Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Iran and the Axis of Resistance should be ready for the evil that is coming at their door. Just listen to what Satan's representative on this earth stated in his recent speech in his colony in the Occupied US Congress. 👇

He basically called for a war with Iran.
Ofcourse, the world will be a better place without Saddam, Qaddafi and Asad ... and now Iran is the one left
The child killers are shitting in their pants, worrying about where Yemenis would be hitting when they respond. 👇

Houthis has own massmedia to speak by themselves, no need to read Israel news.

Yes, they said the big response to Hodeidah is to come.

Houthi press:

I'd say that Hezbullah is capable of launching a large scale ballistic missile attack as well, though the issue remains that they'd run out pretty quickly.
It is a war of attrition. As an Israeli analyst himself said something like 'they know launching one rocket from Gaza is same as launching 50 rockets'.
Hezbollah doesn't need to launch many per day--just enough to further deplete the Iron Dome--and farther drive away Israelis from the north.

Then they should brand zionism a colonial racist ideology and put a ban on it within their countries which will be more a symbolic gesture.
Then at every international forum name and shame the zionist state for its brutality.
The OIC can and should take at least that action. Speak with once voice and at least boycott Israel.

The best bet the Palestinians have to remove the Jews from Palestine is to outbreed them and give constant resistance to occupation constantly dragging Israel through the mud until one day it can't get back.up
I remember Arafat said something like 'Palestinians should have 10 babies. Save 2 for the family and the rest to fight for Palestine'.

True. But the other Middle Eastern Muslim nations are firmly in line with the west/israel.
It is because the modern Caliph of the Middle East is Saudi Arabia, just like America is the Caliph of the West. [And Israel is the Caliph of America!]

@Hassan Al-Somal
As I said yesterday, Kamala Harris can't be any worse than Biden! She is a woman, a person of color, from an immigrant family, and young. All those make her very likely to deviate from the Neo Cons and the Zionists like Trump and Biden.
I was going to vote for Jill Stein of the Green Party but now seriously thinking Kamala. In my State in the Deep South, the vote doesn't matter anyway: It will be Trump. But got to try. @Davey Crockett
It is a war of attrition. As an Israeli analyst himself said something like 'they know launching one rocket from Gaza is same as launching 50 rockets'.
Hezbollah doesn't need to launch many per day--just enough to further deplete the Iron Dome--and farther drive away Israelis from the north.

The OIC can and should take at least that action. Speak with once voice and at least boycott Israel.

I remember Arafat said something like 'Palestinians should have 10 babies. Save 2 for the family and the rest to fight for Palestine'.

It is because the modern Caliph of the Middle East is Saudi Arabia, just like America is the Caliph of the West. [And Israel is the Caliph of America!]

Saudis are no caliphs. They aspire to become middle class white western europeans. They could not care less about Islam and Muslims. Only Pakistanis and non-middle Eastern Muslims from poor nations care about the "Muslim bloc" or "Ummah".

Respect for Bernie Sanders for calling Netanyahu a war criminal
Netanyahu isn't solely responsible for the genocide, its israelis. Will Bernie call out his fellow Jewish Colonisers too that are pulling the trigger. He's trying to save Israel and salvage his religion by putting blame on a few. Palestinians are Amalek according to their religion.
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Saudis are no caliphs. They aspire to become middle class white western europeans. They could not care less about Islam and Muslims. Only Pakistanis and non-middle Eastern Muslims from poor nations care about the "Muslim bloc" or "Ummah".

Yes, Saudis are the Caliphs of the Arab World. You will see the Arab countries--from Iraq to Morocco, change their positions once Saudi Arabia decides to.
And I don't know why you bring up this 'white western Europeans'?? Makes no sense to me. IMO, their ruling class is decadent, just like ruling classes become in all other societies over time when given time and resources. It is a human phenomenon.
I think you surely have some 'race' issues if I remember from your earlier posts.
Yes, Saudis are the Caliphs of the Arab World. You will see the Arab countries--from Iraq to Morocco, change their positions once Saudi Arabia decidesother arabs to.
And I don't know why you bring up this 'white western Europeans'?? Makes no sense to me. IMO, their ruling class is decadent, just like ruling classes become in all other societies over time when given time and resources. It is a human phenomenon.
I think you surely have some 'race' issues if I remember from your earlier posts.

So in other words, when the americans/white western europeans/israelis give their commands to the saudis, the saudis then relay those commands to the other Arabs and they all fall into line. Brilliant caliph-slave dogs.......... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Netanyahu speech was exactly as expected:

-Poodles of Congress got all snuggly n kissy with pet owner

-Netanyahu invokes 9/11 for outrage purposes, to describe the military operation of breaking the siege of Gaza and crushing IDF southern command on 10/7

-Netanyahu defaming American activists and smearing them for being pro-Palestine

-Netanyahu requests many more weapons/ammo to commit a enormous renewal of the genocide on Gaza, this time destroying the South to force the population out
Netanyahu speech was exactly as expected:

-Poodles of Congress got all snuggly n kissy with pet owner

-Netanyahu invokes 9/11 for outrage purposes, to describe the military operation of breaking the siege of Gaza and crushing IDF southern command on 10/7

-Netanyahu defaming American activists and smearing them for being pro-Palestine

-Netanyahu requests many more weapons/ammo to commit a enormous renewal of the genocide on Gaza, this time destroying the South to force the population out
It confirms Israel is using maximum firepower available to it on Gaza. The current firepower allows them to kill up to 100 Palestinians per day. Netanyahu is requesting munitions to allow killing up to 1,000 Palestinians per day. Israel is fully reliant on the US weapons industry. It can't commit a genocide without the US supply bridge and would have to end it's perpetual state of war that's it's declaring on Palestinians and its neighbors.
Netanyahu speech was exactly as expected:

-Poodles of Congress got all snuggly n kissy with pet owner

-Netanyahu invokes 9/11 for outrage purposes, to describe the military operation of breaking the siege of Gaza and crushing IDF southern command on 10/7

-Netanyahu defaming American activists and smearing them for being pro-Palestine

-Netanyahu requests many more weapons/ammo to commit a enormous renewal of the genocide on Gaza, this time destroying the South to force the population out

Isn't it ironic that the same UN you say has no right is the also the UN that you want to validate your preferred actions?

In an ideal scenario the impotent biased UN should not be relied upon by Muslim nations. There should be a Uned Muslim Nations NATO type of coalition that has the military power to fight for Rights of Muslim nations.

It should free Palestine.

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