Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

This is what people who wish to keep some sort of liberal façade will say ... We failed , we failed to DENOUNCE

Errrr you were partners and planners of this

It was clear in the first few days that the entity was going to try to destroy Gaza and still these European “liberal” leaders went to Occupied Palestine to show solidarity with the entity.

They will all be damned by history of their active collaboration in this genocide.
It was clear in the first few days that the entity was going to try to destroy Gaza and still these European “liberal” leaders went to Occupied Palestine to show solidarity with the entity.

They will all be damned by history of their active collaboration in this genocide.
Failure to denounce sufficiently... Meaningless and insulting

She will say the same for the west bank

Btw, it's also an admission that Gaza is done, i.e. no hope
Hamas doesn't have leverage. Palestinians in Gaza have no choice but to fight for survival. Prisoner envelope is being used as means by Netanyahu to expand and extend the war on Gaza.
The only leverage Hamas has for a ceasefire is the Zionist prisoners
The dirty Jews in America are spamming the social media likes it's beginning of the war again. Spamming with fake outrage over some 6 dead terrorists while they killed 186,000 in Gaza.

Of course, the fake outrage is aimed at trying to coerce the US into pressuring Egypt to accept the ethnic cleansing of the Gaza population. Which won't and will never be accepted. But you should still judge the dirty Jews by intentions. Which they show us time and time again.

And they're boosting each other's posts via bots. Which is violating code of conduct on these media platforms but they're above the law, always.
The Israeli general strike is huge news.

The last time the unions announced this step was when Bibi fired Gallant, which forced Bibi to concede and allow Gallant to stay...
This pressure via the soft settler society is the most powerful leverage that Hamas now has to end the genocide.

I am of the opinion from Day One that the hostages are a powerful way for the Gazans while many here were advocating just finishing them off. There is a reason--more than just some Islamic injunctions to treat the captives humanely: The hostages are a powerful card to play with!

An interesting video here: First, I am surprised that Tucker Carson invited Professor Jeffery Sachs to his show. Tucker is an opportunist, racist and used to be a war-monger most of his journalistic career but lately he has been tapping into the innate isolationism present in most Americans, which translates into anti-war movements. There is no question that Trump's 'base' is isolationist and anti-war despite having many Rapture Seekers. Anyway, here, Tucker subtly saying to Israel: Go fight your own wars!! That's a huge message to the millions of pro Israel war mongers in America and they also love Tucker for other reasons.
I am only including a small relevant part of the video:

The Israeli general strike is huge news.

The last time the unions announced this step was when Bibi fired Gallant, which forced Bibi to concede and allow Gallant to stay...

Nethanyahu has baked in internal division I am sure, very strong division, he has therefore baked in escalation and provocation

He will simply up the ante with external wars

Now that West Bank operation is under way, religious element will ramp up, to even further rile up the region
I am of the opinion from Day One that the hostages are a powerful way for the Gazans while many here were advocating just finishing them off. There is a reason--more than just some Islamic injunctions to treat the captives humanely: The hostages are a powerful card to play with!

An interesting video here: First, I am surprised that Tucker Carson invited Professor Jeffery Sachs to his show. Tucker is an opportunist, racist and used to be a war-monger most of his journalistic career but lately he has been tapping into the innate isolationism present in most Americans, which translates into anti-war movements. There is no question that Trump's 'base' is isolationist and anti-war despite having many Rapture Seekers. Anyway, here, Tucker subtly saying to Israel: Go fight your own wars!! That's a huge message to the millions of pro Israel war mongers in America and they also love Tucker for other reasons.
I am only including a small relevant part of the video:

I am with Falcon on this one, that leverage is spent long time ago when enemy decided to level Gaza to the ground and commit genocide.
Without hostages they do not have casus bel and it would be harder for them to dig and harvest for support publicly.
Yes, but the Orient was naive and weak

This was a time when any race but your own was fair game, mostly

Yes to some extant.
Still i cant recall any muslim ethnic group wanting to literally exterminate a whole race of people.
Even mongolian invasions, as destructive as they were, was never about race.

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