Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Then if we average people sitting in comfort far from the battlefield advocate killing all the hostages then is the resistance in Gaza being stupid? They are the one facing a terrible situation and could have just shot the hostages instead of protecting and feeding them.
Do we not see the diversions and even divisions within the Israeli society over the hostages? Can we not foresee that without the little bit concerns for the hostages, Israelis would be totally killing without ANY considerations--and, yes, there are still some brakes due to the hostages. Israel is a tiny country where every Israeli Jewish life counts a lot. They even let go of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners in exchange for just one Gilad Shalit!
But better than asking me: Ask the resistance in Gaza itself! Who are we. They must have their rationale as they are the one fighting this conflict.

Killing the POWs would have given the Zionist entity almost total support from the west to "eliminate Hamas" which in effect means eliminate the Gazans.

Remember they(entity) stated 2 goals after October 7th - irradicate Hamas and bring back the POWs.

If Hamas say after 2-3 months of the genocide said that all the POWs had been executed then what little restraint had been put in place would have been removed.

This execution of POWs would have been the first admission of either side to openly committing war crimes and so the entity has in an instant the upper hand.

Now by eliminating individual POWS as the Zionist terrorists try to free them they send a message to the soft and pampered settlers. You want any of your fellow settlers back, then agree an end to this genocide on Gaza. Your terrorist forces have no ability to get any of them back alive.
I am with Falcon on this one, that leverage is spent long time ago when enemy decided to level Gaza to the ground and commit genocide.
Without hostages they do not have casus bel and it would be harder for them to dig and harvest for support publicly.
it's because of the prisoners they are even paying lip service to negotiations

and because of the prisoners that Gallant and Gantz and the IDF and the unions are opposing Bibi and calling for strikes and a ceasefire
Even the most fanatical Zionist media in the UK are saying that the time is now for a ceasefire:

"Execution of Israeli hostages may force deal to finally end war
Cold-blooded killing of six people held captive by Hamas for 11 months could topple Benjamin Netanyahu’s fragile coalition government"

"The execution in cold blood of six Israeli hostages by Hamas fighters in southern Gaza could topple Israel’s fragile coalition government and finally force a deal that ends the 11-month war.

Certainly it will create tremors in Israel that reverberate for many years to come.

Rather than surrender their prisoners and hand Israel another victory, it seems Hamas shot them one at a time, leaving their corpses to be found by advancing IDF forces some 20 metres underground.

The fear and despair they must have experienced in those moments after being held hostage in Gaza for more than 10 months is scarcely imaginable.

The tragedy - which in some respects recalls the Munich massacre of 1972 in which 11 Israeli Olympians were executed by cornered Palestinian terrorists during a botched rescue attempt - may yet mark an inflection point.

At the time of writing, a one-day general strike was in the offing, while hostages’ families, opposition politicians and even Yoav Gallant, the defence minister, blamed Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister, for sabotaging the ceasefire talks."

As with Munich, the latest tragedy is made worse by the fact that the release of the hostages was so tantalisingly close. Three of the six, including the young US-Israeli Hersh Goldberg-Polin who survived losing an arm in the Oct 7 assault, had been slated for immediate release as part of the ceasefire negotiations.

The Munich rescue was botched by the Germans and led to an unwritten social contract being adopted in Israel: that no Israeli held hostage would ever again be left behind.

On Sunday, the Hostages’ Families Forum demanded Mr Netanyahu make a public appearance to “take responsibility” for the deaths of the hostages, rather than hide behind the IDF."

Mr Gallant meanwhile called on the security cabinet to reverse the decision made last week to continue an Israeli presence along the Gaza-Egypt border - a decision that is widely seen as having sunk the hostage release talks in Cairo.

Announcing a general strike on Monday, Arnon Bar-David, chief of the Labor Federation, said “a deal is more important than anything else”.

Channelling the spirit of Israel’s unwritten social contact, he added: “We are no longer one people; we are camp against camp … we need to bring back the State of Israel.

“We are getting body bags instead of a deal.”

Yet despite mounting pressure, Mr Netanyahu remains resolute. He has long preferred to emphasise a second, less noble, lesson that Israel took from Munich: that terror should be met with terror through extrajudicial assassination of those responsible."

But the political rope Mr Netanyahu is walking is horribly thin. He has kept his fragile governing coalition going by pandering to the hard-Right.

If Mr Gallant were to resign or significantly larger numbers of people took to protesting on the streets - as some are calling for - it could collapse overnight.

