Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Death cult. Interesting how jewish North Americans are so outwardly genocidal, emboldened assault peaceful protestors whilst in Europe they play more like the victim and say the stuff you want to hear "we want peace and blah blah". Just shows their control of the establishment. Remember only 2% of population Yet USA is things for them which never for Ukraine. Israeli PM gets treated like the president would dream of.
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It's just lip service to avoid being taken to ICC.

They are suspending some, probably stuff that was no longer needed anyway but will continue with critical things and also intelligence, covert operations etc.

I agree with Netanyahu it’s really shameful of uk to cancel just 30 license only..
Ron Ben Yishai - Yedioth Ahronoth:
4 steps for Israel to save itself:

1- To accept the plan that the United States is currently preparing in order to rescue the remaining living prisoners, and the army must change the method of its military pressure to prevent the killing of more prisoners. If Hamas refuses, clear measures will be taken with the approval of all countries, starting with preventing the entry of any materials into the Gaza Strip, all the way up. To continue the war in different ways.

2- That there be an emergency government and prevent Netanyahu from making decisions alone, especially since he has ministers like Ben Gvir and Smotrich gathered around him who do not care about security or the fate of Israel.

3- Ending the current situation on the northern front and benefiting from the ceasefire in Gaza.

4- Change the government completely because it has proven that it is incapable of doing anything even in war.
Kan channel from sources:

A message was passed to the mediators today that Israel will withdraw from Philadelphia, and the withdrawal may be part by part, but there is an actual willingness to do so during the stages of the agreement, contrary to what Netanyahu announced.
You are naive and have bought into the Zionist Western propaganda. It's not about Hamas or it's support. Palestinian Genocide is a result of our own weakness, division, cowardliness, treason, and shift away from our Deen.

Only a just Jihad will save Palestine and ourselves.

He prolly thinks that independence comes with vote in ballot boxes 😄

Israel is at rock bottom now and has not achieved any of the war goals it set

The Philadelphia Axis is not an existential threat to Israel's future, as Netanyahu claims
See what happened during Mursy ?
People need to be blamed as well.

At least Muslim has to stop killing each other first. Then start to tolerate each other and practice real democracy. We see democratic Muslim nation tends to perform well in term of economy, industry, instituion, and technology since in democracy we dont see the other part as enemy and we are united
talking about Muslim on Muslim violence when Muslims in Gaza are facing genocide from Jews is Islamophobic and racist.

Its the same thing as when Americans who want to switch the conversation to "Black on black violence" right after some white Americans have done something very racist to a minority/Black man- NOT THE TIME FOR THAT!

The Muslim vs Muslim violence and issues you highlight sounds like your excuse for Israel's genocide, which you should really stop- its pointless, wrong and loses you respect.

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