Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

...Time dragged on. Suspicion grew. Every day, there was screaming; every night, torture. Hamas was torturing its own people! As much as I wanted to, I simply could not find a way to justify that.
Soon it got even worse. Instead of one person, three would be under investigation at the same time. One morning at four o’clock, a guy ran through the section, scrambled up and over the perimeter fence, and in twenty seconds was outside the camp, his clothes and his flesh shredded by the razor wire. An Israeli tower guard swung his machine gun around and took aim.
“Don’t shoot!” the guy screamed. “Don’t shoot! I’m not trying to escape. I’m trying to get away from them!” And he pointed to the panting maj’d who glared out at him through the fence. Soldiers ran out the gate, threw the inmate to the ground, searched him, and took him away.
Was this Hamas? Was this Islam?...

Son of Hamas
And then the Israeli soldiers proudly post videos of killing the people of Gaza like shooting a crow.

And then out of all the names in the world, the decided to name the dog “Ayesha”, the wife of the Prophet just to reiterate the fact that this is a revival of Crusades, but the Jewish version and yet Muslim nations are not taking it religiously enough to notice it
...I talked with the Shin Bet about the torture at Megiddo. They told me they knew all about it. Every move of the prisoners, everything anyone said, was recorded. They knew about the secret messages in dough balls and the torture tents and the hole cut in the fence.
“Why didn’t you stop it?”
“First of all, we cannot change that kind of mentality. It is not our job to teach Hamas to love one another. We cannot come in and say, ‘Hey, don’t torture one another; don’t kill each other,’ and make everything okay. Second, Hamas destroys itself more from the inside than anything Israel can do to it from the outside.”
The world I knew was relentlessly eroding, revealing another world that I was just beginning to understand. Every time I met with the Shin Bet, I learned something new, something about my life, about others. It wasn’t brainwashing through mind-numbing repetition, starvation, and sleep deprivation. What the Israelis were teaching me was more logical and more real than anything I had ever heard from my own people...

Son of Hamas
...“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:43-45).
That’s it! I was thunderstruck by these words. Never before had I heard anything like this, but I knew that this was the message I had been searching for all my life.
For years I had struggled to know who my enemy was, and I had looked for enemies outside of Islam and Palestine. But I suddenly realized that the Israelis were not my enemies. Neither was Hamas nor my uncle Ibrahim nor the kid who beat me with the butt of his M16 nor the apelike guard in the detention center. I saw that enemies were not defined by nationality, religion, or color. I understood that we all share the same common enemies: greed, pride, and all the bad ideas and the darkness of the devil that live inside us.
That meant I could love anyone. The only real enemy was the enemy inside me.
Five years earlier, I would have read the words of Jesus and thought, What an idiot! and thrown away the Bible. But my experiences with my crazy butcher neighbor, the family members and religious leaders who beat me when my father was in prison, and my own time at Megiddo had all combined to prepare me for the power and beauty of this truth. All I could think in response was, Wow! What wisdom this man had!...

Son of Hamas
...I ached to bring what I was learning into my own culture, because I realized that the occupation was not to blame for our suffering. Our problem was much bigger than armies and politics.
I asked myself what Palestinians would do if Israel disappeared–if everything not only went back to the way it was before 1948 but if all the Jewish people abandoned the Holy Land and were scattered again. And for the first time, I knew the answer.
We would still fight. Over nothing. Over a girl without a head scarf. Over who was toughest and most important. Over who would make the rules and who would get the best seat...

Son of Hamas
Hezbollah drone strikes kills senior IDF Officer, seriously injures another IDF terrorist

An Israeli terrorist was killed in a Hezbollah drone attack on the Western Galilee this morning, the occupation announces.

The slain terrorist is named as Chief Warrant Officer Mahmood Amaria, 45, a tracker in the 300th "Baram" Regional Brigade, from Ibtin.

According to the IDF, five explosive-laden drones were launched from Lebanon in the attack, with three being intercepted by the Iron Dome air defense system.

Two of the drones impacted in the Western Galilee, one near Gesher HaZiv and near Ya’ara.

The drone that struck near Ya’ara killed Amaria and injured several other Israeli terrorists, including one seriously.

Failed IDF airstrike kills IDF terrorist, seriously injures another 3 IDF terrorists

An Israeli terrorist was killed and several others were wounded by a failed Israeli airstrike in the southern Gaza Strip this morning, the occupation announces.

The slain terrorist is named as Lt. Shahar Ben Nun, 21, of the Paratroopers Brigade’s reconnaissance unit, from Petah Tikva.

In addition to the killed terrorist, another three were seriously wounded and three others are in good condition.

According to an initial IDF probe, at around 6:30 a.m. Israeli Air Force F-15 fighter jets were striking several targets in the Khan Younis area.

One of the missiles, due to a technical issue, did not correctly glide to the intended target, and instead struck a multi-story building where the paratroopers were stationed.

The building was some 300 meters away from the intended target, the probe found.
...I ached to bring what I was learning into my own culture, because I realized that the occupation was not to blame for our suffering. Our problem was much bigger than armies and politics.
I asked myself what Palestinians would do if Israel disappeared–if everything not only went back to the way it was before 1948 but if all the Jewish people abandoned the Holy Land and were scattered again. And for the first time, I knew the answer.
We would still fight. Over nothing. Over a girl without a head scarf. Over who was toughest and most important. Over who would make the rules and who would get the best seat...

Son of Hamas


Fake Jews


real Jews:
...Time dragged on. Suspicion grew. Every day, there was screaming; every night, torture. Hamas was torturing its own people! As much as I wanted to, I simply could not find a way to justify that.
Soon it got even worse. Instead of one person, three would be under investigation at the same time. One morning at four o’clock, a guy ran through the section, scrambled up and over the perimeter fence, and in twenty seconds was outside the camp, his clothes and his flesh shredded by the razor wire. An Israeli tower guard swung his machine gun around and took aim.
“Don’t shoot!” the guy screamed. “Don’t shoot! I’m not trying to escape. I’m trying to get away from them!” And he pointed to the panting maj’d who glared out at him through the fence. Soldiers ran out the gate, threw the inmate to the ground, searched him, and took him away.
Was this Hamas? Was this Islam?...

Son of Hamas
What cheap propaganda the Israelis are coming up with..
Israeli Jewish Leaders call for bombing Al Aqsa and blaming Iran to start a Shia Sunni war and to distract from the Palestinian Genocide....

These people are demonic....


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