Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

OK, how is the settler entity going to fare against 200K+ Hezbollah rockest and missiles?

Within a matter of days the US-Zionist defence shield in the north of Occupied Palestine will be taken down due to saturation, lack of interceptors and physical destruction of components like radars.

85-90% of the Jewish population are settlers and the majority have got a quick exit back to their countries of origin. Most rather not die for land that is not theirs.

Once you can answer this, then we can take your "green light" theory and run with it.
Bold of you to think the isreal extremist govt care about the lives of their citizens. They have killed their citizens on oct 7 and their hostages in gaza and have rejected every offer to return them.
The Zionist entity will not ceasefire until it is utterly defeated.

There was another member here, a while back, who cursed the German people for not destroying the Zionists.

Germany would have done the job if Julius Streicher's DSP came to power, instead of the Nazi Party.

No, you need to be demented old fool to be a Zionist.
Zionists come in many forms.

In America we also have Christian Zionists.

I am sure some of you can name the Islamic Zionists.

And so forth, in nearly every country on earth, except a handful.
The words of a child killing Zionist soldier who was hit by a Palestinian resistance fighter's bullet. Sweet justice!

"I went and sat in a chair with a table in front of me, smoking a cigarette with my companion, and working on scanning the opposite area with a sniper.

Suddenly ,I was hit by a bullet from a Palestinian sniper, which pushed me back three meters and hit the wall of the building in which I was holed up, shattering my shoulder and hitting my head and back. I was screaming in intense pain and wished for death until I lost consciousness.

I woke up a few days later paralyzed from the neck down. Am I amputated? I can't move my body, connected to a catheter, tubes to drain fluids from the body and get blood out, connected to a breathing machine and full of stitches in my abdomen and chest. There was a big hole next to my heart! The bullet shattered the rib cage, destroyed the spleen and lungs, and was very close to the heart. I learned that my heart had stopped and I was resuscitated. A combat medic who was with us was the one who saved my life."
Zionists come in many forms.

In America we also have Christian Zionists.

I am sure some of you can name the Islamic Zionists.

And so forth, in nearly every country on earth, except a handful.

Those are some seriously weird people.

They finish every post after supporting terrorism or genocide from the Zionist entity with

"God bless *occupied Palestine*".

** - do not use the name of the Zionist entity as to me that is a form of acceptance and legitimacy.

And he is telling the truth.

In a speech in April 1925 Streicher declared: "You must realize that the Jew wants our people to perish. That is why you must join us and leave those who have brought you nothing but war, inflation, and discord. For thousands of years the Jew has been destroying the nations.
The words of a child killing Zionist soldier who was hit by a Palestinian resistance fighter's bullet. Sweet justice!

"I went and sat in a chair with a table in front of me, smoking a cigarette with my companion, and working on scanning the opposite area with a sniper.

Suddenly ,I was hit by a bullet from a Palestinian sniper, which pushed me back three meters and hit the wall of the building in which I was holed up, shattering my shoulder and hitting my head and back. I was screaming in intense pain and wished for death until I lost consciousness.

I woke up a few days later paralyzed from the neck down. Am I amputated? I can't move my body, connected to a catheter, tubes to drain fluids from the body and get blood out, connected to a breathing machine and full of stitches in my abdomen and chest. There was a big hole next to my heart! The bullet shattered the rib cage, destroyed the spleen and lungs, and was very close to the heart. I learned that my heart had stopped and I was resuscitated. A combat medic who was with us was the one who saved my life."
Paralysed from neck down!!! May you live like this for the next 50yrs and suffer each day.
I have seen a tweet of a father carrying it's dead headless child in his arms, I don't have the heart to post it.

The Israeli have calculated that their ability to inflict trauma will be greater than the world's ability to endure it, I know I can't keep up with this regularly, it's just perpetual carnage.
We have to remember one thing, the western world is completely allowing it. One day its the Palestinian children, next day it could be ours.
Backs up my argument the Resistance had better hurry up and defeat the bandit state before Trump gets into office.

Once Trump gets into office, he will not disappoint Bibi.
Yep Jared Kushner will start whispering into Trumps ear

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