Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Even so, absolutely nothing matters on the ground except the actual conflict. He had his opinion/analyses and then there are the prophesies and scriptures. If we in a little forum like these are aware of it then those who have the real stakes would certainly know about them.
Israel's plans have not been hidden from anyone.
I try to focus on the Israeli economy, the Israeli losses on the battlefields, the actions of the anti-Israel forces, the emigration of people from Israel, the internal divisions in Israel, the budding anti-Israel movements in America. Those are the most important factors in this conflict.

I have really liked your contributions, but this is not right, it's just confused.

The precise ground reality is unknowable most likely, i can assure you that whoever will best know will not be telling the world

The point that was made was Israels economic condition is secondary to the question of whether the USA is willing to support it always, that's the decisive factor
whatever anti Israel movement is forming they have no levers of power, it's just a feel good distraction

To Ignore completely the religious drivers in this middle east conflict is like going into a gun fight with a knife, you misread your battle, if you don't like that then there is nothing I can say

The point in looking back at previous views is to understand who and what sort of people really know what's going on, how they planned,and if you want to be honest, how little we all know

We in a little forum are aware of diddly squat 😂

If you have just realised ohh there was prior planning I can assure you there are sharper minds for ahead of the curve.
Prosperity makes everyone 'soft'. Even Israel.

And the less you have, the more you can afford to lose. Look at the Houthis. Would Yemen acted so boldly, so dangerously to its own citizenry and infrastructure had they been a prospering nation? I doubt that.
Prosperity brings peace. But stupid Israelis have it backward: Subjugating, appropriating, displacing, killing Palestinians and hoping for 'peace'. Nah, might have worked against the small Native Americans population in large North America landmass, but Palestine is too small, too densely populated. It wouldn't work and its blowing up on the Israeli faces. And by denying some fundamental truth about human nature, Israel has dug its own grave.

The gulf Arabs have never been prosperous, not really.

They are locked into a dollar dependency that allows them to possess dollars as custodians of the dollars, they get the dollars then feed it back into the western system.

There is nothing created independently of note

Human capital remains stagnant or insufficient

That's not prosperity or softness

That's strategic defeat

The Iranians under the Shah also had oil wealth, they also had visions of proper national development

As an actual analysis, structural and strategic, the idiom of "prosperity makes you soft" belongs in the kids library section, with respect.

If in twenty years, the Saudis are dropping in global significance as oil is less relevant, how can you ever say they had anything real to begin with now?
If in twenty years, the Saudis are dropping in global significance as oil is less relevant, how can you ever say they had anything real to begin with now?

Oil is not less relevant by any means.
Its just that the US is somewhat self sufficient after introducing fracking in shale reservoirs approximately 20 years ago.

Which means a huge consumer of middle eastern oil export was no longer in dire need of imported oil. It freed the US from Gulf power politics and the sheiks understood it. Gulf can no longer use oil as pressure tool as it used to.
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As an actual analysis, structural and strategic, the idiom of "prosperity makes you soft" belongs in the kids library section, with respect.
If in twenty years, the Saudis are dropping in global significance as oil is less relevant, how can you ever say they had anything real to begin with now?

Oh, yes, I absolutely believe prosperity makes you 'soft' and that 'decadence' is directly proportional to the wealth and abundance a person feels; and nations are just a composite of the people living in it.
The Saudis of the 2024 are far better off in their lives then the Saudis of 1924. You shouldn't have to even Google that. Whether wealth from oil or from marbles or from coal or from diamonds, doesn't matter. Lives have changed for the better for the millions in a relatively short span of a century. So why would they--or ANY other people-- would want to disturb the applecart?? I can't believe I am arguing with you about the well established relationship between wealth and decadence.
More to the topic: It has been repeatedly said in this thread that many Israelis are likely to leave to take advantage of their dual passports because they, being used to the 'luxuries' of life, wouldn't want the crap in that region. The same principle applies to them: Turned 'soft' due to abundance of decades.
Oil is not less relevant by any means.
Its just that the US is somewhat self sufficient after introducing fracking in shale reservoirs approximately 20 years ago.

Which means a huge consume of middle eastern oil export was no longer in dire need of imported oil. It freed the US from Gulf power politics and the sheiks understood it. Gulf can no longer use oil as pressure tool as it used to.
Oil will be less relevant in time, what planet are you on?

