Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Seems like it was a drone strike or by a fighter. Iran does not seem able to defend it's capital. If it was by F-35 then probably very difficult to stop
Is this the country that Muslims expect " liberation " ????
This is it?
Is this the country that Muslims expect " liberation " ????
This is it?

It's the only one with the courage to do anything, Iran has single handed led and supported the resistance and the only reason the resistance can fight, what have the Arabs or anyone else done?

Liberation and resistance can take time, when has it ever been about a single strike or act

Israel wants surrender, the resistance is refusing to surrender and Israel is stuck in a continuous battle with major consequences for it

We need to keep going
This rabid dog of a illegal state is itching for a regional war which will then lead to WW3. It's already prophesied and so the resistance should get on with it and wipe the Zionists from existence. No more excuses and BS rhetoric. Enough of the empty threats. How much more embarrassment can they take? Hezbullah threatened leveling Tel Aviv if they attacked Beirut. They did. Was it just empty threats or are they going to do something?
They drag the goyim slaves in the west
I've said this from day 1. It is Israels desire to start WW3. Stage 1 is to get the Arabs to attack collectively. They want to appear as the victim so they can launch the samson option and nuke the region. The regional war will then become a world war. These Zionist are vile vermin. The day will come when they will be forced to hide wherever they are as the masses will hunt them down.
"Even the rocks will speak and say, Oh Muslim there is a jew hiding behind me so come kill him".
Not the 'Samson Option' yet but rolling the dice, hoping to bring the reluctant Americans in.
And, yes, they are vile vermin, as you said!

Rape is now being used by Israeli soldiers as a method of punishment. Wonder if it’s actually army standard operating procedure or a rogue element.
Not just rape, rape by dogs! Bestiality! MOFOS!! As I said, they are worse than the Nazis. Thousands of years of persecution and pogroms and too much Holocaust sense of victimhood has hardened their hearts to bestial lows!

The leader will be replaced, and the resistance will be more united
Exactly. There will be many who'd gladly replace Hamas leadership. Look at the courageous and dignified words Haniyeh's wife spoke after his death, on top of her other loved ones killed by Israel recently.

Israel wants surrender, the resistance is refusing to surrender and Israel is stuck in a continuous battle with major consequences for it
That's the right approach!!

Israel could have more easily killed Haniyeh in Qatar but they deliberately chose Teheran; they are provoking a Teheran to involve the Americans. Well, at the least, it is a fair game for the anti-Israel forces to target the Israeli leadership where ever they could.
It's the only one with the courage to do anything, Iran has single handed led and supported the resistance and the only reason the resistance can fight, what have the Arabs or anyone else done?

Liberation and resistance can take time, when has it ever been about a single strike or act

Israel wants surrender, the resistance is refusing to surrender and Israel is stuck in a continuous battle with major consequences for it

We need to keep going
Let me repeat it for you.
Is this country that Pseudo Islamists relay?
As of any fight for the liberation, what do you know about that?
Almost all of you were liberated by Hitler and Stalin, no?
So tell me , I am repeating myself, is this country that you relay?
Seems like it was a drone strike or by a fighter. Iran does not seem able to defend it's capital. If it was by F-35 then probably very difficult to stop

Don't think it was F-35 as that is too far for it to travel.

More likely this was a drone or missile launched by agents in Iran itself.

I get that Iran is a large country and so there are plenty of hiding places for these agents but why was security not really tightened for someone like the political leader of Hamas?

Wherever he was staying should have been protected by a ring of anti-aircraft defences and Iran has plenty of systems like Russian Tor or even its many home-made systems that can do the job effectively.

In the UK for the Olympic Games, they even installed SAM batteries in public parks.

Iran should have had a "ring of steel" around where the Hamas leader was staying.

There is no reason that the entity could ever carry out an attack in the heart of Tehran on such an important guest.
I get that Iran is a large country and so there are plenty of hiding places for these agents but why was security not really tightened for someone like the political leader of Hamas?

Wherever he was staying should have been protected by a ring of anti-aircraft defences and Iran has plenty of systems like Russian Tor or even its many home-made systems that can do the job effectively.

My guess is that no one expected Israel to go to this EXTREME! Well, the conflict is entering a phase where the topmost political and military leadership on both sides will be targeted with determination to kill them.
Israel just made another HUUUUUGE MISTAKE. This assassination will not change a dang thing for the better for Israel.
My guess is that no one expected Israel to go to this EXTREME! Well, the conflict is entering a phase where the topmost political and military leadership on both sides will be targeted with determination to kill them.
Israel just made another HUUUUUGE MISTAKE. This assassination will not change a dang thing for the better for Israel.

That is the problem with that line of thinking.

You need to plan for even extreme case scenarios and not what you think the enemy may do.

Haniyah was just too important to not plan for the fact that the entity may theoretically try to assassinate him.

I would not be surprised if it turns out that he was killed by a drone flying in at only 2-300 miles per hour.

A single short-range system like Tor installed on the rooftops of one of the taller buildings near was staying would have sufficed to protect him.
That is the problem with that line of thinking.
You need to plan for even extreme case scenarios and not what you think the enemy may do.
Haniyah was just too important to not plan for the fact that the enity may theoretically try to assassinate him.

Because Haniyeh was conceivably a far easier target elsewhere and for years, it is not hard to understand the assumption was Israel wouldn't target him.
Because Haniyeh was conceivably a far easier target elsewhere and for years, it is not hard to understand the assumption was Israel wouldn't target him.

Ok, what would it have cost Iran to have provided protection, even if unnecessary?

A single short-range SAM battery probably would have sufficed. This was a single strike by drone(more likely in my opinion) or missile fired from within Iran by agents.

Now Iran can either launch an even more massive strike on the entity than what it did back in April or back down and take the humilitation in front of the whole world.

PS - Look at the "ring of steel" that the west provides key visiting leaders with AWACs, air-defence ships and SAM batteries. If they can do basic due diligence, then why cannot Iran within its admittedly more limited capabilities?
So your saying Mossad has infiltrated the core of the IRGC using human contact?
While Iran is busy meddling in Parachinar with Zaynaboun terrorists, it could not even defend the Chief of Hamas who stayed in an affluent area in Tehran as a VIP guest.

Now Iran will probably bomb some unnamed road where US soldiers take a sh!t in some failed arab state, and call it a day.

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