Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

It is wise to have a war with the idf now than later. The idf has been depleted and a lot of their equipment destroyed or damaged. This along with the war in Ukraine will limit US support for them. Hezbollah and the axis needs to deliberately target Israeli civilian infrastructure. The same tactics the idf employs should be used against them. I don’t condone targeting civilians, but the idf would be to blame.
There is no question: The IDF is depleted now--in EVERY way.
I think Iran actually have the upper hand, the USA might need Iran to do them a favour, they really really don't want Israel to escalate the war, they would have to fully go into the war, support the war fully whilst also taking on Russia
You could go as far as saying they risk their pre eminence for Israel
Its not sustainable.
Even if were not an election year, Americans don't want a war in the Middle East. Perhaps if there was no Russia-Ukraine war, then it would be different, but, as we all know, the R-U war has been around for 2.5 years.

Americans have been conditioned over the decades on the lie WWII brought them out of The Great Depression, that many struggling may think a big war will get them better hours and more pay.
I actually believe FDR had failed and it was the Second World War which brought America out of the Depression. [The Soviets won the WW II but that's for another topic]

What's the possibility of Russia or China lending support with the escalation?
Russia especially, what can you expect?
The us is really spreading itself

It is a certainty--without doubt--that Russia and China will support Iran and its proxies.

This is possible, Israel trumps Ukraine easily, forgive the pun 😇
In which case Russia will want a good deal, or no deal and keep going
All those Ukrainian lives? Sad.

That's an option for America: Sacrifice Ukraine for Israel. Absolutely. If we study how great powers traded their interests over the last thousand years--much of that's documented--then you'd see how the great powers sacrificed their supposed allies. But, as a side note: Israel is NOT an American 'ally'. Never was. It is a huge liability. An Albatross around the American necks.

Zero possibility
When Saudi Arabia and Turkey do nothing, how can you expect China or Russia to intervene?

I am sure China and Russia wouldn't miss a chance to divert the American attention from Ukraine or Taiwan.
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Iran should be having advisers in Lebanon asap and help provide intelligence on Israeli runways/crucial targets. Israeli's take off from underground in civilian areas in Tel Aviv. And also runways in southern Israel farther from striking distance. Their air power has to be crippled.

Hamas was not weak. But Gaza is very limiting. Not enough space. Next to no quality weapons in Gaza. Most of rocket infrastructure is restricted to small areas in the north. Like a ring along side the whole border with Israel. Hamas used as many as it can in the beginning to have a impact. Israel than began carpet bombing everything which makes it impossible to fire rockets at that point. No space for rocket launchers and no freedom of movement.

Hezbollah has 5x the rocket power as Hamas. Better quality rockets. But they will run into similar problem if Israel carpet bombs southern Lebanon. Resistance axis lacks capability to carpet bomb Israel. Iran would need to intervene in order to win a war. By grounding Israel's air force, then a ground invasion into Israel will need to be executed. Taking swathes of territory to limit Israel's offensive capability.

Sooner or later, in this region, a ground invasion of Israel will need to be done to take care of threat. America cannot stop that or prevent that. America can deploy offensive power on neighboring nations. That's why a ground invasion into Israel will be needed. And any offensive force released will destroy Israel and kill Israeli's in mass.
As expected, Netanyahu didn't approve any strike options on Hezbollah. People were expecting Israel to conduct a wave of strikes the same night. Netanyahu doesn't want to do that because his focus is on Gaza and also the West Bank. Their agenda right now:

1.) Destroy Gaza, exile it's population
2.) Take steps to annex the West Bank


What he may have done is a approve a assassination plot of medium level ranking commander and will wait a few days before executing the operation. Then try to share this as some kind of accomplishment to the Israeli public. Even though that's a occurrence we've seen play out already and it hasn't crossed Hezbollah's red lines. Which are:

1.) No targeting of civilian infrastructure
2.) No deliberate targeting of civilians
3.) No assassinations of high ranking political officials

And the general intensity/scope of the strikes not exceeding scope/intensity from other side, either.
Hezbollah will continue to strike northern Israel in support of Gaza but also to disrupt any effort by Israel to try to catch Hezbollah off guard and launch a surprise offensive. Hezbollah will watch border closely too.

Israel could try launching a sudden and rapid ground invasion + aerial campaign. They may be waiting for conditions to achieve maximum results and are trying to mislead/exhaust Hezbollah. US could be in on it too. US puts out messages of de-escalation but they very well may have already approved this too as the Jewish-American community runs the country.

It's basically whatever inflicts maximum damage and least price paid by the Israeli Jews, that will be approved. Right now they believe the price that the Israeli Jews will pay, is too high for their liking. They don't give a crap about Israeli Christians or Druze.
The words of a child killing Zionist soldier who was hit by a Palestinian resistance fighter's bullet. Sweet justice!

"I went and sat in a chair with a table in front of me, smoking a cigarette with my companion, and working on scanning the opposite area with a sniper.

Suddenly ,I was hit by a bullet from a Palestinian sniper, which pushed me back three meters and hit the wall of the building in which I was holed up, shattering my shoulder and hitting my head and back. I was screaming in intense pain and wished for death until I lost consciousness.

I woke up a few days later paralyzed from the neck down. Am I amputated? I can't move my body, connected to a catheter, tubes to drain fluids from the body and get blood out, connected to a breathing machine and full of stitches in my abdomen and chest. There was a big hole next to my heart! The bullet shattered the rib cage, destroyed the spleen and lungs, and was very close to the heart. I learned that my heart had stopped and I was resuscitated. A combat medic who was with us was the one who saved my life."

I hope the child killing terrorist IDF lives the rest of his pathetic life as a vegetable... Burn in hell Zionists.
I hope the child killing terrorist IDF lives the rest of his pathetic life as a vegetable... Burn in hell Zionists.
I love to see the gory photos of that wound he had.

I much much rather see those kind of photos than photos of dead or injured Palestinian kids and babies.
Most of Israel's threats on Lebanon are just pyschological warfare. They don't take wait five days to do a 'powerful strike that doesn't lead to war '. Anything required such preparation will plunge the two nations into a long war.
Israel says it's "approaching an all-out war with Hezbollah."


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