Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The negotiating teams believe that without serious flexibility from Netanyahu regarding the Philadelphia axis, the negotiations may fail within days.

Netanyahu refuses to withdraw


The question is how are they in a position to speak beyond their borders for other people

The whole Imran khan, mahatir and erdogan conference fiasco really got the Saudis going for a reason
This is the part where they refuse IK to attend the Summit?

I don't know much about that, but knowing that Madkhalis ruled Saudi Arabia, we in Indonesia needs to be on high alert on the Saudi backed missionaries activities here. Muslims in Indonesia would never tolerate normalization, unlike the Madkhalis.
No one with an ounce of intelligence can think that the US can come halfway round the world and fight the whole of the ME.

Without access to collaborators they have dotted all over the Arab world from Egypt to Qatar they would not even dare try to even get anyway near the ME. And don't even count how quickly they would run out of supplies(missiles, fuels) and then tail it back to the nearest friendly countty.

It is an excuse for Arab cowardice and collaboration.

We have to be realistic, it shows people really had an emotional connection to the Saudis, they after all are custodians of the two holy sites and they have done good things

But also they are subject to the calculus of nation states and geo politics and economics

We already knew they were sailing in the direction of Haifa, so even if they wanted to you cannot turn a ship 180 a long time ago

I am past having expectations or lament, actually I lie, I still lament but more and more the problem i see is with the slow adjustment to hard realities.
No one with an ounce of intelligence can think that the US can come halfway round the world and fight the whole of the ME.

Without access to collaborators they have dotted all over the Arab world from Egypt to Qatar they would not even dare try to even get anyway near the ME. And don't even count how quickly they would run out of supplies(missiles, fuels) and then tail it back to the nearest friendly countty.

It is an excuse for Arab cowardice and collaboration.
Did they need Arabs to fight Japan in WWII..???

Or all your posts are about how Arabs are cowards to sooth your sick mind..
Am no fan of Iran.

But I am fair, one (the likes of Saudi and UAE) spend the last 30 years turning their country into an amusement park for Western pedophiles living in the country.

While the other one, use their resources and know how to build missiles, arms, and create a web of military proxies and using calculated politics advance their interest.

So you kinda wonder why despite all the wealth, and the Western weapons they imported, they ended up the looser who actually believed that they can't live without the US.

The more you dig deep into their minds, through their posts, the more you understand why they felt no shame in abandoning Palestine.
Iran values human development, so their people are a resource, they would never abandon human capital because they will never abandon the sovereignty that comes with this, even the Shah was a threat because of this

Saudis have had easy wealth, in all this time they did not develop human capital, they offshored it, because they are temporary holders of the wealth, that's the deal
We have to be realistic, it shows people really had an emotional connection to the Saudis, they after all are custodians of the two holy sites and they have done good things
There's a verse in the Quran that mocks this kind of behavior.

Do you ˹pagans˺ consider providing the pilgrims with water and maintaining the Sacred Mosque as equal to believing in Allah and the Last Day and struggling in the cause of Allah? They are not equal in Allah’s sight. And Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people. (Tawbah:19)

Nothing justify their normalization effort and alliance with Israel.
This is the part where they refuse IK to attend the Summit?

I don't know much about that, but knowing that Madkhalis ruled Saudi Arabia, we in Indonesia needs to be on high alert on the Saudi backed missionaries activities here. Muslims in Indonesia would never tolerate normalization, unlike the Madkhalis.
The recent revelation that Indonesia is considering normalising ties with Israel as part of its bid to join the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has surprised the international community and the Indonesian public.

The Jerusalem Post reported on 11 April that discussions to normalise relations between the two countries had been in the works but were abruptly sidelined following the outbreak of the ongoing war in Gaza.
You might just be able to get away with that in the most bitter and begrudging way to someone who is sympathetic on structural realities

Just about, but then is it an accident you are dependent on the usa

Last night Saudi state TV hosted eylon levy

Why do this?

@The SC

Stop for a minute please with no context situational updates

@The SC why invite eylon!
The recent revelation that Indonesia is considering normalising ties with Israel as part of its bid to join the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has surprised the international community and the Indonesian public.

The Jerusalem Post reported on 11 April that discussions to normalise relations between the two countries had been in the works but were abruptly sidelined following the outbreak of the ongoing war in Gaza.
Yeah Jakarta tries that many times, but they fear us the people on what will be the consequences of doing such.

Unlike Madkhalis of Saudi who only knew how to kneel
Yeah Jakarta tries that many times, but they fear us the people on what will be the consequences of doing such.

Unlike Madkhalis of Saudi who only knew how to kneel

So Saudi and Indonesia are equal standing in the Muslim world

Custodianship is nothing special?
@The SC

Stop for a minute please with no context situational updates

@The SC why invite eylon!
It is in Saudi Arabia, the Jew, Jared Kushner declared, in front of the Saudi leadership that Israel is here to stay and the new era (which means normalization with Israel) will start
So Saudi and Indonesia are equal standing in the Muslim world

Custodianship is nothing special?

Special or not special, it is worth nothing in the face of the geopolitical situation of the Islamic world and the tragedy that comes into those land that is enabled by the morons in Riyadh.
Did they need Arabs to fight Japan in WWII..???

Or all your posts are about how Arabs are cowards to sooth your sick mind..

Looking at a map of Japan and that of the ME would be helpful to show how the US really has no single "attack axis" against such a massive region with huge geographical depth.

Also the US had fully mobilised for years before it could take the fight to the Japanese and the US is not exactly going to do the same to fight Arabs who just simply cut off all relations with the Zionist usurper of Palestine.

It makes every Muslim ashamed that there are so many Muslim countres actively collaborating with this disgusting blot on humanity. It has occupied and defiles the holy city of Jerusalem when it wants and these traitors(no other word to describe their behaviour) still continue to collaborate.

No one is asking Arabs and others like Turkey to fire a single bullet against this entity. Just cut off all relations and put it under siege and that seems too hard to do for them.

Also stop getting personal when your number has been called out. People here are not 5 year old children who are fooled by strawman arguments and cannot see the real collaboration from the Arabs/Turks/Azeris that has emboldened this entity that it is carrying out a genocide in Gaza.

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