Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

What do you guys think the odds of now Ben gvir or smotrich brought into the war cabinet,even if they are they now have the ability to force Netanyahu to literally bring the fight to Hezbollah with a land incursion I think best case scenario here is Hezbollah has been waiting for just a moment this won’t be Hamas waiting for troops to come In hezbollah has the ability to destroy large columns with pinpoint precision. Hezbollah has been holding back a lot they aren’t going to use fateh style type missiles on Israel until they know the moment is near or large salvos of rockets and missiles but I feel as if each day it’s getting closer.
What do you guys think the odds of now Ben gvir or smotrich brought into the war cabinet,even if they are they now have the ability to force Netanyahu to literally bring the fight to Hezbollah with a land incursion I think best case scenario here is Hezbollah has been waiting for just a moment this won’t be Hamas waiting for troops to come In hezbollah has the ability to destroy large columns with pinpoint precision. Hezbollah has been holding back a lot they aren’t going to use fateh style type missiles on Israel until they know the moment is near or large salvos of rockets and missiles but I feel as if each day it’s getting closer.
Unless there is a continuous supply chain of weapons for Hezbos they won't be effective. They also need city busting weapons in large quantities and without Russian and Chinese help they won't get far. Iran can only help so much.
Unless there is a continuous supply chain of weapons for Hezbos they won't be effective. They also need city busting weapons in large quantities and without Russian and Chinese help they won't get far. Iran can only help so much.
Like I said before whatever the Houthis may have Hezbollah has in far greater quantities and quality and since Russia is supposedly asking iran for ballistic missiles like fateh or other types of missiles in that class that are cheaper and as effective or more effective than Russian missiles but pennies on the dollar versus isklanders.I think a dozen or so fateh directed at a concentration of troops would devastate idf troops in the beginning of a war.
Either way Hamas after nearly a year can still fight Israeli forces they haven’t been beaten no matter how much the Israelis have tried why would you think after twenty years with almost no interruption by outside forces with far more quantity and quality weapons they couldn’t last a decade or longer in one on one match bleeding the Israelis till they leave with their tails behind their backs.

I have said this before a very long time ago I started following Iranian news because I was amazed by Hezbollah how they stood toe to toe against Israel during the 90s and the war in 2006. I started losing some respect after they became party of the political establishment and started to do questionable things, not debating those questionable things so we can leave it at that, but my respect for them has risen. I had the same respect once upon a time for Hamas I would have rather they worked behind the scenes as a resistance force than becoming part of the establishment.
Like I said before whatever the Houthis may have Hezbollah has in far greater quantities and quality and since Russia is supposedly asking iran for ballistic missiles like fateh or other types of missiles in that class that are cheaper and as effective or more effective than Russian missiles but pennies on the dollar versus isklanders.I think a dozen or so fateh directed at a concentration of troops would devastate idf troops in the beginning of a war.
Either way Hamas after nearly a year can still fight Israeli forces they haven’t been beaten no matter how much the Israelis have tried why would you think after twenty years with almost no interruption by outside forces with far more quantity and quality weapons they couldn’t last a decade or longer in one on one match bleeding the Israelis till they leave with their tails behind their backs.

I have said this before a very long time ago I started following Iranian news because I was amazed by Hezbollah how they stood toe to toe against Israel during the 90s and the war in 2006. I started losing some respect after they became party of the political establishment and started to do questionable things, not debating those questionable things so we can leave it at that, but my respect for them has risen. I had the same respect once upon a time for Hamas I would have rather they worked behind the scenes as a resistance force than becoming part of the establishment.
It's going to kick off soon so let's wait and see what happens. Hezbos will be fighting with US via the Israel proxy.
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The war council fell.. Today, Benny Gantz will leave the war council.. For those who do not know, this is Benny Gantz, the wisest one among the Zionists. He was the army commander and deputy prime minister and is considered America’s man in Israel.. Now the lunatics remain.. All of yesterday’s operation was to prevent him from resigning.

A disaster for electricity in the Zionist entity.. 61.5% of the electricity 💡 in Israel is generated by burning coal.. After research, it was found that Colombia is the largest exporter of coal, at a rate of 90% to Israel.. Today, Colombia prevents the export of coal.
Thank you, Colombia
GRACIAS Colombia 🇨🇴

@eIsQengiz said:

I pray all is well. Your advice and your concern for the innocent victims of Palestine as well as your nation.
What is happening to you right now is a test from Almighty Allah. When Allah loves someone, He tests them, so show them Allah's love. God's most beloved creation also went through severe trials - God's Messenger, may Allah grant him peace.
Alhamdulillah, I see a conscientious revert in you who have returned to the wonderful teachings of Islam! May Almighty Allah strengthen and preserve you!

Also, The purpose of the Qur'an, according to the commentators and exegetes of the Qur'an, is to distinguish between good and evil, lawful and unlawful. It distinguish between halal and haram and right and wrong. There is no disagreement about the Islamic faith core beliefs and creed.

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "This world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the unbeliever."
Sahih/Authentic. - [Muslim]


Overlooked in this Gaza-Israel Conflict | Dec 2023 thread are the thousands of Palestinian hostages. They are nothing more than statistics unless we find out they been tortured or reported dead for propaganda points.

This really hit home when I was thrown in jail a few days ago for my index finger touching the chest of a paranoid former Naval Intelligence, ex-cop, Zionist pig next door neighbor, while he was punching me in the face. He did a good job. Three days later still explaining what happened to my face, especially my nose.

Spent 22 hours in a dirty jail cell, alone. Nowata's jail is notorious for being the worse. Plastic mat on a concrete floor, no blanket.

Put away my hearing aids, took off my eye glasses.

