Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

If Hezbollah can escalate this to a higher level this is what will happen

The Houthi actions conform to to the international law as enumerated by the Geneva Conventions of 1948. According to the Convention, both the Zionist State and its enablers and suppliers are guilty of humanitarian crimes, of committing genocide. The United States has no legal ground for attacking Yemen because the Coventions are superior to the law of the sea.

The Houthis made their condition for stopping their interdiction of shipping in the Red Sea: Put an end to the genocide. The choice is clear for the global powers: genocide or a return to normal as regards shipping passing through the Red Sea and the Suez Canal, Pick one.
So it seems Ukraine was used as a pawn and sacrificed by the Neocons to distract Russia from the real planned crime in Palestine. Now Ukraine has fulfilled its purpose and will be discarded to the trash can of history. The next question is was Putin aware and played along or was he forced to act in the way he did.

Very poignant analysis to be noted by a Professor:-

The Houthi actions conform to to the international law as enumerated by the Geneva Conventions of 1948. According to the Convention, both the Zionist State and its enablers and suppliers are guilty of humanitarian crimes, of committing genocide. The United States has no legal ground for attacking Yemen because the Coventions are superior to the law of the sea.

The Houthis made their condition for stopping their interdiction of shipping in the Red Sea: Put an end to the genocide. The choice is clear for the global powers: genocide or a return to normal as regards shipping passing through the Red Sea and the Suez Canal, Pick one.
Art of deception is a tool of war.
The Houthi actions conform to to the international law as enumerated by the Geneva Conventions of 1948. According to the Convention, both the Zionist State and its enablers and suppliers are guilty of humanitarian crimes, of committing genocide. The United States has no legal ground for attacking Yemen because the Coventions are superior to the law of the sea.
Well, technically, Houthis' action is illegal but then so are the actions of Israel, especially about the Settlements, and technically so was the Russian invasion of Ukraine and so was the American invasion of Iraq in 2003. Even China lost to the International Court's ruling about the South China Sea conflict.

It is past time discussing the 'history' of global conflicts and about the 'legality' of actions taken before or now or even about the morality and the ethics of the ongoing conflicts. That's why I don't indulge in debating those issues much here or in the old PDF. Violence is the only way forward and violence will settle the winners and the losers, like it did in the two World Wars and many other minor wars since then or before. Very unfortunate and sad observation to make. But the world is inevitably hurtling toward a World War--it is truly the Law of the Jungle out there where the UNSC can pass any Resolution with no teeth to enforce that.
You don't agree Yemen and Iran are about to be attacked?

The Iran vs America dance is going on since 1979 with no direct war. I don't think the Americans want a direct war. No one does except the Israelis if they can totally bring Americans onboard for that.

We should all dread a regional war. All of us. Our lives will be different and probably more stressful and miserable. Only the war profiteers would be happy in case of a regional war which could very easily lead to to the World War III. Humanity is capable of repeating its fatal mistakes and right now there are no guardrails except the fear of M.A.D.
Well, technically, Houthis' action is illegal but then so are the actions of Israel, especially about the Settlements, and technically so was the Russian invasion of Ukraine and so was the American invasion of Iraq in 2003. Even China lost to the International Court's ruling about the South China Sea conflict.

It is past time discussing the 'history' of global conflicts and about the 'legality' of actions taken before or now or even about the morality and the ethics of the ongoing conflicts. That's why I don't indulge in debating those issues much here or in the old PDF. Violence is the only way forward and violence will settle the winners and the losers, like it did in the two World Wars and many other minor wars since then or before. Very unfortunate and sad observation to make. But the world is inevitably hurtling toward a World War--it is truly the Law of the Jungle out there where the UNSC can pass any Resolution with no teeth to enforce that.

The Iran vs America dance is going on since 1979 with no direct war. I don't think the Americans want a direct war. No one does except the Israelis if they can totally bring Americans onboard for that.

We should all dread a regional war. All of us. Our lives will be different and probably more stressful and miserable. Only the war profiteers would be happy in case of a regional war which could very easily lead to to the World War III. Humanity is capable of repeating its fatal mistakes and right now there are no guardrails except the fear of M.A.D.

Sadly, international law has absolutely no meaning any more as the countries who wrote it are the first ones to break it.
Sadly, international law has absolutely no meaning any more as the countries who wrote it are the first ones to break it.

And sadly that's going to lead to another World War.
Remember that in the old PDF, until the start of the Russia-Ukraine war, members used to poo-pooh any notion of another World War. But I saw that as another Eurasian war which would very likely lead to another World War. I saw Pakistan to be dragged into that and some senior member there thought that was a far fetched idea; but Pakistan is, by credible sources, supplying weapons to Ukraine, working with the Americans. It is a curse to be powerful nation in Eurasia as it is curse to be a weak nation in Eurasia. Either one is someone's $itch or be the gangster himself.
I digressed!

