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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


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Dec 27, 2023
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Stop being so stubborn. That's how they see it. The majority of them see it as survival. A part of them want the entire Palestine because they consider it their land by right. Another part are against occupation. But most of them,feel they are locked in a constant battle against enemies who hate them and want to eliminate them all.

That's how they feel.
The enemies they created by ethnic cleansing and continued theft of land as they continuously play victim.

Israel can make peace if it wanted to, they DO NOT want peace but all of Palestine. They choose to lock themselves in a battle “genocide” of a people.


Sep 19, 2010
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There is no both sides, only one side is the cause of this and they know it’s not for survival but the lust for “greater Israel”.

Don’t compare Palestinian plight to the Zionists, one is a terrorist entity build atop the blood and bones of Palestinians who still continues to ethnic cleanse and steal their land.

That is your opinion, and you do have the right to hold it as you wish. All I can say is that insisting upon it is unlikely to help end the conflict anytime soon for both sides.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Did you forget what Ansar Allah has been doing to shipping going to Eilat through the Red Sea?

How can I forget when I even mentioned it in my post? I just didn't think or expect India, with its powerful navy would go out of its way, figuratively and literally, to circumnavigate the entire continent of Africa and sail the entire length of the Mediterranean Sea just to deliver some weapons and appease the zionist state, or in this case, alledgedly return the favor for the zionist helping it out during the Kargil war against Pakistan. Talk about gassing the flame on that super volatile and tense situation.

Apparently, I was wrong. Not ashamed to admit it.

India has reportedly been exporting weapons and military equipment to Israel amid the ongoing war in Gaza. Leaked documents revealed that a cargo vessel, which stopped off the Spanish coast, contained more than 30 tons of rockets and explosives destined for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). The ship allegedly departed from southeast India and circumnavigated Africa to avoid persistent Houthi attacks in the Red Sea. Former Israeli ambassador to India, Daniel Carmon, suggested that India’s decision to send weapons to Jerusalem may be a way to “return the favor,” as Israel had previously provided military supplies and equipment to India during its war with Pakistan in 1991.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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How can I forget when I even mentioned it in my post? I just didn't think or expect India, with its powerful navy would go out of its way, figuratively and literally, to circumnavigate the entire continent of Africa and sail the entire length of the Mediterranean Sea just to deliver some weapons and appease the zionist state, or in this case, alledgedly return the favor for the zionist helping it out during the Kargil war against Pakistan. Talk about gassing the flame on that super volatile and tense situation.

Apparently, I was wrong. Not ashamed to admit it.

India has reportedly been exporting weapons and military equipment to Israel amid the ongoing war in Gaza. Leaked documents revealed that a cargo vessel, which stopped off the Spanish coast, contained more than 30 tons of rockets and explosives destined for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). The ship allegedly departed from southeast India and circumnavigated Africa to avoid persistent Houthi attacks in the Red Sea. Former Israeli ambassador to India, Daniel Carmon, suggested that India’s decision to send weapons to Jerusalem may be a way to “return the favor,” as Israel had previously provided military supplies and equipment to India during its war with Pakistan in 1991.

Hope you meant that as sarcasm bro. :p

IN will get a whipping of their lives from the Houthis if they tried anything in the Red Sea.

Remember a few months ago, the Hinduvta clowns here were calling for a full-scale Indian attack on the Houthis and now we see what cowards they are by not facing Houthis head on. Funny thing is they have no way of shipping anything to the entity as Spain will block at the other end!


Full Member
Dec 27, 2023
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That is your opinion, and you do have the right to hold it as you wish. All I can say is that insisting upon it is unlikely to help end the conflict anytime soon for both sides.
You trying to push the narrative of “both sides” on equal footing does not help to end the conflict.

We are talking about a state built on colonization who still to this day is committing ethnic cleansing and robbery of land. Making excuses for this terrorist entity by accepting the FALSE propaganda of fighting for their survival they spew to people like you to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing.


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Dec 27, 2023
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That could be indeed be possible in a few years.
No it is not possible because Israel does not want a 2 state solution, they want all of Palestine without the Palestinians. All their actions are clearly visible for everyone to see.


Sep 19, 2010
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You trying to push the narrative of “both sides” on equal footing does not help to end the conflict.

We are talking about a state built on colonization who still to this day is committing ethnic cleansing and robbery of land. Making excuses for this terrorist entity by accepting the FALSE propaganda of fighting for their survival they spew to people like you to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing.

I am not pushing any narrative. I am entitled to express my opinion just the same as you are.

There are TWO sides to this conflict. That is a FACT.

What you are insisting on is one side to be seen as right and the other as wrong, when such concepts simply do not apply in a geopolitical matter at all.
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Sep 19, 2010
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No it is not possible because Israel does not want a 2 state solution, they want all of Palestine without the Palestinians. All their actions are clearly visible for everyone to see.

Whether they want it or not, a two state solution remains the only viable outcome, since Israel cannot kill or remove all the Palestinians, just as the Palestinians cannot deport or wish away all the Israelis. That is painfully evident already, try as each side might.


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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Israel can make peace if it wanted to, they DO NOT want peace but all of Palestine
Again,they're not the only ones who want all of Palestine. Hamas' narration for decades has been the complete takeover of the Holy Land.

The enemies they created by ethnic cleansing and continued theft of land as they continuously play victim.
Well it's a bit more complicated. Yes,they could have gone back to the pre-1967 borders in the 70's,but the PLO didn't help much with all the attacks,terrorism and constant hostilities. It only made Israelis feel more secure holding extra Palestinian lands.


Full Member
Dec 27, 2023
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I am not pushing any narrative. I am entitled to express my opinion just the same as you are.

There are TWO sides to this conflict. That is a FACT.

What you are insisting on is one side to be seen as right and the other as wrong, when such concepts simply do not apply in a geopolitical matter at all.
So Palestinians are the ones committing. Genocide, stealing land, committing apartheid, restricting movement , control of borders, water, electricity, etc?

There are two sides.

One side is committing the stuff above.

The other side is actually fighting for its survival


Full Member
Apr 12, 2024
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I am not pushing any narrative. I am entitled to express my opinion just the same as you are.

There are TWO sides to this conflict. That is a FACT.

What you are insisting on is one side to be seen as right and the other as wrong, when such concepts simply do not apply in an geopolitical matter at all.
Stop spewing the nonsense of two sides - there is only ONE side here and it's the Palestinians who are suffering at the hands of baby killers.


Full Member
Dec 27, 2023
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Whether they want it or not, a two state solution remains the only viable outcome, since Israel cannot kill or remove all the Palestinians, just as the Palestinians cannot deport or wish away all the Israelis. That is painfully evident already, try as each side might.
The only “two state solution” Israel is interested in is Palestinians in little enclaves surrounded by settlements kinda like the West Bank right now but even worse. Every few years they will go in “mow the lawn” and try to keep population down.

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