Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


"The famous geographer, Strabo, writing c. 35 B.C., ... stated that the oecumene, i.e., the world inhabited by civilized or semi-civilized peoples, was 'full of Jews,' who had 'penetrated every city' and become so ubiquitous that, he said, 'it is not easy to find any place in the oecumene into which their race has not made its way or in which it has not gained mastery [over the natives].'" --- Revilo P. Oliver; "A Persistent Hoax" (Liberty Bell; April 1992)


I agree we will not find the answers of who the Zionists are through genetics. Results are inconclusive because we are looking at a cosmopolitan people.

How do we explain a persistent problem that has existed for over 2,000 years?
Edit: Better take a few days off, allergies hitting me hard.

This exaggeration and anti semit statement from Strabo should be shown to those who like to claim Jews as Khazarian including yourself.

And to my question is why Hamas supporter like to play with so many myths to seek justification.
This exaggeration and anti semit statement from Strabo should be shown to those who like to claim Jews as Khazarian including yourself.

And to my question is why Hamas supporter like to play with so many myths to seek justification.

Kazars are not even Semitic. Palestinians are Semitic. Most pseudo-Jews have turned pink whereas semites are brown.
This exaggeration and anti semit statement from Strabo should be shown to those who like to claim Jews as Khazarian including yourself.

And to my question is why Hamas supporter like to play with so many myths to seek justification.

Holocaust is a trope. Zionism= Nazism

You are indirectly saying so for Hamas and Palestine:

View attachment 49115

Indirectly?... No, I'm saying this directly!... I support Hamas! I love Hamas! Hamas are the defenders of Palestine! Palestinians have a right to defend themselves! No apologies!

Occupiers need to leave. Most of these are terrorists settlers. If you go to Afghanistan and start claiming land there ... The Taliban will have a right to defend their land. Same as the honorable Hamas defenders of Palestine.
I have seen a credible blogger saying that in case of all out war against Lebanon, there are 'hundreds of thousands' of fighters from as far as Afghanistan (and probably Pakistan) who would be invited by Hezbollah to come and join the war. Possible? Yes. Wars have their own dynamics. War is madness!

Is the all out war against Gaza not important enough for these 100 thousand plus? They have to wait for Hezbollah invitation when Gaza is inviting the world for 8 months?
...The report also puts Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad on the list for killing, injuring, and abducting children. Of course, these terrorist groups deliberately embrace tactics that place children at risk, including indiscriminate rocket attacks on civilian areas in Israel, launching attacks near civilian buildings, and storing weapons in schools and hospitals, including U.N. facilities.

Israel, by contrast, does none of this. It goes to unprecedented lengths to protect children and civilians from harm, including forewarning civilians before its forces enter an area, sharing maps of safe areas, and “roof knocking” on targets with non-explosive bombs so that civilians have time to flee before an attack. According to John Spencer, chairman of Urban Warfare Studies at the Modern War Institute at West Point, “Israel has taken more steps to avoid harming civilians than any other military in history.”

Equating Hamas and Israel in this way is reprehensible. Quite simply, Hamas deliberately places children in danger while Israel goes to great lengths to minimize civilian casualties.

The U.N., however, won’t let reality intrude on its narrative that Israel is in the wrong and must be condemned. One can only conclude that, as the U.N. sees it, the drumbeat of attacks on Israel must be incessant, even if it erodes the credibility of its reports or the organization itself.

The U.S. has long criticized rampant anti-Israel bias in the U.N., but the time has come to hold the organization accountable. Congress has withheld funding for the Palestinian relief agency UNRWA for its complicity with Hamas. It is past time for the U.S. to take similar action for other parts of the organization.

So instead of saying - no we are not, your line of defending yourself is - look who else is on the list? You are beginning to embarrass yourself. On a forum you are accepting your army is guilty. Not doing your Goebells impression very well are you?
This exaggeration and anti semit statement from Strabo should be shown to those who like to claim Jews as Khazarian including yourself.

And to my question is why Hamas supporter like to play with so many myths to seek justification.
How’s this related to the current conflict?
Stop using a scatter gun when you are losing the argument. Stick to the topic
Is the all out war against Gaza not important enough for these 100 thousand plus? They have to wait for Hezbollah invitation when Gaza is inviting the world for 8 months?

My own position is that this conflict shouldn't stop until Israelis are brought to a reasonable permanent peace which would work for both sides and Israelis refusing that outcome would be on their own and for all I care they can board luxury cruise ships and go and live in Cyprus or Portugal or France.
Stopping this conflict now, when Israel is really weak, and Gaza is destroyed already and so many dead, makes no sense to me. But who am I to suggest anything, sitting comfortably a long distance from the conflict.
As I said a few pages ago, I discovered this young American veteran Greg Stoker and boy he speaks clearly, logically, and with passion. In this short video, he's calling Israel 'The greatest strategic liability' for America and he is damn right on that!!
To the patriotic Americans here--not the Zionist types--this video is very important: American is being brought down globally by a parasitic foreign tiny entity which has bought the American political class and blackmails dissenters.

Jews are murdering innocent people all around the world and threatening to rape their children. Jews are officially terrorists and will be seen as such and must be recognized as such.

Media won't cover this Jewish terrorism, and will keep trying to make them out to be innocent poodles.

The only one who looks likely to be a homicidal terrorist here, is you.

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