Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Millions of Muslims are prepared to fight and go to Gaza , but it needs to be organsied
And what if they don't?

The empire has full line of logistical support and coterie of systems with guidance and precision or just plain old dumb ones to the rescue...
Sanctions to keep the rest in line.
Now describe the rest for us all...

so what happened in Iran then? What people want people get.
so what happened in Iran then? What people want people get.
Iran's social restricts on the educated population, especially women is the main cause of brain drain, unlike China where Communist Party corruption, historical inferiority and now acute religious persecution of minorities, especially the Uighur is causing thousands to line up at the Mexican border. Iranians idiotic mullahs can end the brain drain in one day, if they gave more social freedoms. Enforcing Arab tribal dress and social codes on a educated population with rich culture of women participating in all national life simply does not work. It might help if you learn a few languages, travel a bit and also read some independent media. The world is very complex and increasingly anarchic place. Lots of grey zones.
70 trucks is not even a drop in the bucket, 2.3 million brave Palestinians are on the verge of massive starvation, 70% of their homes gave been destroyed by the Zionist bastards, perhaps 50,000 to 75,000 mostly women and children have been martyred by US supplied F-15/16 dropping everything from JDAMS to 2,000 lbs bunker busters on defecless people. What is even more disgusting the absolute silence in Egypt and the puppet Arab regimes, Most of the vocal protests against the Zionist genocide of Palestine are taking place in Turkey, Iran and Europe.

🇮🇷 The IRGC hinted at the threat of attacks on ships heading to Israel in the Mediterranean Sea.

“If crimes continue, the United States and its allies should expect the emergence of new resistance forces and the closure of remaining roads and routes. Yesterday, the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz became a nightmare for them, and today the Bab el-Mandeb Strait and the Red Sea trapped them." (c) Commander-in-Chief of the IRGC Naval Forces, Brigadier General Naghdi

Ayatollah Khamenei today once again stated that the Zionist regime in Israel will be destroyed.

“Rest assured, the Zionist regime will disappear. The Gaza war is an extraordinary phenomenon, both because of the brutality of the Zionist regime and the resilience and resistance of the Palestinians.”

It is important to note that according to Soleimani's strategy, Iran is not going to fight itself. He is going to fight against the United States and Israel with the help of his many proxies - Hezbollah, Hamas, Ansar Allah, Hashd-Shaabi, Kataib Hezbollah, etc. etc.. which he will provide with specialists, money and modern weapons. The task of Iranian proxies is to bite Iran’s enemies and distract their attention, dragging them into the funnel of an endless and hopeless war, which increases hatred of the United States and Israel in the region and at the same time increases the authority and influence of Iran playing its chess game. The architect of this strategy, Qassem Soleimani, died almost 4 years ago - but his work lives on and wins, which once again demonstrates the extraordinary strategic genius of this outstanding man.

I was thinking of the cost of these missiles just the other day, and just doing back-of-the-envelop calculations concluded that the U.S.'s response is unsustainable, not only in terms of money but in supplies. All the Houthis have to do is fire 30-40 of these drones in the direction of a U.S. naval ship or other ship, and they've depleted $60-$80 million in weapons stock. This is what happens when you give the Israelis, who could care less about U.S. security concerns, cart blanche.

No deterrent to Hamas and Hezbollah: Galilee official​

The head of Israel’s Upper Galilee Regional Council, Giora Zelz, has warned that Hezbollah has an underground tunnel system and could launch a larger attack on Israel than the one Hamas launched on October 7.
Israeli 103FM radio station quoted Zelz as saying that there was no deterrent to Hamas and Hezbollah, which feels it has the upper hand in northern Israel.
Earlier, Hezbollah said it targeted Israeli artillery positions in Dishon, northern Israel, with missiles, and that it achieved a “direct hit”.
🇮🇱🇵🇸 Israeli media reported that the Golani Brigade was withdrawn from the Gaza Strip after 60 days of fighting during which it suffered heavy casualties. Some units suffered 60% casualties.

The brigade will undergo reorganization and will receive rest as many of the child killers have had mental breakdown.

I don't think the entire Golani Brigade is being withdrawn; just one Regiment within the Brigade - which was the one what lost the Lieutenant Colonel (Commanding Officer) and Major (Second-in-Command).

Remember, there are usually 3 Regiments/ Battalions in each Brigade which means at least 2 Golani Regiments, are still in Gaza.

