Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

You forgot the main power of the US is in the sea..they bring war to you in that way.. and then might invade..and if you don't surrender to them they can nuke you..with proof..Hiroshima and Nagasaki..
Stop your speculations..

Look, I have said it many times: Most Arab govt used to try for Palestine but they had been beaten up badly. Now they have huge investments in the West and Americans can seize them, expel them out of the SWIFT system, and even bomb them. What are they going to do about that?? Mass destruction in the GCC region will have ripple effect in poor countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh and India and Phillippines with the exodus of the labor. The consequences will not only bad for the GCC countries but also far beyond that.

Back to the topic: In this short video, this Palestinian guy is trying to say, via Lavrov, that Americans have decided to just leave the Middle East after destroying it and concentrate on other places like Europe and do so from the safety of North America. Per Lavrov, it will be really bad for Europe.

Israel is violating Oslo Accords. It won't let people of West Bank live in peace. It builds settlements, forces Palestinians out, and regularly kills any Palestinian that owns a gun inside his own territory. These are Palestinian cities inside of Palestinian territory. Only Palestinian Authority can enter them. Israel regular violates the treaty while the PA respects it.

Israel is trying it's shot at ethnically cleansing the West Bank.

Notice how Israel and Zionist bots over the past years have downplaying the threat of Israel to the world? Do people not remember what Germany was able to do superpowers of its time? Israel is going down the same fanatical road. They're on a facist high of some sort which is apparent to most people of the world except the US, where Zionist influence dominated the government.

It should absolutely be expected that Israel try ethnically cleansing Palestinians and move into neighboring nations as well. To establish their Jewish Caliphate. This should not be downplayed because they're Jewish. Or because there's a impression they're cowardly. They're vile and have technology and unlimited funding behind their back.

Israel is entering its Nazi phase and there's no preventing it. Jewish community in general are going through massive levels of radicalization/supremacist and delusions of grandeur. And some kind of disturbances in their hearts.
Notice how Israel and Zionist bots over the past years have downplaying the threat of Israel to the world? Do people not remember what Germany was able to do superpowers of its time? Israel is going down the same fanatical road. They're on a facist high of some sort which is apparent to most people of the world except the US, where Zionist influence dominated the government.

It should absolutely be expected that Israel try ethnically cleansing Palestinians and move into neighboring nations as well. To establish their Jewish Caliphate. This should not be downplayed because they're Jewish. Or because there's a impression they're cowardly. They're vile and have technology and unlimited funding behind their back.

Israel is entering its Nazi phase and there's no preventing it. Jewish community in general are going through massive levels of radicalization/supremacist and delusions of grandeur. And some kind of disturbances in their hearts.
Mark my words if WW3 starts or a nuke goes off in the region it because of the Jewish state carrying out its religious fantasies.
World war has already started , the flames of fire have not yet spread out to other countries yet
World war has already started , the flames of fire have not yet spread out to other countries yet
Any of involved nation(s) that are low on stamina or/and the resources they need for the WW, are going to lose big in it.
I can see soft indication , that CIA influences are trying to topple various African nations , because currently there is a big unity in Africa against Colonialism etc as Africans are quite awake about past theft on their continent

There has been some increase of news about sudden disturbances in countries - with goal to also push African nations away from China

There was some potential interference in South Africa Election as it was a country that backed the Case against Israel

A similar soft attempt was made against Venezuelan Leader during election

We have already seen the crash of Iranian Head of state (another soft incident) to disrupt a nation , for now it is called an accident but the timing is quite interesting for such accident

Recent move by France to kidnap , Telegram CEO (Russian Origin) is another move to escalate war , as may Russians use Telegram I suppose and it was out of sphere of influence

While everyone is focused on the war in Ukraine and Palestine yet there are activities happening to try to reduce countries who may ally with Russia and China

India for now is playing 50%-50% trying to maximize it's gains
Heavily purchasing from Russian oil and other goods at discounts
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This dude is arguing that if the ME countries do not collaborate with the Zionist entity then the US will go to war with them.
That is what people are objecting to as it is absurd.

I think the GCC economies and a chunk of their assets and investments are heavily invested in the West and that situation severely limits their options. Didn't the West seize the Russian assets worth 300 some Billions and even threatened to use those assets to fund the war in Ukraine.
I like to look through all angles and I just don't think they are intentionally trying to 'betray' the Palestinians. I think they are a beaten nation, resigned to work with Washington. They were not always like that. They did impose the catastrophic oil embargo. They are not militarily strong despite buying all the weaponry as bribe from America.

It appears to me that they don't want to sacrifice decades of wealth and the stability in their respective countries for a few million Palestinians. Secondly, they are probably more afraid of Iran than of Israel. And we need to be mindful of what destruction in the GCC countries going to do to poor countries who heavily rely on the remittance from the GCC countries.

My objection would be if the GCC countries are trying to create a narrative that Palestinians never existed. I also very much detest these countries actually helping Israel by shooting down the Iranian drones or providing supply corridors, as been reported. There is no excuse for that! They can at least opt out.
False narrative that Middle East Arab nations don't support Palestine
Palestine is not an "Arab" issue , the land is sacred to all Muslims

Note: I am not able to post more then 6 images but similar support exist in Pakistan , Syria, Saudi Arabia , Indonesia, Malaysia , Iraq , Bangladesh for Palestine. Same with many African nations





Iran - Palestine
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Mark my words if WW3 starts or a nuke goes off in the region it because of the Jewish state carrying out its religious fantasies.

You got that right!!
These sick fanatics may have been thinking about the Samson Option for a long time!
Urgent || Hebrew websites: A security incident in Rafah, bad news coming from there...

Reports of a joint operation that resulted in the killing and wounding of 6 soldiers so far...

Other views from world - These images are not shown in American Media , and obviously also Censorship on other social media outlets

Brazilian Congress Solidarity with Palestine


Spain Barcelona

Ousosona , Spain

Support goes as far as Japan

Celtic Fants

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