Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

A little bit too much defeatest mentality here.

Yes we can advise Hezbollah to do this sitting at home far away or that but they have been too meek to the occupiers escalations over the past nearly one year.

If Hezbollah had retaliated in kind then it never would have got to the stage when the whole of Lebanon is now being terrorised.
You misunderstood. Aziqbal said Hezbollah should step down as in end strikes on North and potentially agree to move forces out of areas in southern Lebanon. I'm saying it's a lie by Israel that it seeks a cessation of hostilities. It is instead trying to achieve a strategic victory. It pulled those people out because it wasn't sure Hamas was coordinating with others or acting on its own. When it became clear it's Hamas acting on its own. Israel could sent those residents back.

It's using them now as a ploy to attempt disarming Hezbollah in Lebanon. Which is what Aziqbal needs to understand. And why resistance axis will ultimately face off with this aggressive enemy that's trying to reshape the region to it's benefit.
I remember when Fedayeen Saddam, which was touted as a strong force when the U.S. military invaded Iraq, lost the support of its citizens.
At the time, residents appeared in media interviews and said that when they saw how the crude weapons of the Fedayeen Saddam were completely useless against the armored vehicles and tanks of the U.S. Army, and how they were bounced back with a crunch, the citizens began to insult the militia, and they were no longer taken seriously as a nuisance that would only invite retaliation by the U.S. Army. The militiamen were seen as a nuisance that would only invite U.S. retaliation.
Hezbollah is now trying to follow the same path.
They have serious internal breech, received to many heavy punches in short time.
I understand that they are exposed due internal social divisions more then it should be normal but eliminating such number of senior leadership of their most capable unit is simply not "normal"

Hezbollah is undermined from within. There is a definitely a mole either in the top leadership of Hezbollah or in IRGC that is giving the Zionists the locations and the gatherings of the highly experienced Hezbollah commanders. This is not a coincidence. These type of repeated assassinations against top brass of the movement have to be coordinated with the enemy from within.

It is most likely the men who were taken out were committed to the fight against "Israel" and opposed any kind of reproachment, and someone decided to get them out of the way.
Hezbollah is undermined from within. There is a definitely a mole either in the top leadership of Hezbollah or in IRGC that is giving the Zionists the locations and the gatherings of the highly experienced Hezbollah commanders. This is not a coincidence. These type of repeated assassinations against top brass of the movement have to be coordinated with the enemy from within.

It is most likely the men who were taken out were committed to the fight against "Israel" and opposed any kind of reproachment, and someone decided to get them out of the way.
don’t forget incompetence on top of the mole. Why would bunch of senior commanders gather in a building? Why not gather your most important commanders in a concrete bunker?
don’t forget incompetence on top of the mole. Why would bunch of senior commanders gather in a building? Why not gather your most important commanders in a concrete bunker?
It was sort of concrete bunker but that is not safe enough. bunker buster bombs can penetrate up to 30m of concrete which exactly what happened, bigger problem is how enemy had correct intel about meeting itself.
I feel my guilt, it burns inside:

Beneath the ruins of a deceitful world,
A child lies wounded, left to die alone.
His tiny frame, wrapped in despair,
A life too young, in a world so unfair.

His clothes are rags, his body torn,
A heart too heavy for one so worn.
No mother’s smile, no father’s song—
his brothers and sisters are all gone .

I see him there, in bitter cold,
His eyes—too empty, far too long.
He searches the streets for bread and crumbs, no love to find,
Only shadows of humanity and empty words

I kneel before him, hand outstretched, with a coin of hope in the palm of my hand,
and plead within my heart that he will take my offering, nothing blessed.
A coin, a meal, a shelter warm—
But can it mend a life so broken and torn?

Can a coin restore a mother’s smile and a family’s laugh?
Can a coin heal his shattered soul,
Of a child whose every dream is dust,
Whose every hope is under the rubble of the devil’s hateful lust?

