Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

A fascist who hates brown people just as much as jews.

Pakistanis and Muslims continuing to prove that they're clowns by siding with someone who thinks Muslims are subhuman.

It's more of a sign of the impotence and pathetic position Muslims are... Powerless and looking up to their own sworn enemies for salvation. That's how slaves think.

Muslim redemption can only come from within.
@Indos is this your logic here - "Palestinians should be patient with the colonialism they are facing and drying from, because others have faced the same too"????

Other genocides and colonialism dont justify the one Palestinians are facing today from Israel! Wow, i guess you dont really see Palestinians as humans deserving true freedom, what a shame. I saw the post where you told @Davey Crockett you would help him understand the Quran- pls never offer that service again to anyone, you mare definitely the wrong person to learn Islam from.

It's a shame this forum has him as a Mod. Shocking really. An open apologist for Zionist crimes. Anyone who condemns Hamas exposes themselves .
As I mentioned before in this thread, this Hamas-Israeli conflict exposed the Islamic world as incompetent global players. They are nothing more than ATMs for the West as all money eventually goes there, be it via foreign direct investment, asset purchases, etc. We are no better than what Russia was exposed to in this war.

This would have deadly consequences for the Islamic World as a whole, as Israel was just a test to see the unity, or I should say the resolve and will to fight back, which wasn't there.

For the non-Muslim world in their mind they are thinking what 2 Live Crew said in their music, “…face down ass up, that's the way we like to ****.”

Too many cucks, cowards, Munafiqs, apologists, inferiority complex, corrupt so-called Muslims amongst us.
Unless there is a continuous supply chain of weapons for Hezbos they won't be effective. They also need city busting weapons in large quantities and without Russian and Chinese help they won't get far. Iran can only help so much.
If the genocidal bandit state Israel proved anything on Saturday, they showed, with the assistance of my criminal government, there will be no rules of war, when it comes to reaching their objective - the total aniliation of non-Jews on their way towards Greater Israel.

Yes, we will like for either, or both, Russia and China to step up. But remember, they have to protect their interests. The risks.

To do so will risk World War Three.
7 October attack is not mean to defeat Israel. It is just hitting Israel nose. If Hamas wants to change the situation it should reach Tel Aviv and grab the power.

But Hamas know they cannot defeat Israel. The worst thing is that Hamas defence is inside the city and not outside the cities.

It is suicide and more into stupid act to justify Israel assault to the cities. They also do it under hard line Netanyahu gov despite its coalition is under threath with mass demonstration going on almost every day in Tel Aviv before 7 Oct attack

Stupid Hamas not only give the justification to Israel public and The West for Netanyahu to destroy Gaza, but 7 Oct attack will give Hard Line Israel party survavibility for another 100 years as they are the party that always prefer war and dont want to live peacefully with Palestinians. Hamas action embolden Hard Line Israeli group.

Allah gives victory. Not you or me.
And most importantly Allah defines what is victory.. . Not you or me. Maybe you don't know this....


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And you're proud of the way Hamas handled it? Or are you saying Hamas cares for Palestinians in the West Bank?
Look,you have to understand,Hamas wants one thing: Popularity and to rule Palestine themselves. No sharing of power. They want a Palestine under their control. They keep attacking the yahood because they want to stay relevant. They tremble that some other group might pop up and take their popularity or maybe Fatah and others on the secular side will find a deal with the Israelis. Then what will happen to them? No money,no cashflow from Qatar,from Iran,from other countries,no Hamastan. Remember what they did to Fatah in 2007-2008?

Hamas have been the most honorable fighters. Treating their Captives with respect and dignity. Others just throw propaganda and fake news against them.
Every Muslim country is a potential Gaza except for Pakistan.

Pakistan is no exception to the norm. If and when its utility is used up, they (the West) will come and level the country down militarily; you are already on your knees economically. They can just as quickly have India be the new Ukraine and drain you and then come and slice the head between the shoulders.

Don't tell me Allah is going to send down some angels who will stand guard on hilltops protecting Pakistan, grabbing bombs and bullets and discarding them in the local gutter. Or better yet, the Islamic World is going to rally behind Pakistan, unlike how they rallied behind Gaza.

Ummah is sleeping not dead and woken from the slumber due to the screams from Gaza.

Eight months, almost 40,000 dead; I don't know what kind of sleep this is unless you want to call this being in a coma. Any person with a functioning brain would wake up and do something to help out a neighbor, especially if you call them a brother in religion or through an ethnic association (Arab).

The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques issues his honorable order to host 1,000 pilgrims from the families of the martyrs and injured from the Gaza Strip to perform this year’s Hajj rituals in an exceptional manner, bringing the total number of pilgrims hosted from the State of Palestine to 2,000 pilgrims.