The gulf is locked into the petrol dollar system, that happened after the embargo, they can't cut global oil because of that.
Oil is not less relevant by any means.
Its just that the US is somewhat self sufficient after introducing fracking in shale reservoirs approximately 20 years ago.

Which means a huge consume of middle eastern oil export was no longer in dire need of imported oil. It freed the US from Gulf power politics and the sheiks understood it. Gulf can no longer use oil as pressure tool as it used to.

The Gulfies are clueless. Trying to emulate the Western powers and the likes of China. They are nor even close. Pumping all the oil dollars into meaningless endeavours won't save the day.
Oil is not less relevant by any means.
Its just that the US is somewhat self sufficient after introducing fracking in shale reservoirs approximately 20 years ago.

Oil is extremely relevant today! And you are right: Less to the Americans but still to a large part of the world. A VERY large part of the world.
The 'Renewables' have not at all reached the level like oil/natural gas as engines of growth. Not at all.
Oh, yes, I absolutely believe prosperity makes you 'soft' and that 'decadence' is directly proportional to the wealth and abundance a person feels; and nations are just a composite of the people living in it.
The Saudis of the 2024 are far better off in their lives then the Saudis of 1924. You shouldn't have to even Google that. Whether wealth from oil or from marbles or from coal or from diamonds, doesn't matter. Lives have changed for the better for the millions in a relatively short span of a century. So why would they--or ANY other people-- would want to disturb the applecart?? I can't believe I am arguing with you about the well established relationship between wealth and decadence.
More to the topic: It has been repeatedly said in this thread that many Israelis are likely to leave to take advantage of their dual passports because they, being used to the 'luxuries' of life, wouldn't want the crap in that region. The same principle applies to them: Turned 'soft' due to abundance of decades.

If someone owns two cars, have a decent mansion, have decent amount of money in the bank; then there is really only two things to do.
- go the ascetic road, concentrate on meditation and charity
- more fine dine, cars, leisure, women etc. = consumption

Most people, understandibly, choose the latter. And when you go that route, why would anyone want risk anything when they already have everything?

The prophet said he never feared for his people being materially poor, but feared for the effect of wealth on his people.
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Oh, yes, I absolutely believe prosperity makes you 'soft' and that 'decadence' is directly proportional to the wealth and abundance a person feels; and nations are just a composite of the people living in it.
The Saudis of the 2024 are far better off in their lives then the Saudis of 1924. You shouldn't have to even Google that. Whether wealth from oil or from marbles or from coal or from diamonds, doesn't matter. Lives have changed for the better for the millions in a relatively short span of a century. So why would they--or ANY other people-- would want to disturb the applecart?? I can't believe I am arguing with you about the well established relationship between wealth and decadence.
More to the topic: It has been repeatedly said in this thread that many Israelis are likely to leave to take advantage of their dual passports because they, being used to the 'luxuries' of life, wouldn't want the crap in that region. The same principle applies to them: Turned 'soft' due to abundance of decades.

I think I am the one who first pointed out the dual passport aspect on this thread😂

It's sad to say, you were all playing toy armies, what I read anyway

It was an Israel internal study that predicted this, more clergy.

Do you think Israel will simply allow this war of attrition to continue at an unfavorable level, that's the real question, idiosyncratic behaviour if you think you face existential threat is the real ponderable. The clergy will be more useful than you think🙄🙄

This straight line thinking is just silly on lazyness and wealth, firstly I dispute that Saudi is even wealthy in a meaningful sense

If you do indeed have resource you pay for people to worry about your defense 😂 you get the best lol

The Saudis look lazy but it's because they lack strategic autonomy, you misattributed, they are structurally trapped.

They get dollars, they invest in the West, they get some more dollars, they buy weapons in the West, oh look, they are dependent on the west🙄

Internally, they are as ruthless as anyone, they can be pro active if they want, where they can.

The decadence and decline of civilizations applies to those who actually had power to begin with, the house of Saud are what?
I think I am the one who first pointed out the dual passport aspect on this thread😂
It's sad to say, you were all playing toy armies, what I read anyway
No, sir/madame: You are not the first one by a long shot who had mentioned the dual passport nature to emigrate. I was active in for the 2000 pages in the old PDF since October 7, 2023 and I was present in previous conflicts in the old PDF under Obama. There are others like me, such as @hussain0216 and @UKBengali and many others who have been mentioning the dual nationality nature of Israelis and the demographic threats to Israelis.

