Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Chief of Staff from Tel Nof Air Base: We will be able to launch a very rapid attack, on every place in Lebanon, on every place in Gaza, on every place in the Middle East, above ground, and underground.

⭕️ We will send a very clear message to our enemies that those who attacked us, and who talk in every speech about how to destroy the State of Israel, we will strike them and we will continue to increase our strength.

⭕️ Yesterday, Yahya Al-Sinwar obtained a new job title, assuming the position of Head of the Political Bureau of Hamas. This title meaning “politician” does not exempt him from being a murderer involved in the entire planning and implementation process of what happened on October 7th. Therefore, changing his job title does not discourage us from continuing to search for him, and not only that, but it encourages us as we will strive to find him, attacking him to replace the head of the Politburo again

“We have conducted very important operations over the past weeks, killing the most prominent commanders of our most problematic enemies, and we are not stopping.”

See, you don't really know what Allah chooses. Consider that He chooses to help His Children of Israel, first and foremost. If so, the 2 billion people you "have" are not on Allah's side. They (you) are Allah's enemies. That is what is plain from the evidence of our eyes.

A divine punishment awaits for all of you Satan worshippers. Besides, the Khazar settlers have nothing to do with Children of Prophet Jacob (peace be upon him) who is commonly known as Israel. Today's Israel is an imposter and has nothing to do with the Prophet Israel that was described in our Holy Book.

And just like the Muslims defeated the first Crusade led by the Knight of the Templars, the current one led by the Freemasonries will be defeated. That is a divine promise we have.
US confirms Netanyahu and Israel are dragging on the Gaza genocide. And call for it to end now:

Qatari-Egyptian-American statement:

It is time to put an immediate end to the continued suffering of the people of the Gaza Strip, the hostages and their families.

It is time to finalize a ceasefire agreement and release the hostages and detainees.

We have been working for months to reach an agreement and now it is on the table, all that is missing is the details of implementation.
Now we need to see actual action. US pressure and arms embargo on Israel and a immediate permanent ceasefire within a week. Otherwise it's to setup 'negotiations' designed to fail and buy Israel time.

Likely to get Iran to stand down.
US confirms Netanyahu and Israel are dragging on the Gaza genocide. And call for it to end now:

Qatari-Egyptian-American statement:

It is time to put an immediate end to the continued suffering of the people of the Gaza Strip, the hostages and their families.

It is time to finalize a ceasefire agreement and release the hostages and detainees.

We have been working for months to reach an agreement and now it is on the table, all that is missing is the details of implementation.
Any 'pause' which is not a ceasefire and indicates resumption of genocide, will not be accepted by Hamas, the region, and the world.
US confirms Netanyahu and Israel are dragging on the Gaza genocide. And call for it to end now:

Qatari-Egyptian-American statement:

It is time to put an immediate end to the continued suffering of the people of the Gaza Strip, the hostages and their families.

It is time to finalize a ceasefire agreement and release the hostages and detainees.

We have been working for months to reach an agreement and now it is on the table, all that is missing is the details of implementation.
Turns out to be more crap about 'negotiations'. There is no negotiations to be had. Israel ends genocide. That's it. It's clear this is trying to provide a off ramp for Iran and Hezbollah to present to their supporters. Iran and Hezbollah strike is more important than ever and will compel the enemy to end the genocide in Gaza.

- We called on the two sides to resume talks on August 15 in Doha or Cairo to bridge the remaining gaps.
"Israel is in trouble and there is no way out."Two minutes worth watching.The speaker is John Mearsheimer, a professor of political science at the University of Chicago, and Stephen Walt's co-author of the famous Harvard study published as a book in 2007, The Israel Lobby and American Foreign Policy.
Voices are getting louder.

Isaac Epstein - who was an eyewitness to one of the cases of expulsion of the Palestinian population in 1948 - says in an article published in the magazine “Hashiloah”, which was founded by “Ahad HaAm”:
“I still hear the wailing of Arab women from the village of Al-Ja’una, now called Rosh Pina, a settlement in the Upper Galilee that was founded in 1882. On the day the families left the village to live in the Golan on the eastern side of Jordan, the men were riding their donkeys followed by crying women, and the valley was full of wailing. They would stop from time to time and kiss the ground and rocks.”
He goes on to say, "Will the expelled people remain silent and accept what happened to them? They will rise up in the end to take back by force what was stolen from them in terms of gold. They will take to the courts the foreigners who displaced them from their land, and then the expelled people may become the plaintiff and the judge... This people does not need to be revived because they never died." He did not stop living for a single minute... Be careful not to wake the sleeping lion.”

After the 1948 massacres and the expulsions and displacement that were imposed on the Palestinian people, the Jews thought that they had died and that years later they would dissolve in countries of asylum. However, what they thought was wrong and even disappointing. The Palestinians did not forget their land for a single moment, nor did they dissolve. Rather, they returned early and spoiled every moment of the existence of the Jews of the diaspora.

They returned and crushed the statement of Meir Kahane, who said that “the Palestinians are strangers in their own land,” and he did not know that the land does not deny its owners. As for the stranger, he was Kahane and his Jews who realized that they were the strangers with the first gift to the children of Palestine that brought Zionism back to square one, when The stone in the hand of the child is superior to the tank in the hand of the soldier, and the knife is superior to the nuclear weapon. The Palestinians turned from a disturbing dream to a threat to their existence, and the individual turned into a group and the group into a movement. The attacks continued and battles began to terrorize a country that considered itself a superpower in the Middle East and boasted of an invincible army.

The lion that Epstein warned about woke up. Wake up and destroy the legendary Zionist slogan “A land without a people for a people without a land.” The latter accused him of being a saboteur, a terrorist, and an anti-Semite, and forgot what she had done to his family, including murder, expulsion, and theft. The world believed this for decades, labeling the owner of the land and the right with those labels and neglecting that it was a movement like other liberation movements that fight those who assaulted and seized what did not belong to them in order to restore rights.
Despite that, despite the world’s fight against it, and I mean the resistance, it changed the balance of the leaders of Zionism, who thought that the owners of the land had forgotten their land and that they would be unable to recover it, and they dropped Golda Meir’s statement that she made in 1970 during a meeting with a group of Jewish writers in response to a statement by a Polish Jew. He visited Palestine in the twenties and summarized his impressions of it by saying, “The bride is beautiful, but she has a groom.”

Golda replied at the time, “I thank God every night because the groom was weak, and the bride could have been taken from him.”

But the groom did not forget his bride, Golda, and he returned as a powerful rebel, and it became difficult for a usurping country to stop the war he declared on October 7, 2023.

Today the genie is the resistance with its factions that have caused and continue to hurt this aggressor. This genie, who was a child yesterday, today made the occupying state lose its deterrence, destroyed its security systems, caused the dismantling of its joints, brought terror into the hearts of its residents, and caused countless crises for it and those behind it.

Today, Golda and Kahane, the genie who has been labeled a saboteur and terrorist for decades has become a resistance fighter who does not fear death, so the peoples of the world have blessed his resistance and demonstrated for him.
Today, the resistance has made the world raise its voice, repeating slogans that we have never heard before, such as freedom for Palestine and its great people, and the fall of the occupying state.

Today, the resistance monster came out to scream in the face of the malicious colonialist settler:
" I am not a surplus. I am the owner of the land and you are the illegal appendage. You are the cancerous tumor and I came out to uproot your artificial roots."


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