Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Absolutely spot on! Whilst the Donkey leadership in Muslim countries have been busy getting sold out for dollars, completely ignoring the warnings and prophecies, the Zionists have been working religiously for the devil and planning for centuries and have infiltrated every corner of society globally. The prophecied desolation of the Arabs is close unfortunately.

One thing, I want to correct you as a brother. Please don't say that they are working for the devil, as their beliefs have been altered throughout history according to Islam, yet they are still intertwined with our religion. They are working for their version of a God and his prophecies, just as Muslims believe they are, so we must respect that within their framework.

The punishment is on all Muslims, black, white, yellow, and Arab, Non-Arab. The Arabs will have it worse as that region is the focal point where all three Abrahamic religions converge, but non-Arab areas will not be spared either, as they aren't some sons made out of diamonds.

As for Jews, they are wise people who work with great precision for their national and religious goals, and we must respect that talent. They aren't known for nothing; they gave Prophet Moses of all prophets before and after PTSD and made him run away from his people. Until God had him dragged back to work. 🧐
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One thing, I want to correct you as a brother. Please don't say that they are working for the devil, as their beliefs have been altered throughout history according to Islam, yet they are still intertwined with our religion. They are working for their version of a God and his prophecies, just as Muslims believe they are, so we must respect that within their framework.

The punishment is on all Muslims, black, white, yellow, and Arab, Non-Arab. The Arabs will have it worse as that region is the focal point where all three Abrahamic religions converge, but non-Arab areas will not be spared either, as they aren't some sons made out of diamonds.

As for Jews, they are wise people who work with great precision for their national and religious goals, and we must respect that talent. They aren't known for nothing; they gave Prophet Moses of all prophets before and after PTSD and made him run away from his people. Until God had him dragged back to work. 🧐

You are correct. However, I think you misunderstood my post. I was referring to Zionist and not Jews; they're 2 separate entities. It's the Zionist who worship the devil and have deceived the world using the Jewish religion to disguise for their filth. The Jews who are anti Israel are good people, but unfortunately the vast majority have been hypnotised by the Zionists. The Khazarian Mafia who are essentially Gog & Magog. A truly treacherous people.
Though Israelis have to put on a brave face, often their despair shows. Worth reading it all and discusses the 'new Normal' as @UKBengali had said some pages ago.

Iran's campaign of psychological torture has been a strategic win - opinion​

Ironically, Iran’s strategy of suspense has inflicted considerable harm without firing a single shot.​

Yet, ten days following the Mossad’s reported assassination of Haniyeh, a haunting question lingers: Did Israel achieve the outcome it anticipated? Was his death truly worth the precarious position Israel now finds itself in – anxiously bracing for an Iranian and Hezbollah retaliation that looms like a shadow over the nation?

Almost all flights in and out of Israel have been canceled indefinitely, and the economy, already suffering as a result of the war in Gaza, is expected to further deteriorate in the event of a larger war in the North. In the Finance Ministry, the uncertainty is great with officials there predicting that in the event of a larger conflict, damage to infrastructure, businesses, import and export of goods and more will be unlike anything seen before in the State of Israel.

Ironically, Iran’s strategy of suspense has inflicted considerable harm without firing a single shot. Millions of Israelis live in a heightened state of anxiety, caught in a relentless cycle of “will they or won’t they” that amplifies an unbearable tension.

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah shrewdly acknowledged that the suspense itself is an attack. Reflect on this: just by threatening Israel, Iran and Hezbollah have brought international travel to a standstill, have led the Americans to divert significant forces to the region and have put Israel on the highest level of alert since Oct. 7.
You are delusional as this guy...

Let's see: I merely question the wisdom of the Palestinian leadership. You called them traitors. But saying that this is their own fault makes me delusional. I simply cannot choose to argue against such a fantastic line of reasoning. :D

On topic, has Iran responded to the assassination of the Hamas chief? May be they need to present some evidence of what they claim first.

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