Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I guess it slipped your mind that they are willing to build their freedom only on ther ruins of my country - hence Hamas stand on the two state peace.

And you wonder why i object ? How naive can you be ?

Ruins of your country? Were you from Poland?
You take their land and address it as YOUR country? Committing genocide - collective punishment - killing 40,000 Palestine and you attempt to play victim? Come on - you can do better than that

I would like to thank the Quds News Network for their excellent work over the last several months in exposing the Goyicidal actions of the 'Israeli' entity, but this high-sounding, historically incorrect, PRO-ZIONIST b*llocks needs to stop. It is a tactic that has become so common amongst Muslims and braindead liberal Palestine solidarity activists that it would not be right for me to let this slide without a clear and resounding rebuttal. So you choose to compare Adolf Hitler to Benjamin Netanyahu (L.A.). You choose to compare Jewish crimes to the so-called 'Nazi Holocaust' then you do a mic drop and walk off stage smug as you like. Wow, such a pithy and profound juxtaposition, who gave you that idea?!

Jews did, actually.

Look I get it, you want to make 'Israel' look bad by comparing Jewish crimes to the so-called 'Nazi Holocaust'. The oft-repeated trope is that the National Socialists of Germany were the pinnacle of human evil.

In truth 'Israel' and organised Jewry were and are far, FAR worse.

The problem is, this idea that the Germans were the height of human evil is an exclusively Jewish idea that was forcibly implanted into the Gentile psyche - especially the White one - by the holofraud narrative in order to neuter and conquer the Goy.

It is an idea that was concocted to distract from the fact that the Jewish Bolsheviks slaughtered tens of millions of Christians in their Communist project which had Germany squarely in the crosshairs!

By repeating the holofraud story you tell the world that you were conquered too, and worse, you help 'Israel' in ways that you quite obviously do not understand.

It is in fact this idea of the holofraud which not only facilitated the establishment of the occupation state of 'Israel' but it continues to provide a kind of moral cover for the Jews' hellish crimes against the Palestinians. The 'Holocaust' is invoked by Jewish Zionists every single time they wish to justify their genocidal crimes, and here you are joining the chorus!

The 'Holocaust' is today the kernel of the neurotic Jewish psyche. Jews believe that Gentiledom is out to 'holocaust' the Jews again. Therefore Jews can and must kill the Gentiles before they get pushed into the sea. Or into ovens.

It's kind of a sick joke that Hitler's Germany put up more Resistance against the enemies of Islam than all of today's despotic, traitorous, normalising 'Muslim' Arab regimes put together. That is a fact.

By making such kitsch, tacky comparisons between Hitler and Netanyahu, you are telling the world that you don't know history and you are brainwashed by the Jewish Zionists you purport to oppose.

I would even go so far as to say, you don't understand Islam, nor do you understand Islam's enemies.

You can't help Palestine by spreading the very propaganda and lies that brought about the occupation in the first place. You don't threaten 'Israel' by trumpeting their own hasbara alongside them.

The 'holocaust' is in real terms an anti-Gentile, anti-White, and today an anti-Palestinian lie, and by repeating it you help the enemy in ways you do not understand. And you just end up looking like an idiot.

-Cultures of Resistance
How the Palestinian leader was assassinated in Iran:-


Statement from President Joe Biden on the Middle East​

Earlier today, I received an update from my negotiating team on the ground in Doha and directed them to put forward the comprehensive bridging proposal presented today, which offers the basis for coming to a final agreement on a ceasefire and hostage release deal. I spoke separately with Amir Sheikh Tamim and President Sisi to review the significant progress made in Doha over the past two days of talks, and they expressed the strong support of Qatar and Egypt for the U.S. proposal as co-mediators in this process. Our teams will remain on the ground to continue technical work over the coming days, and senior officials will convene again in Cairo before the end of the week. They will report to me regularly. I am sending Secretary Blinken to Israel to reaffirm my iron-clad support for Israel’s security, continue our intensive efforts to conclude this agreement and to underscore that with the comprehensive ceasefire and hostage release deal now in sight, no one in the region should take actions to undermine this process.

Channel 12 Hebrew:
The Israeli army and intelligence agencies estimate that:

- 50% of Hamas militants were eliminated, including senior leaders.
- 22 of the 24 Hamas battalions were largely destroyed and are no longer active.
- More than 65% of the buildings in Gaza were severely damaged, especially in Hamas-affiliated centers.
It is estimated that Hamas has less than 10% of its missile arsenal remaining
Just like NATO destroyed the Taliban 100 times over.
Once people want to steal land as Zionists there is no going back. They will never allow the people to return to their homes. Same as all supremacist ideologies.
Exactly what the Dutch used to say in south Africa
I guess it slipped your mind that they are willing to build their freedom only on ther ruins of my country - hence Hamas stand on the two state peace.

And you wonder why i object ? How naive can you be ?

Well.. you built your"country" on the ruins of their is a always get back at you when you do bad..

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