Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Bolded parts. That's what happening. Those countries, as well as a chunk of the global economy, is tied with being on the good side of the Americans and their allies. Currently, the consequences would be horrible for crossing America [which, as we all know, is controlled by the Zionist lobbies]. However, the regional countries will remain Israel's potential targets: Trade, commerce, natural resources explorations have to be all conducive to Israel's interests or else! The regional countries shouldn't forget that Israel is a self-proclaimed 'The Last Outpost of the West in the Middle East' and thus is not a 'good neighbor'. It is a colonial enterprise.

With Americans in the Red Sea, the 'logistics' are not hard to figure out but, yes, even with the Americans there, it is not a sustainable adventure for the Israelis.

Some of the rich Arab nations have become immoral, thinking only of riches. They think this tragedy will not happen to them. What a shame!
If this isn't stopped, then a regional war will erupt. Which will plummet the global economy. Affect everyone in the world. All because Israel has a insatiated bloodlust and has determined it hasn't killed enough Palestinian children and women.

Stop this now before Israel gets vaporized and Jews around the world start paying the price.

It looks like the Houthis responded and looks like whatever hit wasn’t intercepted and the idf doesn’t know what it was or was able to track it,it looks like tit for tat is here hopefully Houthi struck with precision
Israels gas platforms and infrastructure needs to be targeted,

It needs to be target number one,

Now that you have a definitive ICJ legal position of Israel being a illegal occupier, now move on to removing the occupier and targeting its infrastructure and the Intel factory especially

If the Arab states and league were on board they would use the ICJ legal position to launch a mass movement against Israel and energize the BDS

They are actually "on board" as in an alliance with the Zionist entity against Palestine/Yemen/Lebanon/Iran etc.

Because even rich European countries are paralyzed! They take part in the American Neo Cons' wars and then wonder about the refugees showing up on the European shores. They are stuck in World War II and then the Cold War. It is like 'if ain't broken then don't fix'' mentality but it is broken or at least being broken.

If Europe is like that then imagine the much weaker Arab countries. America is the predominant military and economic power and combined with its allies can ruin a lot of countries' economies in various ways, even before the military options would be needed.
A few minutes ago Israel used an Arrow-3 interceptor to intercept a ballistic missile over Eilat

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