Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

That was rejected by the Arabs..and if you follow the news.. The Arabs and Iran are very busy talking and sending positive messages to each other.. a lot of officials visits..
I believe it when Jordan or Egypt expel the Zionist ambassador in their country and Arab states kick out US military from their states
11 months of raping, murder, bombing of hospitals, executions and torture of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jail and captivity, mass saturation bombing of entire Gaza Strip, murder of journalists, banning media from entering Gaza

And you still have a few hypocrites upset about a few POWs of Israel. That Israel killed itself.

Israel wants to continue the war on Gaza because it has a lot to gain in killing Palestinians and believes it can try getting away with ethnically cleansing the population and destroying the peace treaty with Egypt. That's the only way to describe their behavior. It's because they really believe they may get a chance at a mass act of ethnic cleansing.
11 months of raping, murder, bombing of hospitals, executions and torture of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jail and captivity, mass saturation bombing of entire Gaza Strip, murder of journalists, banning media from entering Gaza

And you still have a few hypocrites upset about a few POWs of Israel. That Israel killed itself.

Israel wants to continue the war on Gaza because it has a lot to gain in killing Palestinians and believes it can try getting away with ethnically cleansing the population and destroying the peace treaty with Egypt. That's the only way to describe their behavior. It's because they really believe they may get a chance at a mass act of ethnic cleansing.

It's become so obvious

The press are refusing to treat Israel like a pariah state

Criticism for a few politicians, that's it
These are people comfortable with prolonging the war on Gaza to achieve long term goals of ethnic cleansing. As there is no pressure. Because Israel is using 'hostages' ploy to silence Western diplomats or anyone else that demands a ceasefire.

That is why it is necessary to end this envelope. By closing it in a calculated manner. So Israel will be forced to have to do some explaining as to what it wants.

Cabinet session and ministers' options to respond to the killing of prisoners:

Smotrich called for cutting off parts of the Gaza Strip.

Ben Gvir called for the death penalty for prisoners.

Foreign Minister Katz called for new military operations.

Energy Minister Cohen said: If we remain silent, the equation becomes that the killers kill and we surrender.

These are people comfortable with prolonging the war on Gaza to achieve long term goals of ethnic cleansing. As there is no pressure. Because Israel is using 'hostages' ploy to silence Western diplomats or anyone else that demands a ceasefire.

That is why it is necessary to end this envelope. By closing it in a calculated manner. So Israel will be forced to have to do some explaining as to what it wants.

Cabinet session and ministers' options to respond to the killing of prisoners:

Smotrich called for cutting off parts of the Gaza Strip.

Ben Gvir called for the death penalty for prisoners.

Foreign Minister Katz called for new military operations.

Energy Minister Cohen said: If we remain silent, the equation becomes that the killers kill and we surrender.

These are obviously not 'responses' to anything. It's a reckless and rogue regime gone mad. Plotting their next acts of terror of hate.
Btw, all these captives were soldiers. They got killed during a failed IDF operation. Israeli's want you to celebrate when their army succeeds, but when it fails we're supposed to cry and whine about Hamas and demand the world allow them to 'finish the job'.

Entitled Nazis that whine for the right to commit genocide, everyday.

11 months of raping, murder, bombing of hospitals, executions and torture of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jail and captivity, mass saturation bombing of entire Gaza Strip, murder of journalists, banning media from entering Gaza

And you still have a few hypocrites upset about a few POWs of Israel. That Israel killed itself.

Israel wants to continue the war on Gaza because it has a lot to gain in killing Palestinians and believes it can try getting away with ethnically cleansing the population and destroying the peace treaty with Egypt. That's the only way to describe their behavior. It's because they really believe they may get a chance at a mass act of ethnic cleansing.

Btw, this is also a way of telling the world who is really important here, who do we care about

This western idea promoted of humanity and equal human rights seems to be the biggest psy ops going

Kind of like saying HAHA FOOLED YA

It does not matter what happens there, it will not move the dial in the West

So another strategy?
But they are waiting for their prophet and doing these acts to bring him and foolish christian Evangelicals believe Jews awaited prophet is Jesus.
Thet must be waiting for the devil.

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