Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


There has been near total silence in the 'Western' media on the homosexual Jewish gang-rape of Palestinian hostages in 'israel'. The massacre of more than 100 women and children congregated in prayer has been barely newsworthy. A mother and her 3-day-old twin babies slaughtered by the Zionist entity? Yawns all round.

Instead we're treated to evocative headlines in the UK press pleading with us to recognise how it feels to be a Jew in the UK since October the 7th. This 3,000 word article is replete with emotive stories about the "bleak experiences" and "distress" of Jews in the UK:

The silence was deafening. From the distress of bullied children to the cold shoulder of colleagues or the parade of friends who turned out not to be friends at all, testimonies from the Jewish community in Britain reveal the same bleak experiences.*

In a truly despairing quote one Jewish responder says: "my whole life has changed ... I’ve lost half my friends. I’ve lost my best friend. I don’t know how the situation will ever right itself.”

At least you didn't lose your life, your legs, or your entire family in a religiously-inspired genocide that seeks to 'blot out Amalek'. I mean, this isn't all about Jews. Or is it?

The bleeding-heart article that runs to thousands of words draws attention to the "trauma" of Jews being deleted from WhatsApp groups and being offended by songs. I am not joking. Read it.

The article concludes with a quote from a Jewish person who says the following, my own emphasis added: "We need the help of public organisations who are rightly quick to address other forms of racism but have rarely thought about anti-Semitism before."

Any honest person living in the UK over the last 20 years will tell you that no speech crime is punished by the ZOG more than 'anti-Semitism'. Nothing. The chutzpah here is absolutely stunning.

When Jews control your media, you won't see every article rubber-stamped with a giant Star of David. You won't see each and every headline prefixed with the words: "Jews say". That would be a little too obvious now, wouldn't it? That would give the game away and remove the media's hypnotic power.

However when you analyse the common themes and the general thrust of media reportage as seen against the events actually transpiring in the world, the Jewishness of the agenda is impossible to ignore and cannot be unseen.

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