Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

If the Arab states and league were on board they would use the ICJ legal position to launch a mass movement against Israel and energize the BDS
Arab states have great ability to take serious action to force Israel to reconsider many positions. but they sadly don't do this. The populations don't seem to care either. I didn't see a single pro-Palestine protest in Saudi Arabia or UAE. Yet there are many huge pro-Palestine protests across Europe even. It's very bizarre.

Arab-Turkey-Iran unity to support a Palestinian state and oppose Israel would be ideal but can't happen while the Arab leaders are in cahoots with Israel and their populations don't do enough to force them to change that.
Sadly, many commentators in this section have clearly identified the problem. Turkey and many of the most powerful Arab states are more concerned with their own economic realities than with any genuine wish to help the hapless Palestinians. Turkey is a key player in facilitating oil shipments to Israel and many of the Gulf states are looking to diversify their economies away from oil and into global trade in the future. Much of these new planned trade routes would directly link the Gulf states with Israel. None of them wishes to alienate the US or Israel and all probably see this current 'war' as mainly being an inconvenience to their own plans. It's very sad to watch. A united Arab/Turkish response would cast this whole situation in a very different light.
Turkey and those Arab states despise each other. Turkey is just about Turks. A rather secular nation. Nevertheless, they'll all pay a big price for their indifference and compliance.
To Sunni Muslims. Not true? I am not a Sunni Muslim, so you would know better than me. I am open to being corrected on this.

Saudis made a ceasefire with Ansarallah. The right thing to do.
After 9 years of war and causing the biggest humanitarian disaster in the world in Yemen. And starving thousands of Yemeni children to death. Yeah, I don't feel inclined to give them credit for agreeing a ceasefire.
Israel's air strikes in Yemen were more than 1800km away from the closest point of Israel. A serious long range operation. A large number of F-35 and F-15 jets and a refuelling air tanker were used.

These strikes are expensive and logistically challenging, and Israel does not have the capability to launch a sustained bombing campaign of Yemen that would be effective enough to seriously degrade Ansarallah's capabilities.
To Sunni Muslims. Not true? I am not a Sunni Muslim, so you would know better than me. I am open to being corrected on this.
You made the assertion. I'm not gonna keep correcting you. I don't believe in anyone being a leader of the entire Islamic world. It's simply not a thing. Islamic world is too vast.
After 9 years of war and causing the biggest humanitarian disaster in the world in Yemen. And starving thousands of Yemeni children to death. Yeah, I don't feel inclined to give them credit for agreeing a ceasefire.
Saudi's learned the hard way. It's better late than never to correct their trajectory.
Israel's leaders are using images of their terrorism in Yemen to threaten Iran.

Thank God Iran has the means to strike back at this satanic entity. Every week a new underground missile mega city is discovered in Iran. The latest one is deep in central Iran buried under a 500m mountain.

50-100 Iranian ballistic missiles depleted 20% of Israel's entire Arrow ABM inventory. Another 4 of those waves and Israel will be virtually defenceless against Iranian missiles. Then the satanic child-killers will have to beg for America to save them.
Oman - Qatar - Yemen - Kuwait are seemingly challenging the dynamics of the Arabian Peninsula region. Saudi Arabia and UAE are being degraded to spectator states.

We are seeing changes in the right direction. Won't be fast or magical. But things are changing.

Oman - Qatar - Yemen - Kuwait are seemingly challenging the dynamics of the Arabian Peninsula region. Saudi Arabia and UAE are being degraded to spectator states.

We are seeing changes in the right direction. Won't be fast or magical. But things are changing.

Mind you, these people have different beliefs and sects. Gaza has helped Islamic world overcome its sectarian differences. Omani's are Ibadi's, Ansarallah are Ziyadis, Qataris are Hanbali's. You can have different religious views and interpretations, and still coexist and work together. Just like Europeans did. This is a good sign and development.
It's a mountainous region too. Correct me if I'm wrong. Historically Yemen has been labelled the Vietnam of the Middle East. I'll have to do more research but I do remember reading about a Egyptian intervention/invasion of Yemen that went very bad.

Interestingly The Taliban stronghold (tribal Pashtun area) is also mountainous: western Himalayas.
Mind you, these people have different beliefs and sects. Gaza has helped Islamic world overcome its sectarian differences. Omani's are Ibadi's, Ansarallah are Ziyadis, Qataris are Hanbali's. You can have different religious views and interpretations, and still coexist and work together. Just like Europeans did. This is a good sign and development.
You can thrown in Iran here too. Which is Twelver Shia.
Sadly, many commentators in this section have clearly identified the problem. Turkey and many of the most powerful Arab states are more concerned with their own economic realities than with any genuine wish to help the hapless Palestinians. Turkey is a key player in facilitating oil shipments to Israel and many of the Gulf states are looking to diversify their economies away from oil and into global trade in the future. Much of these new planned trade routes would directly link the Gulf states with Israel. None of them wishes to alienate the US or Israel and all probably see this current 'war' as mainly being an inconvenience to their own plans. It's very sad to watch. A united Arab/Turkish response would cast this whole situation in a very different light.

Bolded parts. That's what happening. Those countries, as well as a chunk of the global economy, is tied with being on the good side of the Americans and their allies. Currently, the consequences would be horrible for crossing America [which, as we all know, is controlled by the Zionist lobbies]. However, the regional countries will remain Israel's potential targets: Trade, commerce, natural resources explorations have to be all conducive to Israel's interests or else! The regional countries shouldn't forget that Israel is a self-proclaimed 'The Last Outpost of the West in the Middle East' and thus is not a 'good neighbor'. It is a colonial enterprise.

Israel's air strikes in Yemen were more than 1800km away from the closest point of Israel. A serious long range operation. A large number of F-35 and F-15 jets and a refuelling air tanker were used.

These strikes are expensive and logistically challenging, and Israel does not have the capability to launch a sustained bombing campaign of Yemen that would be effective enough to seriously degrade Ansarallah's capabilities.

With Americans in the Red Sea, the 'logistics' are not hard to figure out but, yes, even with the Americans there, it is not a sustainable adventure for the Israelis.
You can thrown in Iran here too. Which is Twelver Shia.
Oddly only Saudi Arabia is sticking to sectarian rhetoric. Both against other Sunnis and Shias.

Saudi Arabia will be sidelined entirely if it does not reverse these reckless policies quickly.
Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs: "Iran is the head of the snake - it must be stopped now."

they commit a genocide in Gaza, illegally occupy/annex the West Bank, now call for the international community to impose sanctions against Iran ...

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