Is this a joke? They are dying and trying to survive; if they die a martyr, it's a much bigger honor. Do you think they'd be in a mental state to perform Hajj?
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Allah gives victory. Not you or me.
And most importantly Allah defines what is victory.. . Not you or me. Maybe you don't know this....

View attachment 47175

A Gazan, being interviewed said I don't need your aid, thoughts and prayers or your condemnation; we need weapons.
As I said before, he's been repeating the same STUPID crap for 4000 PAGES on this topic starting from the old PDF!! He just doesn't get it that this is not just 'occupation' but also displacement!!

The Afghans fought against heavy odds against two Super Powers: The Soviets in the 1980s and the Americans in the 2000s/2010s; the Vietnamese fought against the American Super Power when the American military and economic power was truly unmatched. The Algerians fought against a resurgent France of post World War II. And there are surely other wars like theirs.

But one thing common in those resistance movements: The natives would NOT be displaced. The Israel-Palestine conflict, as @UKBengali said in a post above today, is very different. He also mentioned the South African resistance against colonialism and he was right: The natives would not be displaced. It would be an old fashioned exploitation in all of the above cases. But Israelis have a different plan.

And yet some people draw false parallels between some Podunk, periphery of humanity blah blah territory in southeast Asia with Eurasia and with Israel. Stay in your Podunk Indonesia!!

Ya, bath hui.
Sadly, some, like Indo, are willfully ignorant; never in human history have two conflicts been alike. If he were an Afghan with his thinking, he would welcome Russia and wait for another power to take it out, just to be occupied again
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@eIsQengiz said:

I pray all is well. Your advice and your concern for the innocent victims of Palestine as well as your nation.
What is happening to you right now is a test from Almighty Allah. When Allah loves someone, He tests them, so show them Allah's love. God's most beloved creation also went through severe trials - God's Messenger, may Allah grant him peace.
Alhamdulillah, I see a conscientious revert in you who have returned to the wonderful teachings of Islam! May Almighty Allah strengthen and preserve you!

Also, The purpose of the Qur'an, according to the commentators and exegetes of the Qur'an, is to distinguish between good and evil, lawful and unlawful. It distinguish between halal and haram and right and wrong. There is no disagreement about the Islamic faith core beliefs and creed.

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "This world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the unbeliever."
Sahih/Authentic. - [Muslim]


Overlooked in this Gaza-Israel Conflict | Dec 2023 thread are the thousands of Palestinian hostages. They are nothing more than statistics unless we find out they been tortured or reported dead for propaganda points.

This really hit home when I was thrown in jail a few days ago for my index finger touching the chest of a paranoid former Naval Intelligence, ex-cop, Zionist pig next door neighbor, while he was punching me in the face. He did a good job. Three days later still explaining what happened to my face, especially my nose.

Spent 22 hours in a dirty jail cell, alone. Nowata's jail is notorious for being the worse. Plastic mat on a concrete floor, no blanket.

Put away my hearing aids, took off my eye glasses.

Deaf, nearly blind, alone, cinder block walls, bright lights.

First thing I learned, I needed to control my thoughts.

Jailers told me I did very well while incarcerated.

When I bonded out, thank them for being kind (they didn't do jack shit for me)


Received a note from my friend Ray about a month ago.

Two years ago he came up to my porch, not knowing where he and his pitbull can sleep for the night.

Told him to turn around, and pitch a tent by the railroad tracks, under the trees. Cut out the brush for an area that was private. Left my back door unlocked and told him to take whatever food he wanted from my pantry. Next to his tent, I carried over all the water he needed early each morning. Pots, pans, a small BBQ, etc. Best homeless camp in Oklahoma. Everybody, including the cops knew he was there, but no one could see him.

Nowata's finest citizens warned me, Ray had to go, or it will be bad for me.

Ray was disabled. I kept him going until his disability checks kicked in.

He was still not left alone. His trailer kicked in. Finally burned down.

Last time I saw him, gave him a free shower where I worked when he showed up.

He left a note in my mailbox when he left town. Told me I was a brother from another mother.

No one will tell me how Ray ended up dead in Dallas, Texas last week.

I think I know. He committed suicide.

Ray was also locked up in the same Nowata County jail on bullshit charges. When he got out, reclaimed his female pitbull, a few clothes and searched for a place to sleep for the night, until he figured out better options.

A half block away from the county jail, he recognized me sitting on the front porch. I remembered him. A year earlier he confronted me at the local gas station about my SS tattoo. Asked me if I hated him because his father was black, and his mother was white. Looked him in the eyes and told him, "nah, you don't look like a nigger." Fist bumps, and we moved on.