Polls also show an overwhelming majority of Israelis want a ceasefire that sees the remaining hostages returned alive.

After the latest killings, the pressure is now so high that Mr Netanyahu may be forced to reconsider his position and reaffirm Israel’s social contract."
@The SC / anyone:
How authentic is this development? It is a big game-changer for this conflict with far reaching consequences. Me thinks if this was true then would have been talked about a lot; not in the MSM but in the pro Palestine channels.
Yes..most of the GCC..not only KSA sold a big chunk of their US treasury holdings..and kept some in there..
Killing the POWs would have given the Zionist entity almost total support from the west to "eliminate Hamas" which in effect means eliminate the Gazans.
Israel did not show any restraint, far from it. They used their entire arsenal many times over. Which is why they required the US park aircraft carriers alongside Lebanon. And why US had to make over 500 shipments of arms (of what we know) to Gaza.

The POWs are only in the picture because the Palestinians in Gaza fought and survived. And Egypt was not playing ball when it came to the mass expulsion of Palestinians into Egypt.
That was rejected by the Arabs..and if you follow the news.. The Arabs and Iran are very busy talking and sending positive messages to each other.. a lot of officials visits..


Killing the POWs would have given the Zionist entity almost total support from the west to "eliminate Hamas" which in effect means eliminate the Gazans.

Remember they(entity) stated 2 goals after October 7th - irradicate Hamas and bring back the POWs.

If Hamas say after 2-3 months of the genocide said that all the POWs had been executed then what little restraint had been put in place would have been removed.

This execution of POWs would have been the first admission of either side to openly committing war crimes and so the entity has in an instant the upper hand.

Now by eliminating individual POWS as the Zionist terrorists try to free them they send a message to the soft and pampered settlers. You want any of your fellow settlers back, then agree an end to this genocide on Gaza. Your terrorist forces have no ability to get any of them back alive.

it's because of the prisoners they are even paying lip service to negotiations

and because of the prisoners that Gallant and Gantz and the IDF and the unions are opposing Bibi and calling for strikes and a ceasefire

Right. It is absolutely a no brainer to keep the hostages for as long as possible.
But then who are we to answer what to do with the hostages except for those who are keeping the hostages.
Having said that, the hostages may still get executed in some 'The Last Stand' situation.
Israel did not show any restraint, far from it. They used their entire arsenal many times over. Which is why they required the US park aircraft carriers alongside Lebanon. And why US had to make over 500 shipments of arms (of what we know) to Gaza.

The POWs are only in the picture because the Palestinians in Gaza fought and survived. And Egypt was not playing ball when it came to the mass expulsion of Palestinians into Egypt.

Anything else is just to save face for that idiot Meengla. Even though he's a idiot and a hypocrite.

Out of respect for you as a Palestinian whose people are suffering a genocide while the rest of us Muslims either look on or worse actively help, I cannot say you are wrong with anything you say.

Hamas are the ones fighting in the field and they have made the decisions they have, whether they were the best or not. It looks like now they have a tactic that seems to be putting immense pressure on Netanyahu and his terrorist cabal to end this genocide after nearly a year.
Then if we average people sitting in comfort far from the battlefield advocate killing all the hostages then is the resistance in Gaza being stupid? They are the one facing a terrible situation and could have just shot the hostages instead of protecting and feeding them.
Do we not see the diversions and even divisions within the Israeli society over the hostages? Can we not foresee that without the little bit concerns for the hostages, Israelis would be totally killing without ANY considerations--and, yes, there are still some brakes due to the hostages. Israel is a tiny country where every Israeli Jewish life counts a lot. They even let go of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners in exchange for just one Gilad Shalit!
But better than asking me: Ask the resistance in Gaza itself! Who are we. They must have their rationale as they are the one fighting this conflict.
The average person sitting at home is you and is not Falcon.
Hamas itself considered it to protect Palestinian civilians from genocidal saturation bombing of northern Gaza.

We already know Israel doesn't plan to stop the war, whether there's prisoners of war or not. The Israeli approved plan is a long term one with the objective to make Gaza unlivable to ethnically cleanse it.

Getting rid of POWs helps international diplomats to start making progress on ceasefire as they're no longer scared to press Israel as Israeli Nazis like to play 'hostage' card to silence anyone that calls for ceasefire.

This prisoner envelope is going to be closed, at a calculated pace and in a calculated manner. It either forces Israeli society to end the genocide or is going to force Israel to quickly answer about the 'day after' and it's long term goals in Gaza.

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