Iran's social restricts on the educated population, especially women is the main cause of brain drain, unlike China where Communist Party corruption, historical inferiority and now acute religious persecution of minorities, especially the Uighur is causing thousands to line up at the Mexican border. Iranians idiotic mullahs can end the brain drain in one day, if they gave more social freedoms. Enforcing Arab tribal dress and social codes on a educated population with rich culture of women participating in all national life simply does not work. It might help if you learn a few languages, travel a bit and also read some independent media. The world is very complex and increasingly anarchic place. Lots of grey zones.
The Iranians wanted the mullahs. The people get what they want. That’s the point. US support for the Shah meant nothing.
The Iranians wanted the mullahs. The people get what they want. That’s the point. US support for the Shah meant nothing.
To be fair, Iranians wanted to get rid of the Shah, unfortunately the mullahs hijacked a popular anti-imperialist revolution and then the US and puppet Arab regimes war on Iran using the idiot Saddam (1980-88) just consolidated the mullah regime. Iran has lost some of its best people in the war and exodus and now the mullah regime is quite consolidated as in the past 43 years they are entrenched with a wide network of party hacks, just like the CCP. There are roughly 80,000 mosques in Iran and about 150,000 mullahs of different hues. So the tentacles extend to around 5-10 million conservative people who are the Praetorian guards of the mullahs like the IRGC, Baseej etc. So in short, it would be very difficult to change the Iranian system for the foreseeable future. The US and its lapdogs have created a global mess.
So after the collation split the Houthis just went into to overdrive

The collation fell apart

Just shows how retarded these people are

And also shows if you stand up to bullies and call their bluff they will flee

Hope Hezbollah does the same in the north

Hezbollah needs to open up a total northern front from Golan to Litani. Iran also needs to quit making threats and supply AD systems and manpower to the Axis of Resistance. The Zionist child killing scum will not stop in Gaza. Only a region war with destructive implications for the puppet Arab regimes in UAE, Bahrain, Saudis, Jordanians and even Egyptians will end the holocaust of Gaza. Even a single drone or missile strike on Dubai would clear out half the place and cause havoc in the oil markets and already teetering western economies. The western consumers are already on their knees with debt and rising cost of living and a full scale war on global trade routes is the the straw that will break the camel's back. No wonder the half assed NATO war on Russia is now not even mentioned.

Israelis wanted 'pre-emptive strike' on Lebanon: Did Biden halt it?​

  • ByAl Mayadeen English
  • Source: Wall Street Journal + Barak Ravid
  • Today 00:58

A WSJ article claims that the Israeli regime wanted to "pre-emptively" strike Lebanon days after the start of the Resistance's operation on October 7. Barak Ravid contests the claims.

The Israeli occupation regime wanted to launch a "pre-emptive" strike against Lebanon, allegedly to strike the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon - Hezbollah, days after the start of Operation al-Aqsa Flood on October 7, the Wall Street Journal reported. However, US President Joe Biden prevented his allies from taking this step out of fear of a regional war.

Reportedly, the Israeli occupation had "intelligence" that Hezbollah Resistance fighters were planning an operation similar to the one carried out by the Palestinian Resistance, wherein they would cross the border as part of a multipronged attack in a bid to corner the Israeli occupation.

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To be fair, Iranians wanted to get rid of the Shah, unfortunately the mullahs hijacked a popular anti-imperialist revolution and then the US and puppet Arab regimes war on Iran using the idiot Saddam (1980-88) just consolidated the mullah regime. Iran has lost some of its best people in the war and exodus and now the mullah regime is quite consolidated as in the past 43 years they are entrenched with a wide network of party hacks, just like the CCP. There are roughly 80,000 mosques in Iran and about 150,000 mullahs of different hues. So the tentacles extend to around 5-10 million conservative people who are the Praetorian guards of the mullahs like the IRGC, Baseej etc. So in short, it would be very difficult to change the Iranian system for the foreseeable future. The US and its lapdogs have created a global mess.

Again, what USA wanted was no match for what the people wanted. Same thing here. If enough Arabs wanted to help the Palestnians, USA cannot stop it. The fact that it is not happening shows what the people support and what they don’t support.
Again, what USA wanted was no match for what the people wanted. Same thing here. If enough Arabs wanted to help the Palestnians, USA cannot stop it. The fact that it is not happening shows what the people support and what they don’t support.

no you have no idea how the world works

US citizens represent the US government its a democracy

Arab citizens DOT NOT represent the Arab governments they are dictators supported by the hypocritical West

US does not want REAL democracy in the Middle East like when the mass Egyptians voted for Morsi democratically and US overthrew him and replaced him with a dictator Sisi

because if democracy comes to Middle East Israel will not exist and that is against US foreign policy

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