Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

So Iran was involved in attacking a ship in the Indian ocean, what is Pakistan doing?

🇮🇱🇵🇸 Israeli media reported that the Golani Brigade was withdrawn from the Gaza Strip after 60 days of fighting during which it suffered heavy casualties. Some units suffered 60% casualties.

The brigade will undergo reorganization and will receive rest as many of the child killers have had mental breakdown.
People get the government they deserve. A majority across the Arab world seem to be okay with what they have, don't you agree?

And what if they don't?

The empire has full line of logistical support and coterie of systems with guidance and precision or just plain old dumb ones to the rescue...
Sanctions to keep the rest in line.
Now describe the rest for us all...
f I was you I would plan for the worst. Neocons don't want anyone in their way to genocide the Palestinians and wipe Palestine from the map. Pakistan has been reigned in and neutralised through a combination of installed agents and economic strangle hold , so the only challenge are Turkey and Iran.
As in the old PDF, I am going to try to resist bringing Pakistan's politics into this thread. Suffice to say, when Imran Khan was the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Indians basically annexed the Indian held Kashmir in August 2019 and all he could do was to say something like 'what are we going to do? wage a war against India?'. The response from Pakistan and Imran Khan, if he were the PM of Pakistan today about the Gaza war, would be the same: Diplomatic support, which Pakistan has unambiguously given, and that would be understandable: When the rich Arabs can't put their necks out for the Palestinians then why should resource starved, near bankrupt Pakistan or Turkey would do that?? They have not sugar daddies.

have they been attacked yet? The NATO armada first showed up in the Mediterranean, threatening with its fully strength to "deter Hezbollah", but meanwhile it never fired one missile or rocket into Lebanon, and then it left the this same NATO armada has shown up on Yemen's coast- a huge area, with not enough warships committed so far to make a real dent in either deterring the Houthis, or protecting passing commercial ships- Why would US military/navy announce a naval coalition being formed and then after say it doesn't have enough warships for the naval operation? Whaat?????? after a 800$bn+ annual defense budget?? NATO is getting exhausted in distraction battles and wars, so it will have little strength when its time to "engage "China, if you know what i mean.

There is a reason Iran has not been attacked since 1979 and will not be attacked unless some kind of Armageddon is being sought.
🇮🇱🇵🇸 Israeli media reported that the Golani Brigade was withdrawn from the Gaza Strip after 60 days of fighting during which it suffered heavy casualties. Some units suffered 60% casualties.
The brigade will undergo reorganization and will receive rest as many of the child killers have had mental breakdown.

On the side of caution: Only of the small segments of the Golani Brigade has been withdrawn after the death of their commander.
There's a reason Israel destoryed the internet and communication infrastructure in Gaza. Internet and communication services must be restored to Gaza as soon as possible. They're comtting horrific crimes against humanity that can be prevented if the cameras are on them all the time.

Nations that want to help the Palestinians can at least call for restoration of internet services in Gaza or submit a resolution at the UN Security Council. A lot can be done to save lives.

Looks bad for Israel. Real bad.

The Israel Defense Forces announces the names of eight additional soldiers killed in fighting on Saturday, bringing the number of troops killed over the weekend to 13.

Four of those killed were from the 7th Armored Brigade, all with the rank of Staff Sgt., who died in battle in southern Gaza Saturday.

They were David Bogdanovskyi, 19, and Orel Bashan, 20, both from Haifa, Gal Hershko, 20, from Yiftah, and Itamar Shemen, from Lapid, a paramedic who had been placed with the brigade.

Another five soldiers were seriously wounded in the battles.

Another soldier killed Saturday was named earlier by the IDF: Cpt. Oshri Moshe Butzhak, 22, a team commander in the Nahal Brigade’s reconnaissance unit, from Haifa.
The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas Movement, announced on December 23 that its fighters had carried out a series of attacks against the Israeli Defense Forces in different parts of the Gaza Strip.

🇵🇸🇮🇱Light Israeli Humvee M1097A2 ambushed by Hamas

As can been seen in the video all the Zionist child killing pigs were killed.

In the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza, Hamas fighters used two unexploded Israeli aerial bombs, each weighing a ton, to blow up a convoy of the IDF made up of five main battle tanks. Several Israeli troops were allegedly killed or wounded.

A fighter of Hamas also gunned down four Israeli troops from point blank during a battle in Jabalia’s al-Qasasib neighborhood.

Meanwhile in Gaza City’s Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, two vehicles of the IDF were targeted with rocket-propelled grenades and a soldier was shot by Hamas fighters.

In the central Gaza town of Juhor al-Dik, Hamas fighters ambushed a convoy of four Israeli military jeeps using several explosive devices. A tank that advanced towards the ambush area was also hit with rocket-propelled grenades. Later, IDF reinforcements were shelled with mortars and rockets. Many Israeli troops were allegedly killed in the ambush.

The fighters also targeted an infantry force that advanced in the town with an explosive device and blew up a tunnel shaft after it was approached by an Israeli special operations unit, allegedly killing or wounding many. Reinforcements dispatched by the IDF to the tunnel shaft were also targeted with mortars.

In the city of Khan Yunis in southern Gaza, Hamas fighters lured five troops from the IDF’s elite Yahalom engineering unit to a booby-trapped tunnel shaft then blew it up.

The fighters also targeted an armored personnel carrier and two soldiers with rocket-propelled grenades during another battle in the city.
Netanyahu mass murderer's Christmas Hymn for Christians:-

On the first day of Christmas, IDF sent to me
One dead Palestinian baby by an F16

On the second day of Christmas, IDF sent to me
Two dead children and
One dead Palestinian baby by an F16

On the third day of Christmas, IDF sent to me
Three destroyed Hospitals
Two dead children and
One dead Palestinian baby by an F16

On the fourth day of Christmas, IDF sent to me
Four Destroyed Houses
Three destroyed Hospitals
Two dead children and
One dead Palestinian baby by an F16

On the fifth day of Christmas, IDF sent to me e
Five murdered mothers
Four Mutilated babies
Three destroyed Hospitals
Two dead children and
One dead Palestinian baby by an F16
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Netanyahu mass murderer's Christmas Hym for Christians:-

On the first day of Christmas, IDF sent to me
One dead Palestinian baby by an F16

On the second day of Christmas, IDF sent to me
Two dead children and
One dead Palestinian baby by an F16

On the third day of Christmas, IDF sent to me
Three destroyed Hospitals
Two dead children and
One dead Palestinian baby by an F16

On the fourth day of Christmas, IDF sent to me
Four Destroyed Houses
Three destroyed Hospitals
Two dead children and
One dead Palestinian baby by an F16

On the fifth day of Christmas, IDF sent to me e
Five murdered mothers
Four Mutilated babies
Three destroyed Hospitals
Two dead children and
One dead Palestinian baby by an F16
The Zionists are committing horrendous genocide of women and children as there is now a total information blackout in Gaza. There is also massive starvation as the Egyptian bastards are not allowing any food supplies. It is mind boggling courage that Hamas and the super courageous resistance is still inflicting losses on the Zionist child killing scum.

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