Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Genetic prove otherwise, they are much related to Samaritan and has no khazarian dna.
And DNA doesnt lie.

I don't give a sh5+ ... They just need to go. I used to be for a two state solution.... Perhaps a generous donation for the sake of world peace. But not any more. These Zionists are more evil than ISIS+Stalin+Hitler+Pol Pot+ Joseph Goebbels All put together!.... The Palestinian Genocide has woken me up from my delusion.

I don't give a sh5+ ... They just need to go. I used to be for a two state solution.... Perhaps a generous donation for the sake of world peace. But not any more. These Zionists are more evil than ISIS+Stalin+Hitler+Pol Pot+ Joseph Goebbels All put together!.... The Palestinian Genocide has woken me up from my delusion.

That is the consequence of war right? the war that you desired.

You dont give a sh5+ to truth is not a matter as it is your choice, however world doesnt work according your rule and frame. And even before 7th Oct desire to destruct Israel already exist in many Hamas supporter's hearth including yours.

The evil one is the one who intend to destroy a sovereign nation and accuse other so by using human shield.

Who are you threatening you dirty little son of a jew?

I am giving logical thought about what would happen if you try to destruct a sovereign nation who has nuclear weapons.
Israel Today newspaper: Data presented to members of the Israeli Knesset indicate that Hamas in Gaza has not collapsed, but rather has been able to maintain its strength.

We needed a change in leadership, that's what Imran khan represented too

No one said morsi or Imran khan were geniuses, but they meant change to a worthless order

Instead that same corrupt worthless order, created chaos in our countries to keep power and they are slaves to the west so they accept their corrupt rule

Until we have revolution we will be stuck
That is the consequence of war right? the war that you desired.

You dont give a sh5+ to truth is not a matter as it is your choice, however world doesnt work according your rule and frame. And even before 7th Oct desire to destruct Israel already exist in many Hamas supporter's hearth including yours.

The evil one is the one who intend to destroy a sovereign nation and accuse other so by using human shield.

I am giving logical thought about what would happen if you try to destruct a sovereign nation who has nuclear weapons.

Israel is a evil colonial apartheid state, of course the people of the middle east want it gone, the Israeli are evil and they can't remain in the world east
Expelled Jews to where? expelling jews of course wrong according to humanity, except to haters and anti semit.

Just out,, you don't get expelled and pogromed hundreds of times if you aren't doing something wrong
White British majority only support for cease fire and peace, they dont support Hamas nor destruction of Israel.
The generalisation and insinuations that Muslims support Hamas and destruction of Israel is once again immature.
Of course Muslims and most sane people are bitterly angry and furious with Israel stance. Committing genocide - collective punishment and ethnic cleansing doesn’t help.
We all want ceasefire - we all want peace. We also want a Palestinian state with no strings attached. Israel won’t allow it - in its current state - a change of leadership and a change of direction and the resistance force Hamas will have no choice but to walk away…..

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