Deaf, nearly blind, alone, cinder block walls, bright lights.

First thing I learned, I needed to control my thoughts.

Jailers told me I did very well while incarcerated.

When I bonded out, thank them for being kind (they didn't do jack shit for me)


Received a note from my friend Ray about a month ago.

Two years ago he came up to my porch, not knowing where he and his pitbull can sleep for the night.

Told him to turn around, and pitch a tent by the railroad tracks, under the trees. Cut out the brush for an area that was private. Left my back door unlocked and told him to take whatever food he wanted from my pantry. Next to his tent, I carried over all the water he needed early each morning. Pots, pans, a small BBQ, etc. Best homeless camp in Oklahoma. Everybody, including the cops knew he was there, but no one could see him.

Nowata's finest citizens warned me, Ray had to go, or it will be bad for me.

Ray was disabled. I kept him going until his disability checks kicked in.

He was still not left alone. His trailer kicked in. Finally burned down.

Last time I saw him, gave him a free shower where I worked when he showed up.

He left a note in my mailbox when he left town. Told me I was a brother from another mother.

No one will tell me how Ray ended up dead in Dallas, Texas last week.

I think I know. He committed suicide.

Ray was also locked up in the same Nowata County jail on bullshit charges. When he got out, reclaimed his female pitbull, a few clothes and searched for a place to sleep for the night, until he figured out better options.

A half block away from the county jail, he recognized me sitting on the front porch. I remembered him. A year earlier he confronted me at the local gas station about my SS tattoo. Asked me if I hated him because his father was black, and his mother was white. Looked him in the eyes and told him, "nah, you don't look like a nigger." Fist bumps, and we moved on.

The day when Ray got out of jail, shit out of luck, walking down my street, he walked up to the porch of the man he called a Nazi the year before. If I remember from reading the Quran decades ago, there was something about being hospitable.


Again, thank you.

"This world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the unbeliever."

True, but isn't there an obligation for believers, in this prison, to help one another?

Now back to the Palestinian prisoners all but forgotten. I only got a taste of the hell they are going through this week. Even still can not even imagine the hell they are going through.


@eIsQengiz wrote:
The purpose of the Qur'an, according to the commentators and exegetes of the Qur'an, is to distinguish between good and evil, lawful and unlawful. It distinguish between halal and haram and right and wrong. There is no disagreement about the Islamic faith core beliefs and creed.


There is no disagreement between true believers.

And RIGHT versus WRONG at the present is freeing the Palestinian prisoners.

My Quran will be in the mail this week. Can you or anyone point where in the Quran that mentions we are to help all our fellow believers in this world prison?

Thank you.

Again, there is a need for more emphasis on freeing the Palestinian prisoners. I will like to see more posts on X (formerly Twitter) about each of them. Humanize them. Don't let the Zionists get away with demonizing them.

Americans are ignorant of Palestinians. Niggers, to be brutally honest. They need to know the culture of the Palestinians in better times.

“There are only two powers in the world: the sword and the spirit. By the spirit, I mean civil and religious institutions. And in the long run, the sword is always defeated by the spirit.” - Napoleon Barnapate

Napoleon said this to Emmanuel, comte de Las Cases, a French naval officer, and the esteemed author of a bestselling atlas; one of Napoleon Bonaparte's trusted confidants.

In 1823, de Las Cases published “Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène,” a remarkable record of his time with Napoleon between 1815 and 1816, on the remote island of St. Helena, where the former Emperor had been exiled by the British.
Napoleon Barnapate realized,
“There are only two powers in the world: the sword and the spirit. By the spirit, I mean civil and religious institutions. And in the long run, the sword is always defeated by the spirit.”
after he and two aids abandoned the French army in Egypt, his failed conquest of the holy land.

Again, this is a spiritual war.
What do you guys think the odds of now Ben gvir or smotrich brought into the war cabinet,even if they are they now have the ability to force Netanyahu to literally bring the fight to Hezbollah with a land incursion I think best case scenario here is Hezbollah has been waiting for just a moment this won’t be Hamas waiting for troops to come In hezbollah has the ability to destroy large columns with pinpoint precision. Hezbollah has been holding back a lot they aren’t going to use fateh style type missiles on Israel until they know the moment is near or large salvos of rockets and missiles but I feel as if each day it’s getting closer.
With Gantz now gone, the chances of war between Hezbullah and Israel have increased. Gantz was one of the few dissenting voices calling for de-escalation in the North, because the IDF was too bogged down in Gaza. Gantz rightly predicted that Israel would get stuck in Gaza and the war would go on for years, which is why he wanted to quickly withdraw and announce a Palestinian/international puppet administration in Gaza to replace Hamas. In other words he didn't want the idf distracted by opening another front in the North, while they fought an insurgency from Hamas/allies, and set up a puppet regime to eventually take over policing duties like the PA/PLO does in the West Bank.

With him gone, the far right can now dictate terms and push for war in the North.

Netanyahu is trying to avoid both jail for corruption and losing his job. He's likely going to succumb to the far right.
For those who doubted the effectiveness of the Al-Yassin 105 shells, I obtained it in my own way from the engineers’ group. A fourth-generation D9T bulldozer was charred from the inside. Its price exceeds more than a million dollars.

How can we tell it’s an rpg, could be an ied also asking a question not trying to debate the subject either way shows you how fighters who are fighting in tracksuits and sandals are putting up a fierce battle.
How can we tell it’s an rpg, could be an ied also asking a question not trying to debate the subject either way shows you how fighters who are fighting in tracksuits and sandals are putting up a fierce battle.
What was that saying? You're technology can only take you so far until you gotta fight a bunch of pissed off farmers in a desert, or something to that effect.

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