s when you were still crawling instead of walking. Before you even knew wtf Palestine was.

By Islamic Jihad which you like a lot.
I ...what? "I like a lot"? Are wanking all day or trying to provoke me with bullshit you come up with?

It's calling detaining Israeli's. Israel does it all the time to Palestinian children, women and elders. Where was your outrage ?
I have to show my outrage here or for everything that happens or else Falcon29 who is a Hamastan fanboy will think I'm a Jew lover,huh?

Not a thing either.

Wake up and stick your head out of Hamas prograpanda.

You went back 25 years to show Hamas 'crimes' of killing of occupying forces. Apparently Jewish terrorist attacks and butchrring of civilians is 'wow'.
Yes,25 years,not a fucking century. We were talking about Hamas. And you couldn't justify it so you avoided it,posted some Irgun list from even before WWII and thought you're ok.

Get lost fake loser.
Prove that I'm fake.
Gaza is being bombed because it has weapons to fend off attempts to annex Gaza. West Bank has none. So land gets annexed. It's 'peaceful annexation' vs. violent annexation. You're really insulting our intelligence, meat head.
Gaza is being bombed because fucked up Hamas started the 7th October. And before the 7th October Hamas would periodically fire missiles here and there. In the end,it's Gaza that is being obliterated by Netanyahu's government and Hamas gave him that excuse. And you're still cheering for Hamas. Of course,you're not there. Even if you were there,you couldn't voice your protest against them.
Gaza is being bombed because it has weapons to fend off attempts to annex Gaza. West Bank has none. So land gets annexed. It's 'peaceful annexation' vs. violent annexation. You're really insulting our intelligence, meat head.

Right!! But then you are communicating with a guy whom I called a 'hypocrite' in the old PDF and here too and finally a few weeks ago I put him on my 'Ignore' list, and he is only the 4th one I have put on my Ignore list in my 15 years on PDF. I have a lot of tolerance for alternate views because they enhance my own understanding of phenomena. But if someone is so obviously callous in a sensitive thread like this then my patient runs out. I rather respect Indian bloggers here who are at least open in their agenda.
Your point is what?

Palestinians in West Bank are killed with impunity daily, their homes demolished, children imprisoned, land stolen, movement restricted, settler attacks, economy hindered, etc

You think that is ok what Israel is doing there? There is a reason people are resisting, not everyone is willing to live as a slave in their own homeland.
It's not ok,not at all. But it's not like Gaza. Nothing like Gaza. And if you think what Hamas is doing is resistance,you're as deluded as this guy. You're not willing to live as a slave? Fine,don't take 2 million people hostage with you. Hamas apologists are as bad and wrong as Israeli crimes apologists.
Gaza is being bombed because fucked up Hamas started the 7th October. And before the 7th October Hamas would periodically fire missiles here and there. In the end,it's Gaza that is being obliterated by Netanyahu's government and Hamas gave him that excuse. And you're still cheering for Hamas. Of course,you're not there. Even if you were there,you couldn't voice your protest against them.
You have some mental issues and come off attention starved. When you want to talk on Telegram, share me your username we can do video call, you fake.
You have some mental issues and come off attention starved. When you want to talk on Telegram, share me your username we can do video call, you fake.
I have mental issues? You're the guy who's supporting a terrorist organization and praise them! Are you kidding?

Why would I wanna talk with you on Telegram? I prefer to talk with someone from here that I trust and is a mod or admin who can confirm where I am from. But you still avoid to say: What's my identity? You've been saying again and again "we all know where you are from" or "I know who you are" or "I know where you from". And yet,you won't say. Go on then,say it.
You have some mental issues and come off attention starved. When you want to talk on Telegram, share me your username we can do video call, you fake.

You and other Palestinians' pain is hard for us to truly fathom and so your time is best spent defending your people and your home and away from hypocrites and trolls like him.

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