This straight line thinking is just silly on lazyness and wealth, firstly I dispute that Saudi is even wealthy in a meaningful sense
Thats just strange that you don't see the Saudis (and other GCC Arabs) conditions greatly improved since 1924. Yes, they enjoy a much better life now and, as @Alter_Ego said, most human beings wouldn't want to disturb that, which a regional war would certainly!! Laziness has nothing to do with it. Everyone has a daily life. 'Free' or not. People don't want stress in their lives and doesn't matter who gives it to them: Communism, Socialism, Capitalism. Doesn't matter.

Do you think Israel will simply allow this war of attrition to continue at an unfavorable level, that's the real question, idiosyncratic behaviour if you think you face existential threat is the real ponderable. The clergy will be more useful than you think🙄🙄

Probably the only time you asked something relevant in the recent exchanges with me. And as I and several others, including @Beast89 said above: Israelis are likely to bring down the whole house before accepting their defeat. That's the most dangerous thing the world is facing along with what's going on Ukraine.
The Gulfies are clueless. Trying to emulate the Western powers and the likes of China. They are nor even close. Pumping all the oil dollars into meaningless endeavours won't save the day.

They are desperate 2030, neom

Last ditch attempts to economically diversify

Like they couldn't try this 20 years ago lol
No, sir/madame: You are not the first one by a long shot who had mentioned the dual passport nature to emigrate. I was active in for the 2000 pages in the old PDF since October 7, 2023 and I was present in previous conflicts in the old PDF under Obama. There are others like me, such as @hussain0216 and @UKBengali and many others who have been mentioning the dual nationality nature of Israelis and the demographic threats to Israelis.

Thats just strange that you don't see the Saudis (and other GCC Arabs) conditions greatly improved since 1924. Yes, they enjoy a much better life now and, as @Alter_Ego said, most human beings wouldn't want to disturb that, which a regional war would certainly!! Laziness has nothing to do with it. Everyone has a daily life. 'Free' or not. People don't want stress in their lives and doesn't matter who gives it to them: Communism, Socialism, Capitalism. Doesn't matter.

Probably the only time you asked something relevant in the recent exchanges with me. And as I and several others, including @Beast89 said above: Israelis are likely to bring down the whole house before accepting their defeat. That's the most dangerous thing the world is facing along with what's going on Ukraine.

No i am not convinced that you do know how the dual passport projection goes, why don't you expand please?

So dual nationals go, ok.. Then what?

The Saudis....a minute ago you were thinking they deserved a chapter in Toynbee's books lol

Yes of course they are wealthier with the accumulation of dollar's , going back from 1924 is hardly the rise and fall of a civilisation my friend, we are missing the good bit of a civilisation, they created nada

Their actual real accumulating came with the PETRO DOLLAR, so more recent

What's the point in wealth if someone controls what you do with it lol.

What's the point in the gift of oil if you don't improve your human capital, a nations real wealth

Thank you for the compliment on idiosyncratic behaviour point 😇I enjoy your contributions so hopefully I can reciprocate even if it's in a robust way

But guess what, you may want to reconsider your view on the role of the messianic in that case, don't take it as me insisting on this, take it as me not dismissing it

Divide and rule is one of the trade marks of colonialists.
No i am not convinced that you do know how the dual passport projection goes, why don't you expand please?

So dual nationals go, ok.. Then what?

The Saudis....a minute ago you were thinking they deserved a chapter in Toynbee's books lol

Yes of course they are wealthier with the accumulation of dollar's , going back from 1924 is hardly the rise and fall of a civilisation my friend, we are missing the good bit of a civilisation, they created nada

Their actual real accumulating came with the PETRO DOLLAR, so more recent

What's the point in wealth if someone controls what you do with it lol.

What's the point in the gift of oil if you don't improve your human capital, a nations real wealth

Thank you for the compliment on idiosyncratic behaviour point 😇I enjoy your contributions so hopefully I can reciprocate even if it's in a robust way

But guess what, you may want to reconsider your view on the role of the messianic in that case, don't take it as me insisting on this, take it as me not dismissing it

If you could only pay attention to what I had and many others are saying and if you could please note bring the Messianic angles. And Speaking in parables is not impressive. Speak plainly, please.
I believe I had said enough above and no point repeating myself. You'd find me saying the same things as I had said to you in the last few posts, and you would find what I am saying being said by others--as they too have been saying for many pages.

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