Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Please read the UN report for yourself. It describes the war crimes by both sides.

No, you are trying to equate the Gaza genocide to the response of the Palestinians to over 75 years of israeli colonial settler massacres of 100s of 1000s of Palestinians. Most white-european worshippers do this.
How about you find the intellectual honesty to quote the UN report in full for the war crimes committed by both sides, for starters? Or is that too much to expect?

On second thought, please forget it. You are senior management here. It is not for me to to opine on how the forum should be run. I can only participate or not.
Another cheng speciality. When flustered - let’s twist the topic.
Why did you start doing starfish jumps coz I liked a post? Then you select a sentence and disregard the rest of the post - which was the reason why I thanked it?
Bringing up my position in management has nothing to do with this thread or post - so don’t try to bring this onto this really informative and important thread.
Another cheng speciality. When flustered - let’s twist the topic.
Why did you start doing starfish jumps coz I liked a post? Then you select a sentence and disregard the rest of the post - which was the reason why I thanked it?
Bringing up my position in management has nothing to do with this thread or post - so don’t try to bring onto this really informative and important thread.

I see. Let me ask your opinion directly on topic without any twisting:

Would you please present your views on the UN report that lists the war crimes committed by both sides in the present conflict as is the topic of this thread.

Thank you.
There's an old saying. Two wrongs don't make a right. The only solution for peace is a two state solution.

I would agree. As I have said many times above, both sides must learn to live side by side in enduring peace, since it is clear neither side can kill off or deport the opposing side. The real question is how to get there while ensuring the quickest possible end to the present carnage and suffering.
I would agree. As I have said many times above, both sides must learn to live side by side in enduring peace, since it is clear neither side can kill off or deport the opposing side. The real question is how to get there while ensuring the quickest possible end to the present carnage and suffering.

Israelis must recognize Palestinian state. Palestinians must recognize Israeli state.
There's an old saying. Two wrongs don't make a right. The only solution for peace is a two state solution.
Agree with your thoughts bro. Both sides are so far apart it’s a far distance dream at the moment. Let’s pray for a break and hopefully an ending to the massacre asap.
That’s what my 9 year old dreams of and wants for Eid - peace…..
What's going on in this video? Seem very new but in Arabic and seems like the Gazans have the Israelis in their sights for a long time.

That is exactly the sort of pressure that policymakers, both corporate and political, pay attention to, if it becomes widespread enough.

Section VI: Conclusions Point #6: The Commission concludes that civilians were intentionally targeted, that the attack was premeditated and planned over a significant period, reflecting a high degree of organisation and coordination, and implemented in several locations at or about the same time. The attacks were led and coordinated by Hamas and implemented by the military wings of Hamas and six other Palestinian factions, with the participation of some Palestinian civilians.
This answer almost nothing what I noted before, does it. I don't think that any commission can come to the final conclusion, did they talk to Hamas ? Have they read the daily reports from Hamas commanders to the headquarter, do you know that is the requirement? The only people that they could have talked to are The Demons. So that report of yours has a lot left to desire.
On other hand The Demons and their obeying cohorts talked and talked and paraded , that alone shows the triviality of their narrative and yours too.
In all the cases your discourse of putting Hamas and IDF on the same level due to your nominalism is nonsense. It is logical, practically, historically and factually a completely untenable position.
Bit I guess, some sort of technicality is the only thing that you have, to play with. At the end of the day , it was South Africa who presented its case in the Hague, Israeli can do if they wish so, I wonder why? On other hand they pressure and threatening the judges. You see it is the international court whi can really evaluate this not un or any other organisation. But the friends of Israel of which there are plenty can tale it to the court , which so far they haven't done. So buddy pan and paper and write to your local MP to put the motion through your parliament which obliged your country to take Hamas to The Hague. OK? If not stfu.will you?
Firstly, Solomon is not a hypocrite, unlike this guy, who uses sophistry to hide his true loyalty: To the American Neo Cons. Solomon peddles the Zionist line and that's understandable and to an extent appreciated as different POV.

And about the alleged 'rape 'on October 7, that's almost entirely a falsehood and ridiculous when you consider who are Hamas: They are a deeply religious organization and on October 7, their priority was to take as many civilian hostages as possible and kill as many Israeli soldiers as possible. They had put priority on civilians because that would enable more pressure for a 'deal' in the Israeli society, and they are being proven correct.

As to the very rare incidence of civilian killing on October 7 by the Gazans, they, per Scott Ritter, happened because there was a wave of ordinary (non Hamas) Gazan who also crossed over and took their vengeance; they are the few ones who should be investigated and tried by the Gazans themselves.

But in no way the Gazans had the time, even if they had the inclination, to mass-rape or behead the 40-babies! But they had no inclination as they are, as you are implying, forbidden by their religion. Can you imagine a man getting it 'up' to rape a woman when there is intense fighting, blood, cries, bombing all around and the overwhelming Israeli response any second??

Finally, we all need to be aware of the Zionists or closet Neo Con supporters or some simpletons who are framing the October 7 attack as mass killing and rape of civilians. The Gazans wanted to KILL the Israeli soldiers and take civilian hostages as their 'goals' and I dare say they succeeded way beyond their expectations.
Man I was in those fights in the early 90s , when those things happen you are like in a dream, if any rape us possible than it is if someone was kidnapped. Are someone is going to risk their life for some hairy ****? Whilst operation is going on ? Especially, can any command plan on that? It doesn't make a sense , whether Hamas are religious or not. This is pragmatical matter, living and dieing is not a joke .
Of course Solomon is not a hypocrite, he fights for his own kind but this? What the f is this? Completely irrelevant whisperer, he thinks that with the linguistics he can get to somewhere, not really. He is much much worse then Solomon.
How repugnant of the Zionist to use language like that to women and threatening to kill. This Zionist needed a man like this:

Loved it!

That man totally humiliated the Zionist without attacking him.

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