Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I don't know about the others,but I'll tell you about myself.

Where is my condemnation you said? I've been condemning it for more than 20 years,online and in chats with friends in real life. Ever since I started watching the first documentaries about the Palestinian issue back in the early 2000s. Where is my condemnation? It was in various other forums many years ago. Where is my condemnation of all that you mentioned? In my discussions with fellow Greeks,but also Palestinians.

All I see is you condemning Hamas
Where is my condemnation? On my kuffiyah which I've had since the early 2000s. Where is my condemnation? In my discussions with other friends on FB.

Yet you are here making excuses for Israel genocide and blaming it solely on Hamas
Every person knows that far-right Israeli policies have made life difficult for Palestinians. Everybody knows of Israeli crimes throughout the years and of settler arrogance and violence. The stealing of land,the discrimination at the checkpoints,the refusal to go back to the pre-1967 borders,the ghettos of Hebron,the demolition of houses,the beating of kids for throwing stones.
Where is the same energy you have for Hamas for Israeli terrorist colonizer state?

But if you want to be fair and sound like a logical person tell me:

Where is your condemnation of Hamas atrocities? Where is your condemnation of everything evil done in the name of this "so-called" resistance? Where is your condemnation of Hamas doing evil things,when you condemn Israel of doing the exact same evil things?
There would be no Hamas without Israeli occupation and oppression. You think Hamas was just born out of thin air or due to the crimes Israel has been committing for the past 76 years?

For the record, I am not even a Hamas supporter. I only support EVERY people who resist their colonizers.

Tell that to the Netanyahu,although I doubt he will listen.

Tell that Netanyahu? You are the one here defending Israel and trying to justify their actions by blaming a group who were born out of the oppression by this Israeli terrorist state and their leaders.

Then put more pressure to Russia and China to do something. Because the Americans will always veto. They are ruled by freemasons.
So I am going to go up to Putin and be like hey man why don’t you do more and maybe bomb Israel or something?

You know how stupid that sounds?

There would be NO HAMAS without Israeli occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people. You want to get rid of Hamas? Start by giving Palestinians their freedom, justice ,and human rights from this terrorist entity called Israel.
Child killers: Israel side by side with ISIL

How many Palestinians were killed in the in the West bank before October 7? Do you have any idea why the the Operation on Oct 7 was called "Al Aqsa Flood"?
And you're proud of the way Hamas handled it? Or are you saying Hamas cares for Palestinians in the West Bank?
Look,you have to understand,Hamas wants one thing: Popularity and to rule Palestine themselves. No sharing of power. They want a Palestine under their control. They keep attacking the yahood because they want to stay relevant. They tremble that some other group might pop up and take their popularity or maybe Fatah and others on the secular side will find a deal with the Israelis. Then what will happen to them? No money,no cashflow from Qatar,from Iran,from other countries,no Hamastan. Remember what they did to Fatah in 2007-2008?
What can you expect from genocidal maniacs?

It is dumbfounding that a Jihad hasn't been called even though by all Islamic standards the criteria has been met. The red line in Gaza has been crossed but the Saudis are busy building a line in the desert. The world entertains itself very much like the Romans watching the Christians being slaughtered by the Lions in the Colosseums. This is a new dawn of savagery not seen since the Bosnia and Rwanda massacres. Women and children slaughtered in front of the world cameras, 2 million civilians being starved to death in a blatant excuse to steal more land by the Jews. The Kafirs in Egypt, Jordan , KSA, Pakistan and Turkey have hearts of stones as they throw eloquent BS of redlines after redlines and leash their people to inaction and their only interest being reigns of power.
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Musings,I report but nothing happens. I have Falcon29 and meengla calling me hypocrites because I don't support a radical org? Please,give me a break. And I have Falcon29 and mulj provoke me every day going like "he fake lose he fake loser". What do I have to do? Post my ID here? Full documents? I mean come on. I report and report,I can't,in the end I start trash-talking to them too.
Stop complaining, you enjoy here preferential treatment and great hospitality, if you have any decency and open mind you should be silent and observing to learn something what real palestinians like Falcon29 have to say and not entering in discussion with him attacking his position by zionist infested wikipedia "information".
Check out the West Bank. Were they bombed to fucking pieces like in Gaza? It's not Dubai,but sure isn't Gaza. And you know why? Because they kicked out Hamas from their part.
It’s posts like this that agitate the masses. Israel have been stealing land and setting up illegal settlements - documented evidence of rape - collecting punishment - genocide and an apartheid state but you continue sweeping this under the carpet. Hamas Hamas Hamas is all you keep saying. 40,000 deaths mostly of jnnocent children and women and you want us to ignore and condone Hamas?
Get real
Musings,I report but nothing happens. I have Falcon29 and meengla calling me hypocrites because I don't support a radical org? Please,give me a break. And I have Falcon29 and mulj provoke me every day going like "he fake lose he fake loser". What do I have to do? Post my ID here? Full documents? I mean come on. I report and report,I can't,in the end I start trash-talking to them too.
remember you are on a Pakistani defense forum you hypocritical Israeli Nazi supporting scumbag.
Foinikas has valid argument. He is not like Antonius stone head. Foinikas care with Palestinian women, kids, babies more than Hamas lover in here
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There would be NO HAMAS without Israeli occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people. You want to get rid of Hamas? Start by giving Palestinians their freedom, justice ,and human rights from this terrorist entity called Israel.

You are just like them whitewashing Israeli crimes by solely pinning it on Hamas who only exist because of the crimes of this terrorist entity.
And you're proud of the way Hamas handled it? Or are you saying Hamas cares for Palestinians in the West Bank?
Look,you have to understand,Hamas wants one thing: Popularity and to rule Palestine themselves. No sharing of power. They want a Palestine under their control. They keep attacking the yahood because they want to stay relevant. They tremble that some other group might pop up and take their popularity or maybe Fatah and others on the secular side will find a deal with the Israelis. Then what will happen to them? No money,no cashflow from Qatar,from Iran,from other countries,no Hamastan. Remember what they did to Fatah in 2007-2008?
Hamas cares more for Palestinians than Fatah ever has!
Hamas cares more for Palestinians than Fatah ever has!
PA can’t even protect Palestinians from Israeli settlers who constantly attack Palestinians in their own villages protected by IDF.

What has the Palestinian authority accomplished by working with this illegal settler state?
reposted from previous comment

There would be NO HAMAS without Israeli occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people. You want to get rid of Hamas? Start by giving Palestinians their freedom, justice ,and human rights from this terrorist entity called Israel.

You are just like them whitewashing Israeli crimes by solely pinning it on Hamas who only exist because of the crimes of this terrorist entity.
No body with clear mind and just heart denies Israeli is working under Satan lead, but they have much greater power to Hamas. The way Hamas do their strategy will lead to destruction of Palestinians and we all have seen it for decades and currently we see the the greatest destruction happening in Gaza
And you're proud of the way Hamas handled it? Or are you saying Hamas cares for Palestinians in the West Bank?
Look,you have to understand,Hamas wants one thing: Popularity and to rule Palestine themselves. No sharing of power. They want a Palestine under their control. They keep attacking the yahood because they want to stay relevant. They tremble that some other group might pop up and take their popularity or maybe Fatah and others on the secular side will find a deal with the Israelis. Then what will happen to them? No money,no cashflow from Qatar,from Iran,from other countries,no Hamastan. Remember what they did to Fatah in 2007-2008?
You really need to educate yourself. Hamas has been encouraged and helped financially by Netanyahu. He was caught several years suggesting keep Hamas finance flowing. Stop changing the name of Hamas and stop talking dribble

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