Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

In an ideal scenario the impotent biased UN should not be relied upon by Muslim nations. There should be a Uned Muslim Nations NATO type of coalition that has the military power to fight for Rights of Muslim nations.

It should free Palestine.

Excellent ideas! Maybe OIC can actually serve in that role and pass a resolution at least, as stated above already? After all, great journeys begin with small steps actually taken, not merely thought.
So in other words, when the americans/white western europeans/israelis give their commands to the saudis, the saudis then relay those commands to the other Arabs and they all fall into line. Brilliant caliph-slave dogs.......... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

The livelihood of the Saudi Kingdom is intrinsically tied with the West and the livelihood of millions of workers from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines etc is tied to the economies of the the GCC Arab countries. America sits in a commanding position where it can seize literally hundreds of billions of dollars of the GCC Arab countries' assets--just like America did to mighty Russia--and there would be nothing the GCC Arab countries could do about that. But at least Russia was a military power and with unmatched natural resources; so Russia, though bloodied, picked up the pieces and used its considerable human and natural resources, with the Chinese help, to absorb the shocks of the Ukraine war.
There is absolutely nothing preventing America from inflicting grave damage to the GCC Arab countries financially, and even militarily, if it comes to that. And the actions of the Americans would cause untold misery not only in the Arab countries but also in those poor countries that I mentioned above.

The forum can get carried away with grand ideologies and idealism but those who are responsible for the lives of not just their own but also of hundreds of millions are NOT going to sacrifice all for 5-7 million Palestinians. The rulers tried that-- especially in King Faisal's time--but they failed. They couldn't succeed.

It is only Iran and its proxies, who have some very favorable conditions behind them, who are able to stick their necks out for the Palestinians.

So please get out of your race based world view and think geo-economics.
Isn't it ironic that the same UN you say has no right is the also the UN that you want to validate your preferred actions?
Problem is isn’t with the un itself but how several countries how power to decide for the whole world.
I'd say that Hezbullah is capable of launching a large scale ballistic missile attack as well, though the issue remains that they'd run out pretty quickly.
Hezbollah doesn't have the number of launchers that Iran has or the luxury of preparing the launchers out in the open for hours
Hezbollah doesn't have the number of launchers that Iran has or the luxury of preparing the launchers out in the open for hours
What is Hezbollah's ballistic missile estimate?
Problem is isn’t with the un itself but how several countries how power to decide for the whole world.

How can that be a problem when it has been like this throughout human history? The rules of international geopolitics have always been this way. Forever.
Here is one more video by the very reputable Kyle that Kamala Harris is being 'very astute' by sidelining the 'warmongers' from the Biden administration in her own administration.
I don't think Kamala could be worse than Biden. I absotely don't think so and I had stated above that opinion multiple times.
So if you are a Muslim voter in the 'swing states', vote Kamala Harris! Roll the dice and take a chance! I mean, you don't have much to play with--if anything to play with--so why not play by your instincts??

The livelihood of the Saudi Kingdom is intrinsically tied with the West and the livelihood of millions of workers from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines etc is tied to the economies of the the GCC Arab countries. America sits in a commanding position where it can seize literally hundreds of billions of dollars of the GCC Arab countries' assets--just like America did to mighty Russia--and there would be nothing the GCC Arab countries could do about that. But at least Russia was a military power and with unmatched natural resources; so Russia, though bloodied, picked up the pieces and used its considerable human and natural resources, with the Chinese help, to absorb the shocks of the Ukraine war.
There is absolutely nothing preventing America from inflicting grave damage to the GCC Arab countries financially, and even militarily, if it comes to that. And the actions of the Americans would cause untold misery not only in the Arab countries but also in those poor countries that I mentioned above.

The forum can get carried away with grand ideologies and idealism but those who are responsible for the lives of not just their own but also of hundreds of millions are NOT going to sacrifice all for 5-7 million Palestinians. The rulers tried that-- especially in King Faisal's time--but they failed. They couldn't succeed.

It is only Iran and its proxies, who have some very favorable conditions behind them, who are able to stick their necks out for the Palestinians.

So please get out of your race based world view and think geo-economics.

EXACTLY!!!!!!!...........You have uttered what I have been saying in this forum and it's previous iteration for nearly 10 years. For many reasons and circumstances, us Pakistanis and many other non-whites are in a state of inferiority and servitude to the white western europeans. The question is how do we break these chains of slavery and inferiority from the goreh?
The livelihood of the Saudi Kingdom is intrinsically tied with the West and the livelihood of millions of workers from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines etc is tied to the economies of the the GCC Arab countries. America sits in a commanding position where it can seize literally hundreds of billions of dollars of the GCC Arab countries' assets--just like America did to mighty Russia--and there would be nothing the GCC Arab countries could do about that. But at least Russia was a military power and with unmatched natural resources; so Russia, though bloodied, picked up the pieces and used its considerable human and natural resources, with the Chinese help, to absorb the shocks of the Ukraine war.
There is absolutely nothing preventing America from inflicting grave damage to the GCC Arab countries financially, and even militarily, if it comes to that. And the actions of the Americans would cause untold misery not only in the Arab countries but also in those poor countries that I mentioned above.

The forum can get carried away with grand ideologies and idealism but those who are responsible for the lives of not just their own but also of hundreds of millions are NOT going to sacrifice all for 5-7 million Palestinians. The rulers tried that-- especially in King Faisal's time--but they failed. They couldn't succeed.

It is only Iran and its proxies, who have some very favorable conditions behind them, who are able to stick their necks out for the Palestinians.

So please get out of your race based world view and think geo-economics.

What you have stated is exactly why I have said it's best the Palestinians migrate out of the West Bank and Gaza voluntarily to the West. Staying where they are, the results are before our eyes. The Palestinians are stuck between a rock and a hard place and need not make it any harder.

As one friend who joined the military once said, you people love Jihad and dying. We have no problem arranging the meeting between them and God. It was at that point that I looked up and said, God, we f*cked up - silently in my head. (But as with all decisions, it's also his will we get f*cked up, so I can't complain).
EXACTLY!!!!!!!...........You have uttered what I have been saying in this forum and it's previous iteration for nearly 10 years. For many reasons and circumstances, us Pakistanis and many other non-whites are in a state of inferiority and servitude to the white western europeans. The question is how do we break these chains of slavery and inferiority from the goreh?

By keeping our mouths shut, working behind the scenes, and not shouting Death to America and other nonsense to attract attention.
EXACTLY!!!!!!!...........You have uttered what I have been saying in this forum and it's previous iteration for nearly 10 years. For many reasons and circumstances, us Pakistanis and many other non-whites are in a state of inferiority and servitude to the white western europeans. The question is how do we break these chains of slavery and inferiority from the goreh?
I don't know HOW you came to draw a parallel between my post and this post of your's!! Mindboggling! Again, get out of the 'race' based mindset, please!

What you have stated is exactly why I have said it's best the Palestinians migrate out of the West Bank and Gaza voluntarily to the West. Staying where they are, the rest are before our eyes.

As one friend who joined the military once said, you people love Jihad and dying. We have no problem arranging the meeting between them and God. It was at that point that I looked up and said, God, we f*cked up - silently in my head. (But as with all decisions, it's also his will we get f*cked up, so I can't complain).

Please stop the defeatism. Like @UKBengali and many others, I don't see Palestinians on the losing side, at least as long as Iran is behind them.
The History is being written. Patience is needed.

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