The day when Ray got out of jail, shit out of luck, walking down my street, he walked up to the porch of the man he called a Nazi the year before. If I remember from reading the Quran decades ago, there was something about being hospitable.


Again, thank you.

"This world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the unbeliever."

True, but isn't there an obligation for believers, in this prison, to help one another?

Now back to the Palestinian prisoners all but forgotten. I only got a taste of the hell they are going through this week. Even still can not even imagine the hell they are going through.


@eIsQengiz wrote:
The purpose of the Qur'an, according to the commentators and exegetes of the Qur'an, is to distinguish between good and evil, lawful and unlawful. It distinguish between halal and haram and right and wrong. There is no disagreement about the Islamic faith core beliefs and creed.


There is no disagreement between true believers.

And RIGHT versus WRONG at the present is freeing the Palestinian prisoners.

My Quran will be in the mail this week. Can you or anyone point where in the Quran that mentions we are to help all our fellow believers in this world prison?

Thank you.

Again, there is a need for more emphasis on freeing the Palestinian prisoners. I will like to see more posts on X (formerly Twitter) about each of them. Humanize them. Don't let the Zionists get away with demonizing them.

Americans are ignorant of Palestinians. Niggers, to be brutally honest. They need to know the culture of the Palestinians in better times.

“There are only two powers in the world: the sword and the spirit. By the spirit, I mean civil and religious institutions. And in the long run, the sword is always defeated by the spirit.” - Napoleon Barnapate

Napoleon said this to Emmanuel, comte de Las Cases, a French naval officer, and the esteemed author of a bestselling atlas; one of Napoleon Bonaparte's trusted confidants.

In 1823, de Las Cases published “Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène,” a remarkable record of his time with Napoleon between 1815 and 1816, on the remote island of St. Helena, where the former Emperor had been exiled by the British.
Napoleon Barnapate realized,
“There are only two powers in the world: the sword and the spirit. By the spirit, I mean civil and religious institutions. And in the long run, the sword is always defeated by the spirit.”
after he and two aids abandoned the French army in Egypt, his failed conquest of the holy land.

Again, this is a spiritual war.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time Davey.
Indeed, the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, called the release of Muslim prisoners a great task. Islam even commands Muslims to either release prisoners who cannot be ransomed (in exchange for money or an equivalent number of Muslim prisoners) or ransom prisoners of war.

Islam warns its followers that one of the best deeds is to free the prisoners of the believers and unshackle their chains and it also determine the rules of war. 1400 years ago, Islam instructed Muslims should protect prisoners and treat prisoners of war well before the Geneva Convention or any other principles.

The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his followers showed that the Muslims of that time had established moral standards in the treatment of their captured enemies. His religion treated prisoners of war in a way that unprecedented in history. Hamas thinks this rule is universal and acts upon it to heal trauma-wounded captives. Sadly, Israeli terrorist brutality is unparalleled, Israel's Machiavellian Zionist thugs, in response to the October 7 Gaza prison break operation, we saw how some Hamas prisoners immediately arrested by the Israeli occupation defense forces, to the point of torture. We witnessed captives’ skin was burned with a incineration device. The torture of burning the skin of the Palestinian prisoners is carried out in form of brutality or humiliation, as in ancient Egypt Hittite war captives were flayed alive by Pharaoh's army. Palestinians do not have the right to human dignity, they are deprived of the right to be free from sexual, emotional and physical violence and they are deprived of proper health, and adequate food.

This is a short verse from Surah al-Insan of the Holy Quran that shows us how Muslims should treat the captive.

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and the Most Merciful

76:1 Has it come upon man during the ages, and there is no mention of it?
Has there ever been a time for mankind in which there was no mention of it?
76:2 We created man from the sperm of, so We made him hearing and seeing.
76:3 We have given you the way, either grateful or ungrateful.
76:4 Indeed, We have prepared for the disbelievers chains and shackles and a blaze.
76:5 Indeed, the righteous will drink from a cup [of wine] whose mixture is of Kafur,
76:6 A spring of which the [righteous] servants of Allah will drink; they will make it gush forth in force [and abundance].
76:7 They [are those who] fulfill [their] vows and fear a Day whose evil will be widespread.
76:8 And they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive,
76:9[Saying], "We feed you only for the countenance of Allah. We wish not from you reward or gratitude.
76:10 Indeed, We fear from our Lord a Day austere and distressful.
76:11 So Allah will protect them from the evil of that Day and give them radiance and happiness

Why the hack thread name is GAza Isreal conflict.
It mean mods reduced their thoughts to Gaza then Palestine… some of mods are playing dirty

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