Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

‼️🚨 Qatari-Egyptian-American statement:

- It is time to put an immediate end to the ongoing suffering of the people of the Gaza Strip, the hostages and their families.

- It is time to finalize a ceasefire agreement and release hostages and detainees.

We have been working for months to reach an agreement and now it is on the table, all that is missing is the implementation details.

- No more time should be wasted and there should be no excuses from either party for further postponement.

- We, as mediators, are ready, if necessary, to put forward a final proposal to settle implementation issues.

- We called on the two sides to resume talks on August 15 in Doha or Cairo to bridge the remaining gaps.
That is a divine promise we have.

Yes, of course. We have our divine promises. They have theirs too.

And I am sure God is perfectly content to let those who struggle harder and smarter in His name win. In His name, of course.
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See, you don't really know what Allah chooses. Consider that He chooses to help His Children of Israel, first and foremost. If so, the 2 billion people you "have" are not on Allah's side. They (you) are Allah's enemies. That is what is plain from the evidence of our eyes.

I'll pander to you. Let's use your logic.

Was God on Hitlers side when 6 million of them were exterminated?
Actually, it is you who is doing that, and descending into ad hominem attacks and name calling ( @Musings - if you care to be fair ) without being able to offer a source for the claim that you made.

And the one you did post is at odds with what the Iranians have claimed, and Iran has not presented any evidence of that either. Or shall we believe what the Turkish media said about a RAW agent doing the dirty deed?

I have been, and am being consistent: Let Iran present evidence of what it claims. Where is it?

On topic, the choice of Sinwar as the replacement can only prolong the current conflict, and with it the pain and suffering of the people.

I'll pander to you. Let's use your logic.

Was God on Hitlers side when 6 million of them were exterminated?

Excellent response.

We could go even further back:

- Was God on crusaders side when they arrived in Muslim Palestine and then massacred jews and muslims in Jerusalem?

In the end Crusaders were eleminated by muslims.
The courage and resilience of the Palestinian people is without question, of course. The wisdom of the choices made by their leadership, not so much.

(Oh, and GFY too.)

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