Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

You can't blame the Arab leaders because they can't face the US..otherwise you will see what happened to Gaza in many Arab capitals..they don't want to jeopardize their population too..

Understand that we are talking about the US here ..not Israel..

If you think people could be fooled with the idea that Arab leaders are silent because they fear the US, knows this :

These Arab leaders have been allying themselves with Israel even before October 7th. No one forces them to normalize yet they did soberly and willingly.

The 2021 forced eviction of Palestinians from Sheikh Jarrah, what are the Arab leaders response to this?

That's right, honor the jews by making sure they have a temple in the Arab peninsula. In March 2023.

Or like Saudi Arabia who did it earlier in 2022, when they lift the ban on the use of airspace to Israel

By God, these 'leaders', their judgement in front of God will be heavy and we Muslims from Morocco to Indonesia will testify to burden them in the afterlife
Israeli media: The army fails to expand the Netzarim axis due to clashes with Al-Qassam fighters

The White House: America will defend Israel if Iran attacks it

“Al-Akhbar” reports studies published in the Israeli media: Hezbollah is the most dangerous after Iran, and the Israeli army is obligated to “deal” with the party quickly. In the army, they estimate that in the coming days, our destination will be towards continued strong fighting in the north

@The SC

I believe you have a backlog of posts asking for a response

The stream of updates you post will not drown this out

If you think people could be fooled with the idea that Arab leaders are silent because they fear the US, knows this :

These Arab leaders have been allying themselves with Israel even before October 7th. No one forces them to normalize yet they did soberly and willingly.

The 2021 forced eviction of Palestinians from Sheikh Jarrah, what are the Arab leaders response to this?

That's right, honor the jews by making sure they have a temple in the Arab peninsula. In March 2023.

Or like Saudi Arabia who did it earlier in 2022, when they lift the ban on the use of airspace to Israel

By God, these 'leaders', their judgement in front of God will be heavy and we Muslims from Morocco to Indonesia will testify to burden them in the afterlife
Leave the judgement to GOD alone..
You might just be able to get away with that in the most bitter and begrudging way to someone who is sympathetic on structural realities

Just about, but then is it an accident you are dependent on the usa

Last night Saudi state TV hosted eylon levy

Why do this?

Like what?
Be first to ask!

That was mine.
You might just be able to get away with that in the most bitter and begrudging way to someone who is sympathetic on structural realities

Just about, but then is it an accident you are dependent on the usa

Last night Saudi state TV hosted eylon levy

Why do this?

If people has at this point any doubt where is the Al Wala wal Bara of these 'leaders' here it is.

Sometimes it's not they eyes that are blind, but the hearts.

Mind to tell that defenders of the likes of MBS, MBZ did so out of extreme nationalistic sentiment, not out of clear judgement on who these people's are.
As if the US would be able to fight all the Arabs, Iranians and Muslims of the world at the same time half way round the world.

Maybe this would be believeable if Arabs and some other Muslims were not active collaborators with the entity like supplying them with foods, oil and air routes.

Most would be very happy if they ignored the entity and imposed a total siege on it. No need to even fire a single bullet or say anything against it.

To many it looks like cowardice and opportunism and nothing else.
Yes the US can ..unfortunately..
This is the best time China will ever get to liberate Taiwan. This opportunity may not come again for decades, so go for it.
This is a very insightful comment i generally agree with.

Why is what you're saying actually possible? because US is OBVIOUSLY not well prepared to contain China or/and support allies in the Pacific robustly (despite what we see on paper, which is a McNamara fallacy).

Supporting proxies like Ukraine and masters like Israel has made US low on money, ammunition, men, equipment, available ships for multiple theaters, so it is a good bet to assume US is not well prepared militarily at this time, but that might make US even more violent/ nuclear or abusive if a country like China takes advantage of US's lack of preparation without being fully prepared for any eventuality with US in a potential conflict.
Maybe Allah SWT will appreciate the cowardice of the Arab leaders and states?
The Dajjal will come, with a K A F I R on his forehead and there will be people on that day that says. : Leave the judgement to God alone, we don't know what is inside his heart.

I used to think that why would people flock to the Dajjal, when he could be clearly identified.

Well I now have the answer.

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