The Eurasian continent is the seat of human civilization. It is cursed and blessed.
Well, technically, Houthis' action is illegal but then so are the actions of Israel, especially about the Settlements, and technically so was the Russian invasion of Ukraine and so was the American invasion of Iraq in 2003. Even China lost to the International Court's ruling about the South China Sea conflict.

It is past time discussing the 'history' of global conflicts and about the 'legality' of actions taken before or now or even about the morality and the ethics of the ongoing conflicts. That's why I don't indulge in debating those issues much here or in the old PDF. Violence is the only way forward and violence will settle the winners and the losers, like it did in the two World Wars and many other minor wars since then or before. Very unfortunate and sad observation to make. But the world is inevitably hurtling toward a World War--it is truly the Law of the Jungle out there where the UNSC can pass any Resolution with no teeth to enforce that.

The Iran vs America dance is going on since 1979 with no direct war. I don't think the Americans want a direct war. No one does except the Israelis if they can totally bring Americans onboard for that.

We should all dread a regional war. All of us. Our lives will be different and probably more stressful and miserable. Only the war profiteers would be happy in case of a regional war which could very easily lead to to the World War III. Humanity is capable of repeating its fatal mistakes and right now there are no guardrails except the fear of M.A.D.
If I was you I would plan for the worst. Neocons don't want anyone in their way to genocide the Palestinians and wipe Palestine from the map. Pakistan has been reigned in and neutralised through a combination of installed agents and economic strangle hold , so the only challenge are Turkey and Iran. Turkey is belly dancing hypocriticsm and so Iran is the only viable challenger that needs to be downsized if it doesn't fall in line.

Merry Christmas to Palestine from the Neocons:-

What to know​

  • Israel appears to be intensifying its military campaign, with reports of strikes overnight and into today on Gaza City, refugee camps in central Gaza, and on the southern city of Khan Younis. The IDF issued evacuation orders yesterday for several refugee camps into already overcrowded shelters.
  • A heavily negotiated resolution for desperately needed aid to Gaza was approved by the U.N. Security Council yesterday, calling for a pause in fighting to allow more aid deliveries, but it stopped short of demanding a cease-fire. The U.S. abstained from the vote, amid criticism that it had watered down the resolution.
  • The resolution is legally binding though it remains to be seen how aspects of it, including the pause in fighting and protection of humanitarian aid routes, will be implemented in the coming days.
  • Hamas reiterated its position today that it will not negotiate the release of hostages without a more permanent cease-fire. The militant group's senior leadership remains in Cairo and say they are, "open to any initiative that contributes to ending the aggression on our people."
  • More than 20,000 people — nearly 1% of the territory's prewar population — have been killed in Gaza, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry. The vast majority of the enclave's 2.2 million people are displaced, and the U.N. said yesterday that more than half a million face starvation.
  • Israeli military officials say 137 soldiers have been killed during the country's ground invasion in Gaza, which came after Hamas killed 1,200 people and seized about 240 hostages Oct. 7.
  • NBC News’ Jay Gray and Josh Lederman are reporting from the region.
And sadly that's going to lead to another World War.
Remember that in the old PDF, until the start of the Russia-Ukraine war, members used to poo-pooh any notion of another World War. But I saw that as another Eurasian war which would very likely lead to another World War. I saw Pakistan to be dragged into that and some senior member there thought that was a far fetched idea; but Pakistan is, by credible sources, supplying weapons to Ukraine, working with the Americans. It is a curse to be powerful nation in Eurasia as it is curse to be a weak nation in Eurasia. Either one is someone's $itch or be the gangster himself.
I digressed!

The Eurasian continent is the seat of human civilization. It is cursed and blessed.
Pakistan Army needs to be open with its strategy to its Pakistani citizens who pay for it. We don't want Pakistan army wars in our name that we don't agree with or support.
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You don't agree Yemen and Iran are about to be attacked?
have they been attacked yet? The NATO armada first showed up in the Mediterranean, threatening with its fully strength to "deter Hezbollah", but meanwhile it never fired one missile or rocket into Lebanon, and then it left the this same NATO armada has shown up on Yemen's coast- a huge area, with not enough warships committed so far to make a real dent in either deterring the Houthis, or protecting passing commercial ships- Why would US military/navy announce a naval coalition being formed and then after say it doesn't have enough warships for the naval operation? Whaat?????? after a 800$bn+ annual defense budget?? NATO is getting exhausted in distraction battles and wars, so it will have little strength when its time to "engage "China, if you know what i mean.
Seems like most Israelis aren't jews but immigrants after Palestinian free land and houses

It's spirallying into chaos, Neocons are stirring shit everywhere, provoking every country they can get their bombs on:-


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