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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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I agree with most of what you say here and in your prior post. I disagree with one thing: "It would be Lebanon on its own".
I meant something to compare to US/NATO backing of Israel. I'm aware Iran can and will provide support to them during such a war. But economically and militarily it can't match what US provides for Israel as US economy is way more powerful.
Lebanon has not been on its own since its origins in the 1980s. IRGC commanders were on the ground fighting side by side with Hezbollah fighters then, in the 2000s, in 2006, and likely today. Massive exchange of technical information and assistance and arms exports from Iran to Lebanon (via Iraq and Syria) continue by land, sea, and air. A senior Hezbollah leader said that arms deliveries from Iran have increased by a factor of at least 6 since the Gaza-Israel war/genocide started.
If the arms delivery bit is true, then that's impressive.
Iran won't deploy a large number of troops to Lebanon (logistically this is not feasible, and would turn the Lebanese people against Hezbollah even further), but in no way would Hezbollah be on its own in such a war. Top cadre of IRGC commanders view Hezbollah as their kin/brothers and dozens have already become martyrs while fighting with/for Hezbollah. To be candid, the Iran-Hezbollah relationship is fundamentally different to the Iran-Hamas relationship. The former is ideological and totally aligned between family who have spent blood together, the latter is more a relationship of convenience for both sides.
It is true they are ideologically aligned and that would mean a war on Lebanon that resembles the genocide in Gaza would probably trigger a larger intervention by Hezbollah's allies and Iran.


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Very good points, sober and rational.

How much fire power do these rockets have? How many would get through?

Can they damage serious military targets?
Most rockets don't have big firepower, but they are more precise and industrial grade compared to Gaza rockets. Meaning they won't fly off into fields so easily, like Gaza homemade rockets, and instead will fly towards their target. What this means is Israel's iron dome interceptors supply is most certainly going to be exhausted just by the quality of the rockets, not counting the sheer number, which will be a lot more.

They can damage military bases. But, much of what Israel has that is important is based underground. Or in unknown factories. But Hezbollah should be able to damage airports, military factories and bases.

If they a large number of unguided longer range rockets, like 40-50 thousand. This can cause large damage to city centers. And for first time we will see many rockets impacting in Tel Aviv with big explosive yields. I don't know how many they have. Israel will experience destruction by Hezbollah's arsenal forsure. Whereas Gaza cannot do that, even on October 7 despite firing 5,000 or so rockets, they don't have big impact. Which is why Gaza resorted to a specialized cross border military option.

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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A bizarre attack on Israel's embassy in the Serbian capital of Belgrade has unfolded Saturday, and ended in the death of the attacker, and a wounded security guard now fighting for his life.

Serbia's interior ministry is calling the incident a terrorist attack which involved a man armed with a crossbow shooting a police officer, wounding him in the neck, before the officer shot the assailant dead. Authorities are in the aftermath looking at links to Islamic extremism.


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Israeli Broadcasting Corporation:

More than 40 confrontations between the army and Al-Qassam in Shujaiya since the start of the operation on Thursday

The Israeli occupation army:

22 soldiers were injured in the past 24 hours with varying injuries

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Al-Qassam Brigades confronted enemy forces penetrating south of the Tal al-Hawa neighborhood in Gaza City


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The forces of the martyr Omar Al-Qasim and the Al-Quds Brigades targeted the enemy forces penetrating the vicinity of the Rafah land crossing with mortar shells.


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Commander of the Israeli 12th Brigade: The fighting in Rafah is taking place slowly, and Hamas fighters have studied us

Commander of the Israeli 12th Brigade: Dismantling Hamas in Rafah will take at least two more years

Commander of the Israeli 12th Brigade: Hamas is waging a guerrilla war in Rafah made up of independent groups, which makes the task of dealing with it more difficult.

Commander of the Israeli 12th Brigade: The task of eliminating Hamas is not easy, and it requires time and great military pressure

Commander of the Israeli 12th Brigade: Whoever believes that the sirens will stop within the next year is throwing sand in the eyes

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Zaman Israel Hebrew website: Netanyahu’s promises in the last eight months to achieve victory in the war and “destroy Hamas” were and will remain empty and demagogic promises. In the war against a guerrilla organization operating among the civilian population, a professional army can win countless battles, but not war. Gangs win while not losing. True victory will not be achieved until negotiations are held to settle the conflict peacefully.

Israel must comply with Hamas's demand for a complete ceasefire in exchange for the release of all the kidnapped people, even if that means the continued rule of Yahya Sinwar in the Gaza Strip.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Thousands of settlers demonstrate in Tel Aviv; To demand the overthrow of the occupation government and the return of prisoners in Gaza through an exchange deal.


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Thread for the historic day of October 7, which began with the guest announcing the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood

Speech by the Chief of Staff of the Al-Qassam Brigades, Muhammad Al-Deif “Abu Khaled,” announcing the start of Operation #Al-Aqsa_Flood


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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A joint investigation by the Hebrew newspaper “Israel Hayom” and the German “Bild” newspaper regarding the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation:

The elite fighters in the Qassam Brigades enjoyed a high level of discipline and had detailed maps and plans about the stages of the operation.
- The greatest focus of the attack by elite fighters was on weapons depots, army positions, and where guard teams were stationed.
- The Qassam Brigades planned to control 221 kibbutzim, military sites and towns, including Netivot, Ofkim and Sderot.
The elite fighters' instructions were to take the largest number of captured soldiers to the Gaza Strip and avoid "civilians", especially women and children.
The elite fighters took control of Kibbutz Kfar Izza with an overwhelming attack. They had accurate maps and knowledge of the location of the weapons store and the home of the security official who was killed after a short clash.
- Elite fighters and those who followed them stormed 130 homes in “Nir Oz” out of 135 in the kibbutz.
Elite fighters booby-trapped a number of sites and deliberately left some weapons at their entrances to entice soldiers to enter and then blow them up.
- The elite members had enough time to carry out the operation and rest in areas in the cover....

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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“We are still waiting for him to taste new types of death and to teach him and the whole world the meaning of heroism and redemption.”

Abu Obeida
Military spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades



Elite Member
Aug 3, 2008
Arabs have pathetic leaders. I am also very badly disappointed by the Arab neighbours and yes the peoples. Don't judge or blame me. I reserve the right to condemn cowards who don't come to the aid of their brothers and sisters. Don't get just angry at me though. The whole world has put question marks at the Arab response. The Arab response has been beyond disgraceful.

I am not anti-Arab. We Pakistanis aren't anti-Arab generally speaking. We are not ethnically Arab and we have no beef with Arabs. We have no motive for being anti-Arab. However, we will call out Arab leaders for abandoning their own kind. It is the elephant in the room.

Your leaders are supporters of the farcical Abraham Accords. Your leaders lied about the prospects of peace through Abraham Accords. Abraham Accords only brought misery. Arab countries and Arab leaders are only interested in appeasing the Americans and trading with Israel. The Arab leaders have proved that they don’t care about the plight of the Palestinians.

Your dictator El-Sisi is a sellout. His statements tell everything. He doesn't care about Palestine. Don't tell me that you support Sisi.

Not just the Arab
..... Almost all Muslim nations... Pakistani government leaders are not any better.

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