He stares at me, too numb to cry—
What can I give when the world’s gone dry?
I feel my guilt, it burns inside—
How will we be forgiven for such disdain as he is near to god and we are far?

Is this how pitiful humanity has become,
To look, then turn our heads away in deceit?
To offer coins and fix a price on a little soul and think we’ve done enough?
What justice demands for every one?

His hands don’t move to take my gift,
His soul too broken, far adrift.
And in his silence, I understand—
It’s not just him we’ve left unmanned.

And yet, within his haunted eyes,
A flame, his parents’ warrior fight, still lies.
A fire that grief cannot undo,
The strength of those he never knew.

It’s us, the ones who walk on by,
Who let his world crumble and left humanity to die.
And as I rise, his pain still near,
It’s not his shame—it’s ours to fear.

It was sort of concrete bunker but that is not safe enough. bunker buster bombs can penetrate up to 30m of concrete which exactly what happened, bigger problem is how enemy had correct intel about meeting itself.
Did the bunker buster Israel use actually penetrates through that much concrete? It sounds more like how much earth it can penetrate, not concrete. Where did you read they were under a bunker - I thought it was a building?

I guess the next best thing to do is decentralize the meetings and build bunkers under the mountain.
Did the bunker buster Israel use actually penetrates through that much concrete? It sounds more like how much earth it can penetrate, not concrete. Where did you read they were under a bunker - I thought it was a building?

I guess the next best thing to do is decentralize the meetings and build bunkers under the mountain.
My mistake, you are right but point raised remains same.

Also, you do not know that and may be wrong. Seems like you want that but Hezbollah leadership as of now is not preparing to step down. Especially because it's not about stepping down, and Israel is making up conditions to achieve long term strategic objectives, far over reaching.

Hezbollah is not stupid and neither is the resistance

They won’t fall for the Israeli trap and go to war

They have survived before and will survive again
Hezbollah is not stupid and neither is the resistance

They won’t fall for the Israeli trap and go to war

They have survived before and will survive again

It's a constant battle, a constant harassment

The cracks in Israel are now obvious and getting bigger and we need to keep pushing

Time goes on, you dont give up to enslavement because it's too tough
Hezbollah losses are replaceable in terms of men and material. For the commanders lost, the IRGC can replenish or take over till they are properly replaced.

Israel is pushing them to the point where they can justify an invasion but one which Israel does not want to get in to.

Israel not only booby trapped the communcations and other electronic systems but has probably been listening in on them which explains how they knew where every single commander was. They have destroyed factories and other facilities to degrade home build devices as well. Anyhow, no matter how hard Israel tries, it has played its card and its game is up on the matter.

However, I am sure that Israel most likely has been supplying food, chemicals, fuel and other material which Hezbollah must have taken in without many checks.

This food could have biological elements, or other defective components that can be released in the mass population. Remember Israel has already stated that it has many surprises for Hezbollah and I dont think that list has even started.

For Hezbollah, it needs to maintain deterrence but not engage in war. Unfortunately, the escalation from Israel is most likely going to tip the region in that direction.

I also believe that Iran will take a shot or two or more if that happens.

As for the GCC, spineless and dickless leaders, they really need to realise how they may have been compromised as well. Bahrain and UAE, especially the latter, opened its doors to a very cunning enemy. They most likely have already infiltrated them and other GCC states due to the unrestricted access from there. Who knows, if they went against Israel, their devices and infrastructure may start popping like popcorn as well.
Israel's war with Hezbollah is simply un winnable; just like the US war against the Taliban. The nature of these Mujahideen organisations and the geography they operate in (Well explained by experts), simply make them unbeatable when facing a conventional army, regardless how strong is that army. Israel invaders is far better probably fortifying its northern border, and keep striking like cowards from the air when required. there's no way Israel can"destroy" Hezbollah in a war. They are still fighting the Mujahideen in Gaza after 10 months.

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