Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Israeli Channel 14: An emergency meeting with the participation of the Minister of Transportation, fearing that the #Houthis will attack strategic and vital facilities.

Bahrain enters into security agreement with USA

Bahraini National Security Advisor Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa:

Under the new agreement with the United States, any external aggression against Bahrain will mean a meeting at the highest levels between Washington and Manama to provide defensive measures.

Sounds like Bahrain knows it will come under a surprise or painful attack for supporting Israel's genocide. This security agreement wont save Bahrain from terrorist or militant attacks.
Urgent | Financial Times: An Israeli military official said: We informed our allies in advance of the strike on #Yemen

Urgent | Financial Times, citing an Israeli military official: Hodeidah was the main supply route for the Houthis with Iranian arms shipments

Urgent | The Wall Street Journal said, according to an Israeli military official: Saturday’s attack is a message of deterrence to the Houthis and to everyone monitoring the region

Urgent | Yedioth Ahronoth on Israeli officials: We expect a response from the #Houthi_group and are preparing to attack it with much greater strikes

Urgent | Financial Times: An Israeli military official said: We informed our allies in advance of the strike on #Yemen

Urgent | Financial Times, citing an Israeli military official: Hodeidah was the main supply route for the Houthis with Iranian arms shipments

Urgent | The Wall Street Journal said, according to an Israeli military official: Saturday’s attack is a message of deterrence to the Houthis and to everyone monitoring the region

These idiots dont learn. They are exposed like naked fools. Only the despot arab regimes are scared of you israel the rest are fighting you with what they have. If they had more the occupation of Palestinians would end. A time will come when insha allah that happens as well.
Urgent | Israel Hayom: 20 Israeli fighter jets participated in the attack on Hodeidah in Yemen and were refueled by air.

Urgent | The Israeli Army: We used F-15E fighters in the attack on the port of Hodeidah

Urgent | Ansar Allah Political Council: The Israeli aggression against #Yemen will not deter us from our positions in support of Palestine and will not go unanswered.

Urgent | Financial Times, citing an Israeli military official: Hodeidah was the main supply route for the Houthis with Iranian arms shipments
what do oil storage depot and electrical plant have to do with iranian arms shipments?
The difference between the Yemeni and Lebanese support fronts, and why is it Yemen that is striking the more sensitive targets:

First, we have to understand the situation that Yemen is in:

1. 9 years of siege and war by Americans and their proxies : Yemen is already under blockade, the ports and airports are under siege, most of its infrastructure is already destroyed, and Yemen is still at war and sees the Israeli front as an opportunity to retaliate against the ongoing 9 years old agression.

2. Distance and geographyBecause of the large distance between Palestine and Yemen, and the large geography of Yemen, it's impossible for the Israeli airforce to maintain continuous never ending 24/7 large areal campains against Yemen like they can do against Gaza and Lebanon. This means that they can do strikes but with reduced number of bombing runs.

With this in mind, we can understand why Yemen has much less to lose than Lebanon, which gives it the ability to strike more sensitive sites than Lebanon. With Yemen already destroyed, the losses it will sustain from Israel are limited compared to what Lebanon will recieve.

In the coming days and weeks, if Yemen manages to hit Israeli infrastructure and bypass defenses, it means that the strike on Tel Aviv was a bait which Israel took and opened the door for the gradual destruction of Israeli infrastructure. In this scenario Israel would be losing more than Yemen.

In comparison, Lebanon is not under siege and has alot more to lose, so the Lebanese escalation ladder is slower than the Yemeni one. Ofcourse, in an open war, the Lebanon front would be the strongest and most damaging front against Israel, and for this reason Israel can't respond on Lebanon in a big way despite the immense pressure the settler displacement and military losses are creating.
The difference between the Yemeni and Lebanese support fronts, and why is it Yemen that is striking the more sensitive targets:

Houtis attack Isreal couse Iran gives them weapons to kill their sunnis borthers in Yemen ,

Other than that , i doubt most can even locate Israel on the map.

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"The fire at Hodeidah Port can be seen around the Middle East"

^ this is the line Israeli officials are pushing hard --> they hit fuel depots on purpose to create large fires for an optical victory. note they did not hit any military targets.
This midget Zionist won’t be that brave when Uncle Sam stops backing him. Iran should get nukes asap so this idiot will stop making stupid threats.

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