Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

What exactly is the US going to do to the ME countries if they cut off all relations with entity?

Nothing as the US would then be seriously screwed itself and China would jump in and become the new superpower.

Everyone can see cowardice and opportunism here and nothing else.

For some reason he keeps suggesting that if the Arabs break all relations with Israel or economically block it the U.S will launch nuclear warheads at all the middle east???????????
For some reason he keeps suggesting that if the Arabs break all relations with Israel or economically block it the U.S will launch nuclear warheads at all the middle east???????????

Vision 2030 goes into dust

Economics hardship

Some internal strife

That's possible

To make it sound existential I suppose helps anyones actions sound reasonable
Let us count the ones that at least collaborate with it.

1. KSA - Provides air route
2. Turkey - Full recognition since 1949 and still supplying Azeri(another traitor here) oil.
3. Jordan - Full recognition
4. Egypt - Full recognition
5. Morrocco - Full recognition - Remember they allowed that Zionist warship to dock when Spain refused?!
6. UAE - Full recognition
7. Bahrain - Full recognition
9. Sudan - Full recognition - What happened here?!

That is 9 and so looks like it is coming to maybe 50% of all ME countries. What a sad state of affairs that so many ME countries have sold Palestine and the holy city of Jerusalem to Zionists.
All that happened before the 7 October..till then they were all supporting a two state solution.. anyway ..normalization or not..
Vision 2030 goes into dust

Economics hardship

Some internal strife

That's possible

To make it sound existential I suppose helps anyones actions sound reasonable
You have nightmares not Saudi Arabia.. you can visit the Saudi Arabia other threads in this section.. mainly the one about the projects..
For some reason he keeps suggesting that if the Arabs break all relations with Israel or economically block it the U.S will launch nuclear warheads at all the middle east???????????
Don't lie here.. that was said in the context of a declaration of war against Israel..
You have nightmares not Saudi Arabia.. you can visit the Saudi Arabia other threads in this section.. mainly the one about the projects..

I am saying that might be the costs imposed if Saudi did take hostile action against Israel, Imposed by the USA, hypothetically

Which I also think you have implied the same
What did I omit? I replied in full

Please I welcome you to set the record straight for posterity

I won't want it said I was not up front 😁
The truth is that Al Arabiya Channel is in competition with Al Jazeerah Channel for Arab perspective of the war.. that is all to it.. don't involve the states..
I am saying that might be the costs imposed if Saudi did take hostile action against Israel, Imposed by the USA, hypothetically

Which I also think you have implied the same
KSA has no relationship with Israel.. everything concerning the latter is done through the US..
No one with an ounce of intelligence can think that the US can come halfway round the world and fight the whole of the ME.
Loool....i will trust you on this one, no reason not to.
Without access to collaborators they have dotted all over the Arab world from Egypt to Qatar they would not even dare try to even get anyway near the ME.
A good point.
And don't even count how quickly they would run out of supplies(missiles, fuels) and then tail it back to the nearest friendly countty.

It is an excuse for Arab cowardice and collaboration.
This is true. But this also makes me think that an Iranian attack on an Arab country(ies) is a possible result or occurence in this Gaza war- because if the Arab lackeys and stooges the West needs are so corrupted, some sort of revolution will be needed in the region to "cleanse" it of these bad, brainwashed and corrupt regimes that are sinking the spirit and dreams of the Arab world. Basically- this Gaza war may cause a rift in the Muslim world that is so deep (because some will ask the others - "why did you watch as they killed Palestinians?" and they wont like to answer those types of questions), that it causes some kinetic conflict between some Muslim countries- it may be an Iran vs Saudis or Iran vs UAE+Qataris or something like that, but it needs to happen and i think it probably will, just dunno when.
Iran values human development, so their people are a resource, they would never abandon human capital because they will never abandon the sovereignty that comes with this, even the Shah was a threat because of this

Saudis have had easy wealth, in all this time they did not develop human capital, they offshored it, because they are temporary holders of the wealth, that's the deal
So unreal from a supposed realist..
The truth is that Al Arabiya Channel is in competition with Al Jazeerah Channel for Arab perspective of the war.. that is all to it.. don't involve the states..

Are we saying the Arab perspective aligns to eylon levy ?I don't fully follow, is he popular?

Your previous response welcomed his view point

For me...I remember him sickly mocking that too much aid was going through to Gaza, Israel is working day and night and Gazans are living in excess

For me, I can no longer entertain such an individual

Neither could BRITAIN stomach his lies

KSA has no formal relationship with Israel.. everything concerning the latter is done through the US..

You meant to say that (bolded), because there is a relationship between Saudis and Israelis, its just not formal and open, so it exists. Why you want all the praise for Saudis without them earning it? i will accept if you can help me understand this way of thinking.

Saudis gave Israeli military free passage through KSA's airspace to attack Iran- how can a country give another country such a serious approval with "no relationship"??

Also- hope you are ok with me ignoring some of your posts you respond to me because you rarely respond to my posts. I only argue the point (or at least 95% of the time IMO).
Looking at a map of Japan and that of the ME would be helpful to show how the US really has no single "attack axis" against such a massive region with huge geographical depth.

Also the US had fully mobilised for years before it could take the fight to the Japanese and the US is not exactly going to do the same to fight Arabs who just simply cut off all relations with the Zionist usurper of Palestine.

It makes every Muslim ashamed that there are so many Muslim countres actively collaborating with this disgusting blot on humanity. It has occupied and defiles the holy city of Jerusalem when it wants and these traitors(no other word to describe their behaviour) still continue to collaborate.

No one is asking Arabs and others like Turkey to fire a single bullet against this entity. Just cut off all relations and put it under siege and that seems too hard to do for them.

Also stop getting personal when your number has been called out. People here are not 5 year old children who are fooled by strawman arguments and cannot see the real collaboration from the Arabs/Turks/Azeris that has emboldened this entity that it is carrying out a genocide in Gaza.
You forgot the main power of the US is in the sea..they bring war to you in that way.. and then might invade..and if you don't surrender to them they can nuke you..with proof..Hiroshima and Nagasaki..

Stop your speculations..

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