Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Dec 27, 2023
Genetic prove otherwise, they are much related to Samaritan and has no khazarian dna.
And DNA doesnt lie.

Genetics is irrelevant to the discussion. Israelis stole the land using war. If you find this okay then don't cry when Palestinians use war to take it back.

If you think using war to steal land is bad then denounce Israel for its killing of children.

You won't do this though, because you are racist with double standards that sees brown people as lesser and unworthy of defending themselves.


Elite Member
Dec 12, 2008
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The United Nations includes Israel on the list of countries that kill children

Guterres informed the "Israel" mission to the United Nations that "Israel" was included in the blacklist of countries that kill children...

All of these decisions are important and have a cumulative effect -
...The report also puts Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad on the list for killing, injuring, and abducting children. Of course, these terrorist groups deliberately embrace tactics that place children at risk, including indiscriminate rocket attacks on civilian areas in Israel, launching attacks near civilian buildings, and storing weapons in schools and hospitals, including U.N. facilities.

Israel, by contrast, does none of this. It goes to unprecedented lengths to protect children and civilians from harm, including forewarning civilians before its forces enter an area, sharing maps of safe areas, and “roof knocking” on targets with non-explosive bombs so that civilians have time to flee before an attack. According to John Spencer, chairman of Urban Warfare Studies at the Modern War Institute at West Point, “Israel has taken more steps to avoid harming civilians than any other military in history.”

Equating Hamas and Israel in this way is reprehensible. Quite simply, Hamas deliberately places children in danger while Israel goes to great lengths to minimize civilian casualties.

The U.N., however, won’t let reality intrude on its narrative that Israel is in the wrong and must be condemned. One can only conclude that, as the U.N. sees it, the drumbeat of attacks on Israel must be incessant, even if it erodes the credibility of its reports or the organization itself.

The U.S. has long criticized rampant anti-Israel bias in the U.N., but the time has come to hold the organization accountable. Congress has withheld funding for the Palestinian relief agency UNRWA for its complicity with Hamas. It is past time for the U.S. to take similar action for other parts of the organization.



Elite Member
Dec 12, 2008
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Experts: ICC, UN blamed Israel for a famine that never happened in Gaza - exclusive

Columbia University professors: "We found that the food supply entering Gaza is more than sufficient to feed all 2.2 million Gazans."

...They note that it is “a myth that Israel is responsible for famine in Gaza.” They argue that the International Criminal Court and UN have joined Hamas in blaming Israel for a “famine that never was, hoping to stop the war [in Gaza]...”



Elite Member
Sep 29, 2019
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I remember your post from the old PD Forum post on May 9th regarding geofencing and intelligence gathering through mobile networks. That was basic information; the Israelis controlled everything in Gaza, including cell towers, the internet, and other forms of telecommunications. Add to this; the UAVs are used to intercept any other communication.

So, if they started preparing and putting together a report, they knew it was coming - the time and date do not matter. You might also recall that a month after the attack on Israeli illegal settlements and bases, the soldiers who stood guard notified commanders of the activity, and they were dismissed. Now, Hamas had to break through multiple layers of fencing, and if I recall, every couple of yards, there was a lookout with a sniping team.

One would not be far from thinking that this was allowed to occur to create a pretext for a conflict.


What you think?


Full Member
Dec 16, 2023
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Things Hamas could have used to create a more effective defence

More high powered sniper rifles
Actual ATGMs
Air defence weapons like ANZAs

Obviously the list is endless but these three things could make the resistance so much more effective
If only Pakistan or literally any other Sunni Muslim country would step up to arm the resistance!


Dec 27, 2023
Which war was that, bub?
The violence and terrorism used by Zionists since even before 1948 is what I am referring to.

So either denounce the format the terrorist violence used to form Israel by blowing up hotels of innocent people, beheading Brotish soldiers, and slaugtering entire villages of Palestinians and clogging the wells with their dead bodies or admit Palestinians are morally justified in their self defense.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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If only Pakistan or literally any other Sunni Muslim country would step up to arm the resistance!

Problem is the Arabs, not only do we have important relations with the surrounding Arab countries, but our economic situation means that we have very little leeway to push when their economic support is important for us.

Basically if the Arab states say no, none of us can really do anything

The Arab states want this slaughter, or wanted it, in the hope that Hamas would be destroyed and Iranian influence reduced

Iran has come out of this head and shoulders above anyone else in the middle east and that too probably burns up the Arab regimes


Senior Member
Nov 22, 2017
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If only Pakistan or literally any other Sunni Muslim country would step up to arm the resistance!

Unfortunately Pakistan Army Chief and ISI chief are both CIA operatives. they
have sold their souls to the Zionists.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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I don't give a sh5+ ... They just need to go. I used to be for a two state solution.... Perhaps a generous donation for the sake of world peace. But not any more. These Zionists are more evil than ISIS+Stalin+Hitler+Pol Pot+ Joseph Goebbels All put together!.... The Palestinian Genocide has woken me up from my delusion.

Thank you for finally waking up.

"Two state solution" is rewarding colonial land theft and anyone in favour was actually on the side of wrong. Well meaning but fundamentally an unjust position to take.

The only fair solution is Palestinian sovereignty over the whole of Palestine and only they decide how many of the post WW1 settlers get to stay. They allow all of them or none as that is their land and right to decide. No one else gets to decide who has sovereignty over their land - not even other Muslims.


Jan 17, 2010
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Genetics is irrelevant to the discussion. Israelis stole the land using war. If you find this okay then don't cry when Palestinians use war to take it back.

If you think using war to steal land is bad then denounce Israel for its killing of children.

You won't do this though, because you are racist with double standards that sees brown people as lesser and unworthy of defending themselves.

Then why people like you like to accuse modern jews as khazarian? and claiming that Palestinian is Philistine? lol.

Israel stealing land only exist in Hamas' dictionary.


Dec 27, 2023
Then why people like you like to accuse modern jews as khazarian? and claiming that Palestinian is Philistine? lol.

Israel stealing land only exist in Hamas' dictionary.

X people are living in Y location for 1 thousand years and passing land and culture on for generations. Z comes along, kicks them all out using terrorism, and then claims to be the victims.

See how stupid your argument is when you remove names, remove strawman arguments like genetics, and stick to facts?

You have no argument whatsoever that gives legitimacy to Israel.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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...The report also puts Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad on the list for killing, injuring, and abducting children.

Let's assume the UN is rightly accusing the Gazans of the crimes you accuse them of, so the UN might be 'credible' in that case. But too bad for Israel: The same UN has been blaming Israel for similar crimes, although on much larger scales. It is not good for the Zionists to cherry pick the UN reports!!
BTW, Sinwar would dance his way to some UN Court if Netanyahu is also on the dock there!! By merely 'hyphenating' Israeli top leadership with Gazans leadership, Israeli status and image loses a lot and so no wonder Israelis hate the UN so much!

If only Pakistan or literally any other Sunni Muslim country would step up to arm the resistance!

I have seen a credible blogger saying that in case of all out war against Lebanon, there are 'hundreds of thousands' of fighters from as far as Afghanistan (and probably Pakistan) who would be invited by Hezbollah to come and join the war. Possible? Yes. Wars have their own dynamics. War is madness!

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