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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Full Member
Dec 27, 2023
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Again,they're not the only ones who want all of Palestine. Hamas' narration for decades has been the complete takeover of the Holy Land.

Well it's a bit more complicated. Yes,they could have gone back to the pre-1967 borders in the 70's,but the PLO didn't help much with all the attacks,terrorism and constant hostilities. It only made Israelis feel more secure holding extra Palestinian lands.
Israel does not want a Palestinian state, only time to occupy and steal more land. Oslo happened and what did Israel reward Palestinians with? More theft of land, oppression, and killings with impunity.


Sep 19, 2010
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The only “two state solution” Israel is interested in is Palestinians in little enclaves surrounded by settlements kinda like the West Bank right now but even worse. Every few years they will go in “mow the lawn” and try to keep population down.

I would agree that both sides need to be brought around to accepting the other's existence before a two state solution can be implemented.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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That could be indeed be possible in a few years.

Have you seen in details any of the proposed two-state solutions and particularly the conditions set by the zionist? You honestly think those would be equitable or remotely agreeable to the Palestinians? Hamas won't even agree to the ceasefire conditions and there's an expectation that they would agree to suffocating and basically continued apartheid conditions as a permanent solution?

This is exactly what I'm talking about with my first post to you; the sooner we ALL come to realize the impracticality of an amicable solution to this conflict, the sooner we'll realize that there are only two choices. The complete destruction of the zionist entity as it is presently constituted, or the wiping out of the entire Palestinian populous to the same degree as the Native Americans were subdued. Period. This is the inevitable and unfortunate truth, my friend.


Sep 19, 2010
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Have you seen in details any of the proposed two-state solutions and particularly the conditions set by the zionist? You honestly think those would be equitable or remotely agreeable to the Palestinians? Hamas won't even agree to the ceasefire conditions and there's an expectation that they would agree to suffocating and basically continued apartheid conditions as a permanent solution?

This is exactly what I'm talking about with my first post to you; the sooner we ALL come to realize the impracticality of an amicable solution to this conflict, the sooner we'll realize that there are only two choices. The complete destruction of the zionist entity as it is presently constituted, or the wiping out of the entire Palestinian populous to the same degree as the Native Americans were subdued. Period. This is the inevitable and unfortunate truth, my friend.

And I can tell you is that as much either side may wish to kill, remove or wish away the other side, neither side can succeed in doing that.


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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Israel does not want a Palestinian state, only time to occupy and steal more land. Oslo happened and what did Israel reward Palestinians with? More theft of land, oppression, and killings with impunity.
Αντε καλά,οκ...

Ajde,ajde ok. Hadi tamam.



You talk 50,000 times with people,explaining something,they refuse to see it from the other point of view. Stuck like a broken record playing the same song again and again.


Full Member
Dec 27, 2023
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I would agree that both sides need to be brought around to accepting the other's existence before a two state solution can be implemented.
Palestinians already signed Oslo and accepted and recognized the terrorist Israeli state.

Who’s to force Israel to recognize a Palestinian state when they can’t even stop or should I say want to stop them from committing genocide on the people of Gaza?


Sep 19, 2010
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I don't think anything is possible after genocide, this will haunt the Jews and they have to pay

Everyone involved in this conflict, directly or indirectly, will have to bear the consequences of their actions, without exception.


Full Member
Dec 27, 2023
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And I can tell you is that as much either side may wish to kill, remove or wish away the other side, neither side can succeed in doing that.
Over 40,000 people murdered and tens of thousands more injured with many lifelong disabilities so far is doing a good job of succeeding in killing off the people or at least forcing them to flee their homes so they can steal it.


Sep 19, 2010
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Palestinians already signed Oslo and accepted and recognized the terrorist Israeli state.

Who’s to force Israel to recognize a Palestinian state when they can’t even stop or should I say want to stop them from committing genocide on the people of Gaza?

As I said above, the only thing to force Israel into that position will result from geopolitical interests arising to the point where it is geopolitically advantageous to resolve the issue rather than let it fester, whether it comes from political or economic pressures, or a combination of both.


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades affiliated with the Popular Resistance Committees announce the downing of what is believed to be a Heron drone.

What was dropped is a larger drone than the Skylark and Mavic drones that are typically dropped.



Sep 19, 2010
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Over 40,000 people murdered and the s of thousands more injured with many lifelong disabilities so far is doing a good job of succeeding in killing off the people or at least forcing them to flee their homes so they can steal it.

They will fail if that is their goal, that is clear already.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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And I can tell you is that as much either side may wish to kill, remove or wish away the other side, neither side can succeed in doing that.

The zionist sure are trying, though, aren't they? How many times have we heard the term "mow the lawn"? Where do you suppose that's all coming from? It might not be the universal "Israeli" or Jewish desire, but it's certainly the overwhelming one and watching the indiscriminate killing in front of our eyes, how could you possibly think there is potential for an amicable solution? It's becoming more evident that it's an impossibility, therefore it will never happen since one side will have to give up more than the other and neither are willing to do so. We really ALL have to come to term with that.

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