Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

It will have no material impact on the Israeli war machine. The UK only suspended 30 out of 350 export licenses with waivers of F-35s and other critical defense equipment. The U.S. will fill the gap caused by the export license suspension.

It's to keep up the pretence of "Western Human Rights".... And to continue to fool the naive Muslim "liberals" that buy into that BS.

It's to hide their hypocrisy.
While sacrificing civilian lives in the process, more women, kids, babies die...

Not really surprising this coming out from people who supported Hamas....

Did Hamas behead 40 babies on October 7th or purposefully kill 40 babies?

A simple yes or no will suffice.

It will help the rest of us judge the extent of your brain rot and whether further engagement with you is purposeful.
Will never happen. Muslims will continue their downward fall and the fighting within will only get worse.

Democracy will never be tolerated within and even by external powers because of its implications of the Muslim street having its say.

This is all prophesied. The only time things will get better for Muslims from this time forward is actually with the emergence of The Mehdi... Until then expect things to go from bad to worse with each passing year from this point forward.

The signs are all here.

All this childish talk about .. "first this" or "first that"... "First economy... Then democracy"... First stopping fighting ourselves and then being liberal and all this "first this, then that" BS ... Isn't how things will develop. It's ordained.
When the gap between the rulers and the people becomes too big the rulers are toppled.
Why the Nazis beyond Israel are being left untouched is beyond belief.
You are naive and have bought into the Zionist Western propaganda. It's not about Hamas or it's support. Palestinian Genocide is a result of our own weakness, division, cowardliness, treason, and shift away from our Deen.

Only a just Jihad will save Palestine and ourselves.
It's not his fault but the millenia of being conquered and servants , it's in their blood.

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