Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

As I said before, he's been repeating the same STUPID crap for 4000 PAGES on this topic starting from the old PDF!! He just doesn't get it that this is not just 'occupation' but also displacement!!

The Afghans fought against heavy odds against two Super Powers: The Soviets in the 1980s and the Americans in the 2000s/2010s; the Vietnamese fought against the American Super Power when the American military and economic power was truly unmatched. The Algerians fought against a resurgent France of post World War II. And there are surely other wars like theirs.

But one thing common in those resistance movements: The natives would NOT be displaced. The Israel-Palestine conflict, as @UKBengali said in a post above today, is very different. He also mentioned the South African resistance against colonialism and he was right: The natives would not be displaced. It would be an old fashioned exploitation in all of the above cases. But Israelis have a different plan.

And yet some people draw false parallels between some Podunk, periphery of humanity blah blah territory in southeast Asia with Eurasia and with Israel. Stay in your Podunk Indonesia!!

We may be abeing a bit harsh on @Indos here.

He is 100% on the side of Palestine like the rest of us but just disagrees on the method of resistance.

It seems that he thinks that it will work out in the end by just being patient and waiting for the balance of power to change.

That is a legitimate view if you thought that the Zionist agenda is to not expel and kill nearly all Palestinians out of Palestine before the balance of power changes.

In essence, most of us think that they want to "settle" this soon and have all the surrounding states accept and normalise with them, that even the peoples of the region would think they are a normal nation and so their presence becomes permanent.
1870+ pages, and you complain about this now?
I just thought about it. There's a deliberate strategy to shift focus from Palestine to Gaza, and eventually to just Rafah. This gradual process aims to make people forget about Palestine altogether. We have some fools following this strategy without knowing what are the consequences..
The title must be occupation of Palestine or Palestinian resistance
The title must be occupation of Palestine or Palestinian resistance

Thank you for your feedback - please can you kindly make this post in the suggestions section so that administration and other members can agree or propose a name that would suit the thread to reflect the present conflict better.

I don't know how I feel about this. It is one thing to criticize the decisions of the government of Israel and its leadership, it is an entirely different matter to attack a religious symbol and call an entire religion a "Satanic Cult".

This in my opinion is a hate crime. Will we be so nonchalant when some politician or person of influence burns a Quran... Oh wait they already did that!
I don't know how I feel about this. It is one thing to criticize the decisions of the government of Israel and its leadership, it is an entirely different matter to attack a religious symbol and call an entire religion a "Satanic Cult".

This in my opinion is a hate crime. Will we be so nonchalant when some politician or person of influence burns a Quran... Oh wait they already did that!

I have no issue whatsoever with authentic jews. they are good people. where I draw the line however is with Zionism. They masquerade as innocents holding these sort of events at the highest level to continue to exhort their influence. This man was absolutely correct to call out the event for what it really was.
I have no issue whatsoever with authentic jews. they are good people. where I draw the line however is with Zionism. They masquerade as innocents holding these sort of events at the highest level to continue to exhort their influence. This man was absolutely correct to call out the event for what it really was.
Educate me here, genuinely interested. How was celebrating Hanukkah linked with Zionism?
Educate me here, genuinely interested. How was celebrating Hanukkah linked with Zionism?

It's this sort of naivety that has caused the Islamic world to be in the state of desolation it is in today resulting in the ongoing slaughter. If you're unable to see the link, then I'll not waste my breath.
A disaster for electricity in the Zionist entity.. 61.5% of the electricity 💡 in Israel is generated by burning coal.. After research, it was found that Colombia is the largest exporter of coal, at a rate of 90% to Israel.. Today, Colombia prevents the export of coal.
Thank you, Colombia
GRACIAS Colombia 🇨🇴

Thankyou Colombia for standing on the right side of history. Coal can be easily replaced with another supplier(eg Australia) but the decision itself is significant and welcome for sure.

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